Monday, November 15, 2010

Did You Know Christmas Is Coming Soon?

Did you know Christmas is coming soon?! Okay that is probably a silly question. Last night while watching TV there were several holiday commercials and it made me think.

I think we fall into a few groups when we see holiday decorations and advertisements up before Halloween.

1.  The “PANIC!” group that feels immediately that they need to rush and get it “DONE.”
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2. The “REFUSAL” group that absolutely refuses to start too early in fear that it will ruin their Christmas spirit. However, what they are really doing is procrastinating as time marches on.
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3. The “DEFEATED” group, The members of this group are defeated before they ever start and are convinced that they will never get it done.
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4. The “OVER ACHIEVER" group. They have to do everything on their list or they will not be able to have a perfect Christmas.
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5. The “ACCEPTANCE” group who realizes the holidays are  upon us and makes plans to get organized in a relaxed mode so that they can try to, “ Enjoy the Process,” in spite of the other four groups.
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I have a wonderful friend that I make a pact with every year as we fight the urge to fill panicked or frazzled. Sometimes we have our moments but we re-group and work through it and enjoy the season for what it is meant to be.

First and foremost it is the Birth of our Lord and Savoir.  That, alone, should put this special day into perspective.

I am not naive enough to realize that Santa Claus and gift giving has become a huge part of this day. I always ask my grandkids, "Aren’t we lucky to be able to receive gifts on Jesus’ birthday?!"

Then there is the decorating! I love this part and I really look forward to it every year. I am always looking for new ideas and inspiration, but I am such a traditionalist and the memories of Christmas past are what makes today's Christmas celebration special for my family. I always keep certain traditions alive and well in my home.

I have learned one thing that is a good reminder to myself and others….
“Remember the important things always get done!”

In the upcoming weeks I will be sharing inspiration that I have found and some of the special traditions we have in our family.

With all this being said, which group do you fall into?

Will you join me in “NOT” letting  the first four groups pull you in. Fight against it and………
“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Getting Ready For Christmas!
