Sunday, December 5, 2010

Have a Mellow Christmas with Yellow!!

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I know yellow is for spring.  It represents sunshine and daffodils.

I don’t think we should ever limit our choices by pre-conceived ideas about a color.

I was thinking my Mom’s lemon tree produces lemons in the winter. One Christmas I used dried fruit and lemons on my mantle so I think yellow has to be OKAY  to use at Christmas time.

Shall we take a look at some Christmas decor done in yellow?!!!

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Not a large amount of yellow but just enough to let you know it is in the scheme of things.

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If it is good enough for the White House I think it is good enough for our house!!

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This is so cute. The napkin is made to look like a bow on a package!

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A simple more contemporary feel for Christmas.

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A yellow wreath on stacked cake plates holding nuts.

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I really love this, it is so simple however it still gives a big impact. I like the use of two or more small trees in the window instead of one large one.

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Sugared fruit looks so frosty even in this sunny color combination.

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So simple.... so pretty!!

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What a beautiful traditional setting.

stocking (300x400)
A simple yarn sock hanging on a bright yellow ladder. How cute would this be by the front door to greet your guest.

southern living (400x400)
This is a very unusual tree using yellow accents. This makes me smile!

better homes and gardens (300x277)
The addition of small silver balls really pulls this vignette together. I love the idea of the little banner hanging beneath each tray of fruit. It would be cute to have some words like.....

I don’t know about you, but I am really going to see where I might add some yellow to my Christmas decor next year.

Enjoy the Process” Of:

Bringing some sunny colors inside when it is snowy and cold outside at Christmas time.


Holiday Hints:

If you add yellow to your decorations also add it to your packages so it will flow effortlessly in the room.

When using yellow keep it simple.

A bowl full of lemons and some pine is heavenly. Be sure to throw in some small shiny Christmas balls for some sparkle.