Friday, August 20, 2010

Making a new List!

I never really thought of myself as a “List Girl.” I thought those girls were a little obsessive. You know, the ones who are always writing every little detail that goes on in their everyday life. I am not one that needs to have a list to remind me of the every day task.

I am, however, a girl that will make a list for special occasions where I might be doing things out of the ordinary. With that being said I have started a new list!!
I am an avid user of 3x5 index cards for my lists. They are the perfect size to put in my wallet and to carry around a  store.

My new list is things that I want to look for when I go thrifting!! You know how distracted you can become when there is so much to look at. I just started a new list and so far on my list reads:
  1. Table for my porch-20wX25H
  2. Coffee cups for Hubbies work buddies
  3. Spooner for Bakelite knives(Like Ina Garten)
  4. Restaurant silver tray and silverware
  5. Large textural basket for center of my table
  6. Interesting baskets for decor
  7. Small oval white platters
  8. wooden cutting boards
I will carry this with me when I go thrifting or Goodwill Hunting!! I am sure I will add to it as time goes by. At least I have a list and a focus now.

Do you all make list like these? What would be on your list?!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Keeping your thoughts organized!