Monday, November 29, 2010

How I Display My Vintage Ornaments

Yesterday’s post was about the decorations that were used when I was growing up in the 1950’s. We have come a long way since that time. I think a little more sophisticated. I miss the nostalgia that comes with memories from Christmas past.

As I said yesterday I have collected vintage ornaments from 1930’s to 1970’s. I now have them mixed in with my family ornaments on the family tree.
Last year I took some  of them and did a fun display on my mantle………….

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I mixed some old with the new in clear glass apothecary jars!

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This is the right side of the mantel. You can actually see the glow of the tree's white lights in the clear glass apothecary jars.

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This is the left side of the mantel. In this picture you can see I used all clear glass holders with white pillar and column candles. I also used clear red glass tea light holders.
On each side of the mantel I used an urn that has a tree that is a moss green with gold and pink/red sparkly beads.

 I placed ornaments in a row at the base of the cone trees to repeat the element used in the apothecary jars. By doing that it keeps the eye moving and gives more of a flow.

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The center of my mantel. I don’t know if you all remember, but this mantel is 17 ft. long and I only have a little less than 4ft. of wall space above it.
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Now who is that in the left of the mirror? Is that one of Santa’s helpers? (note to self and hubby, look at the reflection when taking a picture in front of the mirror.)
That is how I displayed my vintage ornaments last year!! I love the colors and the way they catch the lights. I hope you enjoyed my little display and it inspires you to pull out your old family ornaments so you can enjoy them.
Enjoy the Process” Of:
Using and enjoying your ornaments other than just on the tree!

I am linking to  the Mantel Party over at Layla's Lettered Cottage
Be sure and go by to see all of the great mantel's. You are sure to get some great ideas!!