Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Trend I am not sure I like!

I already admitted to the fact that I do not like the new look of painting moldings and the walls the same color and finish.

I am a little more hesitant to admit I do not like this trend because I do not want to offend any of you who love it. I hope you all realize I have been in this business for such a long time and I know that design is subjective. I do not take it personally if my opinion differs from yours.  I do not mean to offend any one by saying I do not like something. So here it goes!!!

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Dark Steel Windows!!
I know this might be a surprise to some of you that know how much I love, love black and white. It would be a natural assumption that I would love this look.

Dark steel windows look cold to me. I love a beautifully separated window pane by wood not steel. I remember when people were putting in the dark steel framed windows several years back and they just stood out too much and gave a cold feel to me.

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Dark steel windows have a more commercial look to them, IMHO.
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Although I do love each of the design and decor in these images, I am just not a fan of the dark steel framed windows.

As I have said before, design is totally subjective and I never expect anyone to totally agree with me. I personally feel that dark steel framed windows have such a distinctive look that they will  become dated as do most trends.

 I say, stay with the classics on permanent fixtures such as a window.  So, how do you feel about the dark steel framed windows?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
 Discovering why you like or dislike-like a design element!