Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How I added Pink in my own Christmas decor!

The last post I wrote was about using pink in your Christmas decor. In my "Holiday hints" I suggested using it in small doses.

I like to add and change things up a bit each year. I always keep the base which is steeped in tradition, but changing some colors will not break any tradition in my home.

Christmas mantle 2008 005 (800x600)
This soldier was given to me by my oldest son and his wife. Since I have given the boys their box of ornaments they are now giving me ornaments to replace the ones I gave them. I must say it is so special to me.

 If you missed the post about our family’s ornament tradition you can read about it here.

In my dining room I added a little bit more pink. My dining room can accommodate pink nicely with a little red in the mix.

Christmas kitchen 2008 033
You can see by adding a little sparkle and medium to bright pinks it can all work. 

 The black mirror repeats the color in the chandelier and the urns that are holding small Christmas trees in each corner of the dining room.

  After the holidays the mirror is actually hanging on the wall in my family room.

 Christmas kitchen 2008 034

Christmas kitchen 2008 035
Notice how I put some pink balls around the base of the tree and did not  use any ornaments on the tree.  The centerpiece is the focal point so the trees needed to be unadorned for my taste.

Christmas kitchen 2008 038
At  night! I love how the mirror reflects the candle light. In this image you can see that the large red ball has pink glitter inside.

That is how I added pink in my home a couple of years ago. I have a whole new look for this year so stayed tune for up-coming post!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Changing things up a bit by adding a new color to your existing Christmas decor!


Holiday Hint:

Candle holders can hold more than candles. Did you notice how I used mine to hold different sizes and shapes of pink and red ornaments?

When doing a vignette of candleholders, make sure you vary the heights.

By placing candles on a mirror you get double the sparkle and we love sparkle at Christmas time.

I am linking to Susan's Tablescape Thursdays at:

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