Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I have a love for letters or numbers in design. I use a letter “P” in my own home and I have several displayed throughout.

On  the Mary Tyler Moore show, Mary  had a very large “M” on her wall. I believe that was in the early 70’s and that began my love of letters on walls. I had a letter “P” on a bookshelf very much like her letter, “M.”  In my boy’s bedrooms I had their names on the wall.
mary tyler moore (540x405) 

This is a design element that has stuck with me much of my adult life.

I have images of displays that are done with letters that I have saved in my files.

I actually saved this display as inspiration for the playroom re-do I am working on

A nursery done by Sarah Richardson.


I love this idea and have thought seriously about using this in my guest room. What do you think?


I am so excited because yesterday something came via a little brown truck in a great big package!!
It came from Grandinroad catalog!!
2 (282x282)
A Great BIG TWO Foot Letter “P!”

It only came in antiqued yellow so I will probably be painting it, but it is so amazing!!! It doesn’t take much to make this girl happy, does it?!!

The letter is made out of metal and it has an antiqued finish and I actually do not mind the yellow at all. I need to put all the other elements together to determine if it will look better painted another color. I have a couple of good options up my sleeve.

So now I have added yet another letter,”P” to my collection. I did a post on all my letter “P’s” HERE if you would like to see them.

Do any of you decorate with letters in your homes? What are some of the ways you have used them?

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Using Letter’s as a design element in your home!



  1. I have a big "K" that I painted red and displayed in a frame over my home office desk. I've also propped a letter "E" for my last name on my bookshelves. Love the idea of spelling out a phrase like the "Be my guest" in the image here.

  2. I love letters and numbers on walls too:) I remember that episode of Sarah' House <Tommy wanted to put the letters in random order. Thank God, they didn't, I would have lost sleep over that decision,LOL ! I do Love Tommy.

  3. Somehow I missed the whole letters as art thing, but I love that giant N in the fireplace!

  4. Yes, love letters! I did a DIY project turning two paper mache letters from Joanns into Metal Architectural letters, they look so real, they are hanging on an art wall in the master bedroom. Also have "max" in his room...

    A two foot letter? I can't wait to see where you put it! Janell

  5. Not a letter on my walls but you are giving me ideas . . . . Oh, just remembered, have a letter "J" on the doormat for the outside entry. I think that "J" needs to creep into my house and up my walls!

  6. I love decorating with typography, too. I especially love it in a nursery where it can help with beginning phonics. I've seen those large monogram wreaths and have been thinking of making one for our front door. Can't wait to see what color you decide on for the P. I quite like the yellow, but know whatever you do will be great. You always have such a nice collection of inspiration pics. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I've always decorated with letters too. I have a big S in my living room. I too, spelled out my daughter's name (from sewn and stuffed letters that I made) over her crib. I've used them with clients too! I've got a number collage that I'm thinking about that I want to paint for my daughter. It's a good thing! Can't wait to see where you put it!

  8. I had planned on using the alphabet in my kitchen! My kis love calling out letters wen we are out and about so I figured it would be a great addition in the house!

  9. I love all the P's throughout your home, Kathysue.
    It's fun to find them all :)
    Can't wait to see the newest addition!

  10. I love that guestroom lettering. My guestroom has sort of become my dad's room when he is here...I should put up something that is a message for him, but still welcomes any and all guests. Any suggestions?

  11. Kathysue, Love the pictures & letters, especially the first picture. I think you should use the Guest room idea.

  12. Kathysue...I too have always loved letters and have several "H" scattered about including a soap H in the basket of towels in the powder room and a small collection of H rubber stamps that receive lots of comments, for some reason. I also love the way MTM hung the 3 dimensional chest on the wall as artwork. Just shows that good ideas never go out of style. Love, love that alphabet wall!!

  13. Kathysue, I ADORE letters on the wall! I am planning a large V and K on our new bedroom wall. with & between them.
    Have a pretty day!

  14. I love this trend and how fun to see it on the Mary Tyler Moore show. YES to the 'be my guest' script in the guest bedroom!!

    I'm off to check out your 'p' collection.

  15. Bigger is always better. It will be great. Some adorable rooms here with the lettering. Great inspiration. XOXO Mona

  16. Hmmmm. "P" my last name is Pickett so I am wondering about yours. So far, I only have embroidered pillows. (and A big "P" on a pillow on my son's bed). My friend, Debbie has a pretty gold 'D" above her bulletin board...can wait to see your new letter.
    Mary Ann

  17. Love the letters Kathysue! Your P is Perfect! *winks* Vanna

  18. I have never decorated with letters for myself or clients. I was not aware of that until now. You have given me something to think about as I enjoyed your photos very much. Thanks

  19. So totally remember the M in Mary's Minneapolis apartment!! Can't wait to see your P up and about!

  20. Hi Kathysue, funny you should ask. I just designed a curtain header with my BIG initials in them as the main focus. Crazy..I least I wont forget who lives here...

  21. Totally love the letters, fonts and monograms!

  22. Oh Kathysue!! I LOOOVVVEEE all your P's, what a fantastic element to use to tie a home together! I can only imagine being a guest in your home, I'm sure I'd be scouting to discover them all! I hope you will share your newest P with us some time in the near future =D

    XO Linda

  23. Hi Kathysue, I LOVE using initials and especially the big letters. I think it must come from the early influence of the MTM show ... I vividly remember her 'M'. In fact in later shows, she had the 'M' displayed over by her kitchen I recall. The nursery is adorable and I like all your other examples!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue