Saturday, February 26, 2011

“The Call Of The Computer!”

You can probably tell by a few of my post I have been in a thinking and analyzing  mode. One of the things I was thinking about is, Why is blogging so addictive  fun!!
I think it fulfills a few needs we as human beings on the creative curve seem to crave.

No matter what time of the day you sit down at your computer there will be someone out in blog land that has just made a change. Now why would this fulfill a need?
Well, if we don’t have the time or the resources or the ability to make the change in our lives or our homes we don’t mind one bit living vicariously through someone else’s achievements for the day.

Oh My!! I  hardly need to say why there is so much inspiration out in blog land. There are so many amazing bloggers that inspire me with their creativity.
All you have to do is go blog hopping for a short period before you will find a blog post that will make you take pause and think and you will be inspired.

By reading some blogs we can get a wealth of free information on just about any subject. I of course am referring to design blogs, because that is where my interest lies.

This sort of goes along with inspiration, but at the same time it feels a little separate to me. I see some blogs and what they are presenting and I think to myself, Wow! I think I can do that!!!

I have days where I am totally un-motivated and I will read a post and all of the sudden I feel like getting up or out to do something.
Now, I do not know about you all, but this sounds like a wonderful prescription medication to me and a pretty harmless, addiction, fun thing to do.

I  don't know about you all, but I get soooo excited when someone get's something new for their home. I also get equally excited if they just move things around and make a change. I love for others to make their homes look and feel just like they want.

I have told you before I get excited easily, I just am that kind of girl, I love life and all it has to offer.

So if it  is alright with all of you I am going to continue with my addiction, reading of blogs!!

How about you all, do you feel the, ”Call of the Computer!?” What do you do when you hear it calling your name???

Enjoy the Process of:

Choosing the blogs you want to read, and reading however many and whenever you would like.



  1. The hardest part for me is getting off! I feel like I should just attach my laptop to my hips, I'm on it so much. I have to force myself to get up and do things, because I could just sit and go through blogs all day collecting ideas. I am trying to force myself RIGHT NOW to get up and do something! I am...

  2. Kathysue, whenever I get tired and wonder if spending a bit of time skimming new posts on blogs is worthwhile, I encounter something that is so valuable to me! An idea, a resource I was looking for, inspiration, a debate on a topic that clarifies an issue in my own life. It confirms the reason I read blogs! Janell

  3. I agree with everything you say! I just started blogging in December and already I've rearranged areas of my home - all from the brilliant ideas I've learned from blogs! Love it.

  4. I so agree. There is so much talent and creativity in blogland, and I am always inspired by looking through everyone's posts. Such a wealth of information and how to. Love it. You always teach me also. Hugs, Marty

  5. Reading blogs definitely inspires and motivates me (and probably irritates salesman in furniture and decor stores because I know more, thanks to reading all these great blogs! I am much more of an educated consumer now.)

    Last week's inspirations: I spray-painted a wicker table with Rustoleum's Winter Gray (love it now!), spray-painted an office chair and recovered the chair pad, and am about to recover a bench with a Dwell Studio fabric that was highlighted in a blog recently.

    I might have given these things to GoodWill,had I not learned how to redeem them by reading blogs.

    I learn a lot by reading blogs but I do need to discipline the time I spend on it. However -- beats watching TV or cleaning the bathroom!

  6. I agree with each
    point, KS! The only
    problem is, if you
    spend too much time
    reading about projects
    that others have done,
    there is no time to
    actually do them, yourself!
    At least, that is the
    problem for me. That
    said, I'm in the middle
    of a big painting project
    that I never would have
    tackled had it not been
    for seeing them on blogs.
    So there you go!!
    Happy Saturday!
    xx Suzanne

  7. I think one of the things I most like about blogging is 'meeting' people on the other side of the world with the same taste as me in decor. It feels like such an odd connection but I LOVE it!


  8. This totally speaks to me Kathysue! I love to gain knowledge and inspiration and there is ALWAYS something new to find. I am never disappointed by my blog travels. I feel the call of the computer!!!
    Nancy xo

  9. Ahh............the big question. But you have answered it so well KS. XO

  10. I learn so much from reading blogs, expecially yours. I love trying new things with the furniture I have. I am going to paint a small end table to use as a night table for my guest room, I will let you know how it turns out.


  11. Kathysue, you know I like to change things up and I have been so inspired and motivated by other bloggers. I am so addicted that it isn't funny!!

  12. I should be in a 12 step program for my blog addiction for all the reasons you mentioned. But I've learned new things and avoided some costly mistakes from reading about projects that others have tackled.

  13. I've been known to fall asleep with the laptop on my lap while propped up in bed! LOL!

    I think that you have said it all so very well.
    I love blogging and I spend way too much time blog hopping and thinking up ideas!


  14. There is so much to see and learn from blogs and all of the sharing plus meeting new creative people is so nice. are right it is addictive ~ but in a nice way!

  15. I agree with you and everyone who has commented - I've loved connecting and being inspired by everyone in our corner of the blogosphere. My biggest problem is the addictive quality of it - sometimes it's hard to sign off - I feel like I'm leaving in the middle of a party!

  16. Check out this new blog I found

    http://stonegable/ A really good blog!

  17. I spend hours reading blogs, each and every day! But, you know, without blogs I would never have found all the very valuable informtion I have used for my new house. Designers who have helped me, product sourcing, new ideas, opinions: you name it: it is out there if you look for it!
    Can't get enough of it all!

  18. Great summary! Blogging and blog hopping is definitely addictive although it's quite time consuming =)

    xo Linda

  19. It is an addiction KS. It's like a world of creativity is at our fingertips--the computer! It used to be we had to wait until that favorite design magazine came in the mail once a month for inspiration. Now, there is no end to it.
    The computer has been calling me, but I'm ignoring it for a couple of days.
    Kind of lost my mojo! It happens once in a while.....

  20. It is a wonderful addiction, isn't it!?! I love that so many creative people share so many creative and inspiring ideas and enjoyment. I have been inspired many times over by looking at blogs and getting wonderful ideas. Lately I have been working hard on a project and haven't had much time to tackle the things I want to get done in my own home but soon I will have time to spend doing things for my house. I can't wait.

  21. What I find is that there is never enough time to read all the blogs I want to. I have people I love to visit and people I need to visit and then there are all those out there that I've yet to discover! There is no time left to do all the projects I am inspired to do!

  22. All so true. Sometimes it absorbs so much time that I have to limit myself to reading every other day. So much fun.
    Mary Ann

  23. Please pop over, as the month of March, I am devoting every post to "motivation!" I think you may find inspiration with some of the tips that I have to share!
    Last week I posted a blog love hate post as it can be just that.

  24. It's almost as if I have discovered a whole community of people who just "get me" I feel inspired and challenged. I am 100% addicted to reading the blogs each day. What a wonderfully safe addiction! :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue