Friday, December 3, 2010

How Do You Wrap-It-Up!?

I have always loved to wrap gifts. It makes sense when you really think about it.

We decorating types love to make things look pretty and to be able to pick out color, pattern and pretty little things to put on the packages. That is right up our alley!

I have always coordinated my wrapping paper with my tree. In the early 70s I used all solid foils in red, green and silver with either red or green velvet ribbon.

As my tree and decor evolved I made subtle changes. I added black and white, lime green and even some bright pink to the mix.
I have a signature wrap that I use all year long and especially as my base wrap for Christmas.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, I am sure it is no surprise that black and white stripes are my signature wrap.

I looked high and low for black and white awning striped paper. I finally found it at this site:

The small roll measures 2’ x 36.5 yds for $19.75. I was amazed at how cheap it was. It comes in a box with a cutter edge. They sell to major department stores, so it is a very good quality paper.

Since Christmas is upon us I thought I would do another post as a reminder. If you are like me I always get deceived by how much paper comes on the rolls at the stores.

 On some rolls there is hardly enough to wrap one gift. So you can see this is a great deal since the paper averages about $.23 a foot.

  I highly recommend this site. In fact I did a post a long time ago on having a signature wrap. You can read it HERE if you would like.

Here is a glimpse of the Christmas packages under my tree from last year.....

Christmas Tree 2008 065
You can see my signature wrapping paper mixed with various other stripes, polka-dots and even a black snowflake pattern that actually had sparkly snowflakes.

 You have to have sparkle at Christmas time to catch the lights. (Sparkle is one of my favorite colors at Christmas time!)
 What you can not see is my tree skirt which is also a black and white stripe(actually a tablecloth with a whole in it made for outdoor tables with umbrella’s.)

This week I will try to have more post on fun wrapping ideas for Christmas!
If you want to go to a blog that specializes in gift wrapping at a whole new level be sure and visit Sande’s blog “A Gift Wrapped Life!”

I am also linking up to PK's Linky party at Room Remix all about gifts and anything to do with gift wrapping!! Should be fun!!

What pattern would you choose for your own personal signature wrap?
Please leave a comment I would love to know!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Making each and every gift you wrap look special!!


Holiday Hint:

Another fun idea is find a paper that represents the recipient. If your child likes Buzz Lightyear this year, the Buzz paper it should be!!

Just think of the hobbies, or even the colors the recipient likes and wrap accordingly.

QUICK and EASY Christmas Decor !!!

During the holidays we all need some quick and easy decorating ideas. Just because they are easy does not mean they are not fabulous!

Easy and simple doesn’t always have to look like you threw it together last minute, but the following ideas really could be thrown together quickly and at the last minute.

If you are short on time and ideas try one of these………..
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This is not a new idea I have seen it around blog land. I think I found it last year. I love the simplicity of this idea and so easy to do!!

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You can get the small cypress trees at your local grocery along with the apples and put them in a fun bowl and Voila!!

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What a fun way to store the spools of ribbon you will be using this year. decorative and useful.

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Even the bedroom dresser gets festive!!

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I love the simplicity of this and look how fun and colorful!

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Love the use of natural materials here.

Christmas kitchen 2008 021 (800x599)
This is an idea I use in my own kitchen. I take candle rings and place them around each of my cupboard doors add a ribbon and it becomes a mini-wreath. I have been doing this for years. I might switch it up a bit this year!!

 I think back in the olden days I only paid $.25 ea. for the candle rings. Here is another easy idea to brighten up the corner in your kitchen……….

Christmas kitchen 2008 017 (800x600)
In the dark corner of my kitchen I use a mirror. By placing a poinsettia in a white pot with a chalk board I can write a little message.

All of these ideas are quick and easy and not costly for time or monies.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Adding Fun and Quick Festive elements to your holiday home.


If you put the rolls of your Christmas wrapping paper in a lovely basket they can even look like part of your decorations when placed by the tree!

Make your guest feel special with a dollup of whip cream and crushed up candy cane on top of a regular cup of coffee.

You can also buy peppermint syrup at starbucks to go in a cup of hot chocolate. I like to keep this on hand for  Holiday guest. A can of redi-whip and smashed candy canes and I am good to go!!