Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Look What Is Going ON At My House!!

I must admit that last week I was in the mully grubs. That is a place I do not like to stay in very long.

I have pulled up my boot straps and started back on my purging kick, and Hubby and I have started a project that I am really excited about.

I will be sharing the progress in the next couple of weeks if all goes well. If you don’t see any report, then don’t ask?!!!! You know how plans can sometimes go south!

Here is what is going on right now!!! I am totally excited about an empty room with a patchwork of paint samples on the wall.
A blank canvas!!! What a dream!!!!

IKEA 011 (600x800)
IKEA 012 (600x800)
I don’t usually swatch on the wall, but with yellow walls I will need to prime first so I did some swatching.  Funny thing is I did not choose any of these colors!! Go figure?!

IKEA 020 (600x800)

IKEA 019 (800x600)

I know it is not very pretty right now, but you should see the picture of the room that is stirring around in my brain!!! I am soooo excited.

I have some more to show you tomorrow!!! I took a trip to Ikea!!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Starting a project and getting excited just thinking about the final results!!!



  1. Can't wait to see what you're up to now! Glad you're back to your old self...I've missed you!

  2. Can't wait to see what you're up to now! Glad you're out of the doldrums. I've missed you!

  3. I paint my samples on the wall and don't prime either. Can't wait to see what you are doing.

  4. Ooooh, Kathysue! How fun to have your project going! I can't wait to see the progress! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  5. What are you up to? Whatever it is...it looks like lots of fun;)! I love the colors on the wall...hhhmmmm...which room is it? I am soooo curious!

  6. Oh how fun, you are redoing a room. I love it. Can't wait to see what's going on. Hugs, Marty

  7. Swatches on the wall, switch plates off..yep, that equals excitement in my book!

  8. Love how a coat of paint can get us so excited! Can't wait to see more. xo

  9. Oh, I am so excited to see where you are going here....

  10. It looks very intriguing. :-) I'm excited to see what you're up to! (and no, I'm not creating a breakfast nook. Nowhere to do that really :-). That's okay, though, I still love my home without it - no complaints! :-))

  11. Looks very exciting and green. It is going to be so much fun to see what you will be sharing with us!

  12. Oh you know how I love a makeover, Kathysue! Can't wait to see what color you chose (though I love the cooler direction those swatches are heading!).

  13. What room are you working on? Can't wait to see the progress.

  14. You are a tease, can't wait to see what you're up to.. hugs ~lynne~

  15. Ooohhh whatcha doing cutie girl?! I can't wait to see! I know I'm gonna be inspired! Vanna

  16. Hmm, I believe I remember you saying you wanted to add more blue to your home this year. Is that blue towel a hint? I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve! This is very exciting!

  17. Nothing like a little room makeover to get out of the blues!!!

  18. Kathysue,

    I just discovered your blog and love, love, love it. I am 56 years old and am finding I can tell when a blogger is around my age. I just like their decorating style better than the younger ones. It is more traditional and somewhat trendy, but not all trendy, and I like that. I am so inspired by design blogs, and my home shows it!! I also met my husband very young, at age 14, and married at 21. We are still so much in love and enjoy the same things. However much my hubby does for me I can tell you he would not paint a room three times for me! Thank you for such a interesting blog. I look forward to reading more.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue