Wednesday, January 5, 2011


What is Frigescaping? Keep reading and you will totally understand that it is something you need in your life. Trust me on this!!

I like my refrigerator to be neat and clean and even pretty inside!!

I know that sounds sort of funny, but when I open the doors and see pretty containers with colorful food in them, it makes me smile.

I think we decorator types have to have pretty surrounding us in all areas, even the refrigerator!!

With that in mind I am going to share with you my post that I did on,
“Fridgescaping” ( a catchy little word I made up)

What you are about to see is what I love for my Fridge to look like.
Disclaimer….. It does not always look like this, but it does start out like this after it is cleaned and I have just been grocery shopping.

You know the other people that live in our houses? They don’t seem to have the same design aesthetics that I do!!

Last Year’s Fridgescaping Post!!

We have all heard of tablescaping. In fact Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch actually hosts a day called Tablescape Thursdays .

Have you ever thought of other areas in your home that you could do a little scaping?( is that a word?)

  I have admitted I am a bit of a perfectionist, but I have learned to say,"Okay” is good enough.

I can actually walk away from something that was maybe a little less perfect than I wanted it to be.

I want you to realize that when I  clean or reorganize something,  I will try very hard to cover all the little last details.

I am telling you all of this because when I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator I did a little "Fridgescaping." Only if it could stay like this.....

As you can see I like lots of fruit and drinks!! I also like to keep them in pretty bowls and containers.

You know my kitchen cupboards are green. Notice all the different green bowls? 

Why not put your everyday food items in pretty containers and have something pretty to look at when you open the door?! You know something to make you smile.
That is a technical design test. Does it put a smile on your face?

You know I sign off all of my post with,"Enjoy the Process".  I think you can do that even with the mundane, such as cleaning the refrigerator.

I looked on-line for some fun containers for the refrigerator. These are sold as such but you could come up with all kinds of fun things, even shopping your own home.

If you love a bowl, put it in the refrigerator with eggs in it.
How about that pitcher you love? Add your carton of orange juice.

 You just might be surprised at what you come up with once you get going on this.

Here are a few of the lovelies I found for your "Fridgescaping Process."

These are just cheerful (note to self-these go with my kitchen). I found these at Sur La Table. So much more appealing than a paper carton of any juice or even milk.

If you prefer plain white you can find these at Crate and Barrel. They are also less expensive, I guess you pay more for the color green.

If you like a sleeker, more contemporary look these stainless containers would look great all stacked up in your refrigerator.

If you like to see what is inside these glass containers from The Container Store are just the right answer for you. Take a look at the other fun glass containers while you visit them on line.

For you that are fun loving spirits how about these cheerful dot patterned containers or the stripes if you love lots of color.

How would you like to open your refrigerator and see this lovely little maiden looking at you? This holds butter from Anthropologie I am seriously thinking about her.

I have been known to buy eggs just for their color and put them in a pretty bowl in the refrigerator.

A very dear friend of mine took me to Berkeley Calif. to a store called the Berkeley Bowl where they have everything organic known to man.
Well they had a dairy section with cartons of eggs that I opened up looking for the perfect soft blue/green eggs, until I found the perfect colors.(be still my heart.)
Now that you have been introduced to the new artistic endeavor of Fridgescaping, what do you think?

Next time you clean out your refrigerator, will you think outside the box and add some pretty bowls and containers in the mix? Try it I think you will like it!!

Leave a comment to tell me what little pretties you put in your refrigerator to hold everyday foods? I love new inspiration and so do my other readers!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:



To Help With Your Fridgescaping:

Be sure to sign up for the Container store giveaway HERE!


  1. Haha what a fun post! It reminded me that I need to clean out my fridge today too, so tank you for that! Your fridge looks so organized and lovely, almost like the shelves at a supermarket!

    I have to admit I don't do much "fridgescaping" myself, but I do hate original boxes and containers, so I usually get rid of them when I first open the package, and pour the content into a nicer box =)

    xo Linda

  2. i love using really cute 'things' to hold normally used house hold items!!!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  3. Kathysue, I remember the first time you mentioned doing this. Your fridge looks fabulous, not mine. It is clean, but not pretty, just super functional. lol Hope you have a super day. Hugs, Marty

  4. Who knew there were so many attractive storage solutions. My family members are infamous for taking containers to parties and I never get them back. Note to self: send only ugly containers to parties!

  5. Even your fridge is beautiful! I keep a very clean fridge but I can't say it's "pretty". However, you have me laughing because I have done the exact same thing with eggs. I love mixing blue/gray eggs with brown eggs...they look so pretty together in a bowl. I'm glad I've found someone else who appreciates the art of an egg! Very fun post.

  6. Aha! This is definately my bĂȘte noire, an area of housekeeping that I fail dismally at. I have lots of nice containers including the glass ones you feature here but I am more of an 'open the door and fling it in' type. Thanks you have given me something to aspire to. (-:

  7. Now now Kathysue, you are going too far! It does look pleasing and orderly though. You might inspire me to wipe the coffee grounds from the bottom of the milk bottle - every time!

  8. I love it when my fridge is all neat and just doesn't stay that way for long :( I guess before I head off to Trader Joes I should organize a bit!

  9. You will make me a better organizer KS! I am about to start a one-year topt-to-bottom house organizing project so will be checking in......I need lots of help. XO

  10. First of all I want to thank you for the comments you left on my blog yesterday and to tell you how excited I was to see my new follower (oh the new joys of blogging ;0) !!!) Second, how great is YOUR post today! I am a neat freak anyway and need the inside of everything to be neat including my refrigerator. My dream is to have the Sub Zero glass front refrigerator.. Awww! My pet peeve ... foil! After a big dinner and 'other people' in my house cover all the leftover dishes with foil and the inside of the fridge looks like a 5th grade science project. That's when I am happy I have closed doors! xo Sherri

  11. I remember the post from last year and still never did it for myself! Our new house has a sub zero with two drawers....for fruit and for drinks. I do walk all fruit before I put it away but just put it back in the containers they came in once they I am motivated to get creative. My kithchen is lacking in storage so perhaps this is a place to "store" some seldom used containers!

  12. BRILLIANT! I have to restock the fridge might as well make it look pretty. My husband loves to cook so he would appreciate it, too.

    Mary Ann

  13. I keep my eggs in a bowl because of last year's post! Guess I'll have to figure out something else now. Tee Hee

  14. LOVE these ideas Kathysue, why have I never thought of these things before?!? I want to go and re-arrange and fridgescape right now! I love the New Year, the organizing bug just makes me so happy :)
    Nancy xo

  15. Yeppers that's exactly what my fridge looks like too!.....NOT! But yours looks amazing Kathysue! Please hand me some of those grapes!

    But I have to admit I collect (sure that's not a surprise lol!) old pyrex fridge containers. The ones with the flat tops in glass with all the different colors. And they make me sooo happy! Plus they're safe to use in the micro (You should avoid heating plastic in the micro) And I'm being green and nostalgic at the same time *winks* Vanna

  16. Oh to have my fridge look like yours!!! Just yesterday, my hubby was looking for a particular jelly and I said that I ahve GOT to get the fridge oprganized in a useful manner! My best friends fridge always looks so neat....well, mainly cause there is hardly ever anything in it:):) XO, Pinky

  17. Kathysue, I'm green with envy over your fridge. Ours looks crammed with food at the moment. I like the idea of each shelf lined with beautiful colorful bowls and containers rather than plastic. I think I just might get into fridgescaping! Thanks for the inspiration!

  18. I love it! My refrigerator does NOT look like yours Kathysue, but I wish it did! Every time I try fridge scaping, my family complains. "Why are these eggs in this container? I don't know the kill date..." Or, "where is the butter?" In my fantasy refrigerator, I would have colorful fabric lined containers and milk and juice in glass. In fact my fantasy refrigerator if you remember is a glass doored Sub Zero! That's when it would be a necessity to fridge scape! Oh, how wonderful it would be to be able to see through the door to all the gorgeous food in pretty my dreams!

  19. PS: My goal in 2011 is to get my house under control and completely organized. Your posts have been inspiring. Just last night I opened the one drawer that has every cell phone charger from every phone in the last ten years from every person in this family. I simply emptied the contents in the garbage! Oh how cleansing it felt, instead of worrying if one might be needed some day. I am now going to move on the the refrigerator. I'll keep you posted on my progress!

  20. What a riot, love it! I have to say refrigerators have been one of my most frustrating home appliances.. note enough room, can't see things, etc. This past year we bought a Fisher-Paykel though and I now LOVE putting food way b/c I'm always amazed at what it holds and that we can see everything... Fridgescaping is so easy now!

  21. I MUST have had this post in mind when I did's fantastic. My friend gave me two fruit baskets as a hostess gift and I already had, that prompted me.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue