Saturday, February 19, 2011

Play room Progress

The last time I did a post on the playroom it was about the different fabrics I was choosing for some cushions. I thought I would catch you up to speed on what is going on!!

Painting of walls: Done

PAINT 001 (600x800)

Crown and Baseboards painted: Done

Play room and Hillsboroug 001 (800x600) 

Bookcases put together: Done

Purging process 008 (600x800)
I put toys on  the shelf to see what will fit, this is NOT how they will eventually look. I needed to go through this process in order to see what will fit and what size containers I will need. All part of the purging process.

Fabrics Chosen: Done

PLAYROOM fabric combos boy girl 004 (600x800)
Boy’s fabrics

PLAYROOM fabric combos boy girl 009 (600x800) 
Girl fabrics
With a quick change-out of pillows it will go from a boys playroom to a girls playroom.
Playroom In Progress 015 (800x600)
My project basket.

Crown molding installed: Done

Playroom In Progress 011 (800x600) 

What is next, You ask?
Play room and Hillsboroug 018 (600x800)
Special Project!!!!
playroom bed and samples 002 (600x800)
To Be continued……………


  1. KATHY SUE!!!! Oh dear, you are going through what I am!!! Is that your handyman there? I have a darling picture of my guy that I should have posted.....he is so darn cute but scraggly from working so hard!!! WELL.....your colors....CHECK! Bright, fresh space....CHECK! You finally got that color as you wanted, didn't you? BRAVO! NOW HAVE ALL THE FUN YOU WANT!!!!! Thanks for coming by, Anita

  2. All of the fabrics you chose look great together. I am wondering over on this end what the special project is. I guess I gotta wait for a while...

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  3. Looking good!!! I can't wait to see your finished project!! LOVE the colors you have chosen.

  4. This is so exciting! I love watching how you pull all of this together.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Kathysue, it is looking so good. I can't wait to see it all done. I know it is going to be fantastic. Love all of your fabrics. Hugs, Marty

  6. It looks like you are (I mean hubby) putting together a daybed? Love how it is all coming together. The fabrics you chose are fab!

  7. So fun that it will be two rooms in one! Can't wait...hurry...for us!

  8. I am guessing the project is a desk, cause I saw drawer glides????? The room os going to be GREAT! XO, Pinky

  9. Your on a roll! This is just zooming along and looking very good. Love the idea of changing out the pillows; very cleaver.

  10. LOVE THE FABRIC CHOICES! I am guessing...Amazing day bed with lots of drawers for storage :)))) I can't wait to see the reveal. I think I need some of that blue polka dot fabric.

  11. Kathysue, The room is coming together wonderfully! Love the fabrics you chose and the paint color. I know the room will be fantastic.

  12. I would like to play Scrabble or Pictionary in that soothing green room!
    Mary Ann

  13. Can't wait to see Kathysue! The fabrics are gorgeous. Rachaelxx

  14. hey Kathysue,

    I am curious where you got the fabric that is hanging down from the bookcase with the white background and blue circles? I really like it!

  15. Wow, I'm so looking forward to see the progress! It's exciting to watch it!
    Do you like Scandinavian design by the way? I'm very fond of it, and I'm so happy because I've found some sign that would suit my home just great at Ramsign (

  16. Those fabrics are beautiful- I love it already! Now I cant wait to see the finished room!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue