Saturday, August 7, 2010

Guess What Is Coming to My HOUSE?

Yesterday I wrote about the beautiful sconces that would look so pretty in my living room. The reason the timing was not right is because that room really is not decorated. It has a couple of wicker chairs and some odds and ends to make it look presentable, but it is not done exactly how I would like it,
“Someday.” I seem to be using that term a lot these days!!

Someday those sconces would look absolutely perfect in what I have planned for that room.

For those of you who know my hubby, you know he is a man among men in so many ways!! I was finishing my post up when he came in to say goodnight and he saw the sconces. He said, “ Those are really pretty!”  I agreed and told him how much I loved them, but the timing was just not right to get them now.

He left the room and came back in and put the credit card down on the desk and told me to get them if I really wanted them. I could not believe his sweet gesture. I almost ordered them, but still a bit hesitant thought I should sleep on it.

I slept on it and the first thing this morning I ordered them and they are now on there way to my house!!(Inserting Very-Happy Dance)
Winchester Mirrored Sconce
I will let you all know when they get here, I am sooooo excited I can hardly stand it!!
I did mention I am married to a Prince didn’t I? What a sweetie!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Getting Something You realllly wanted!!