Friday, February 11, 2011

The Shopping God’s Were With Me!!!

I actually had another post scheduled to post for today. The post was titled, “I need HELP!”

My request for help was to help me find an object for my home. It is an object that many of you might question, but trust me on this, when you see where it is going you will understand why I wanted this little guy.

I was on the look for the last three days for one of these:

untitled (600x450)
untitled (283x425) 
ceramic (250x250)

After googling and investigating different leads I found out that they had these at Pier I about 6 months ago, but they were no longer listed on-line.

I figured if I were to find one it would be pure luck by going in and finding the last one on display at a Pier I.

Yesterday the shopping god's were with me!!!

 I was having a fun day with my friend and we, of course went into Pier I to check it out. At first there was no elephant to be found. I did a last little look  around the store and there he was!!!

We asked if they were having a sale soon because he was marked $99.00.
That was more than I wanted to pay, but was willing to pay that after my friend reminded me of how perfect it was and it was exactly what I wanted and had been looking for.

My wonderful friend told the clerk that they no longer had them on line. Sooooooo, the clerk did a price check and he was $39.99, “Sold!” Happy Dance ensues!!!

My friend said that the elephant seemed to make me so happy that she thought maybe she should get one just to have that happy feeling, even though she did not desire one at all. We laughed about that!!

I  am now the proud owner of  a wicker elephant table!!! Yay!! Don’t you just love when that happens.

Here he is………..

pier I (350x350)
I think he needs a name don’t you?

Has something like this happened to you before? What was the item and was it a great deal?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Finding what you are looking for at a bargain price!!



  1. What a great deal. Doesn't that just make your day when something like that happens! Where are you going to use him? I like the name Tucker or maybe Grayson.


  2. I love it girl when I find something like that at a GREAT price and girl you really did GREAT Happy Dance time for sure my friend..Hugs and smiles to you on your side of the mountain..Gloria

  3. I have one and his name is Walter. Because the table top is wicker, I went to a stone yard and got a scrap that was cut from a bar sink. It is the right size for Walter's top. I had them buff the edges and now I have a smooth table top. I also removed his tusks as I somehow arrived on the idea that they made him look unfriendly.
    Glad you were able to find one. I love my Walter!

  4. Ahh! I LOVE THAT!!! Such personality for your home!! I just love reading your blog, I get something (this time a happy feeling, too!) out of it every time I visit. What inspiration for the unexpected! Can't wait to see where he goes :)

  5. Oh Kathysue, I am so thrilled that you found what you were looking for. What a thrill when that happens. I can't wait to see it in the room. Hugs, Marty

  6. Lucky you! I'm doing the happy dance for you! Your wicker elephant is perfect. Can't wait to see where you put him! "Packy" That's what I would call him!

  7. Good things happen to good people! I believe that, and you're the proof! Cant wait to see what you're going to do with it!

  8. Darn Kathysue, you've got me wanting an elephant now. I just saw two in the thrift store and I was wondering what to do with them.
    I'd better stop by there tomorrow to see if they are still there. They weren't tables but a tray could be easily added to the top.

    Can't wait to see how you display it.


  9. That's fantastic! I love it when the shopping gods are looking out for me. (It doesn't hurt to have a friend who isn't afraid to talk to a clerk) How great to have just the right thing for better than the right price. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Kathysue,
    Is this heading in the playroom for the litte ones? Very cute!

  11. It's always fun to happen on a good deal...especially when it is something that you have been looking for.(-:

  12. Hmmm. Elephant? Are you a republican, Kathysue?
    Mary Ann

  13. I love hunting for just the right piece for my home but refusing to pay retail only to find it at Goodwill or a yard sale for a steal! :) Here are some great finds I got last spring:

    Happy weekend!

  14. Does this ever happen to me? Rarely!! Doesn't it seem when you have a very specific item in mind that is exactly the item you DON'T find? So, yes, the shopping gods were definitely looking after you. You must post where the table ends up! Janell

  15. Now I am doing the Happy Dance for you too! I'm so happy you found what you were looking for and at a great price! Looking forward to see what you do with him/her!

  16. Oh my gosh you are so right! We have very similar taste. I actually have this table from Pier One in my nursery! Ha! I keep a basket of diapers on top of it. You can see it here:

    I love your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! I look forward to reading more :)

  17. Yayhoo!!! I'm doin' the Happy Dance for you too! I just LOVE when that happens! And as a matter of fact it happened to me today! I've been wanting some french chairs to try out the reupholster thing with the painters drop cloths...But they're always wayyyy to expensive. Same situation KS, I was walking out ot a sellers booth when there they were!! And $63 for a set!! So I'm a dancing fool now! hahaha! Whatcha doin' with that cutle little elephant KS? Can't wait to find out! *winks* Vanna

  18. How fun and funky and know it makes a girl happy to get a bargain.

  19. I love it! And what a bargain. Whenever I'm looking for something very specific, I have a hard time finding it. The shopping gods were definitely with you. If this is going where I think it's going, I would name him Snuffleupagus - have no idea if that's spelled correctly. I know the kids are a bit old for Sesame Street, but I just love that name - it's so much fun to say :) Hugs, Kat

  20. Love it! He'll be right at home with you. Glad you found each other.
    ~ Sarah

  21. It has happened to me a time or too. But lets dance for Mr. Elephant right now...What a score!!!

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue