Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Have To Share My New Find With You!!!

I have found a new product that is so good that I had to share it with my readers!!!
It is called Boi~ing by Benefit and you can purchase it at any Sephora or Ulta for $18.

boiing (250x250)

I am really a discerning shopper Picky  especially when it comes to products that I am putting on my face.

I have passed the age of the natural glow and have resorted to products that will give me an artificial fake glow.

There are so many products that promise to do one thing or another, but ultimately it is up to the individual to be the judge.

I was skeptical that anything could hide the ever-darkening dark circles under my eyes.

I put a thin layer on, and then shopped around to see how it would settle into my creases. (what I lovingly refer to as my smile lines from many, many years of smiling.)

To my surprise it did not crease or look crepey!! DONE!! Up to the register I took my new found best friend!!

I will say it is best to put on thin layers and build, kind of like spackling. Don’t laugh I am serious. Remember thin layers, get a good base going!!!

Stop laughing, you know exactly what I mean or you would not be laughing.
Trust me ladies of all ages, this stuff is GREAT!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Hiding whatever you can on your face with Boi~ing!!!!!



  1. I have seen this at Sephora and never tried it. It is going on the list;)! I 'll let you know how it works for me.

    Thaks Kathy! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Oh I need some. Do they sell it by the gallon and can I put it all over my whole face? Seriously, it sound wonderful. Have to give it a try. Hugs, Marty

  3. I have been looking for the perfect cover up to hide under eye circles. Invested in Bobbi Brown, it was ok, but not perfect. I'm going to Sephora tomorrow to see for myself. Thanks Kathysue!

  4. You are hysterical! This would never be a post found on one of these cute 30something designer blogs! No, it's for us old girls! I'm heading to Sephora asap and get some of this miracle stuff. You've provided a great service to society. Everyone who has to look at us ole' broads will be grateful ! :)

  5. I discovered this after having a couple of basal cell carcinomas removed from my forehead. The scars were not bad, but they seemed to be more obvious when I wore makeup. This stuff really works and it doesn't feel heavy at all. You made me laugh out loud with the spackle comment - that's what DH calls it! Hugs, Kat

  6. Benefit really has the best products. I've never tried this but I just might. Thanks, Kathysue!


  7. i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed one, thank you for this post it was funny and very helpful
    tomorrow i will go to sephora
    hugs from a french woman in Michigan with big dark circle....

  8. That is too funny. Yes, we must start spackling at this age. Thanks for the info.

  9. So, is it like a concealer? Is there just one color? Kathysue, I need the INFO. I can remember a name like Boi~ing and I need all the help I can get!
    Mary Ann

  10. I use Benefit lip primer and I love I would probably like this too. Thanks for the tip.(-:

  11. thats next on my list to try! I love hearing about stuff like this, thanks!

  12. Girlfriend I am all over this like stink on poop!! Lol! I know exactly what you mean about settling in the creases...Where the heck did those come from? I swear I just woke up one day and there they were. Sorry about that poop thing....I got a little excited. Vanna

  13. Show us a picture of you before & after you used it.

  14. I am SO glad to learn of this Kathysue! I love benefit's products. I have their pore eraser which I think is a miracle. I am going to order this one as well. Miss u. Enjoying catching up this morning with what you've been doing! K

  15. I am going to have to try this, Kathysue! I definitely NEED it! lol Love your bright post...such fun colors!I hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  16. Thanks for sharing Kathysue. I don't mind my laugh lines (I'm really happy!), but the dark circles, well, that's another story.

  17. Just ordered it from Ebay for 7.89 plus free shipping in medium! Thanks for sharing I really appreciate it, I'll let you know if it works for me!


  18. Hi Kathy, I am way beyond the age of natural glow so I'll give this one a try. Now if I could only find body spackling in a ten gallon tub!

  19. Thanks for the info Kathysue. I am in definite need of spackling!;-)

  20. Okay I admit it, this post made me chuckle ;) Sounds like a great product, I've never had a problem with dark circles (yet?) but I'll keep this in mind for when I do =D Isn't it just the best feeling in the world when you finally find the perfect product you never even thought existed?

    xo Linda

  21. I have used that one Kathysue and it is good....a makeup artist told me about it!!!

  22. Funny you should mention spackle.....I was using my "concealer" one day and my sweet hubby asked, "is that like spackle?" So now everytime I use concealer I think "spackle":):) I am going tomorrow to GET some of this!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  23. I know about our smile lines very well. I will deff have to try this product. I am a firm believer in trying to make the best of whatever you have!

  24. You are so cute! Well, I need a good spackle from head to toe so I will be making a run to Sephora first thing in the morning. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful information. I will definitely give it a try. Thanks, Kathysue!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue