Saturday, August 7, 2010

Guess What Is Coming to My HOUSE?

Yesterday I wrote about the beautiful sconces that would look so pretty in my living room. The reason the timing was not right is because that room really is not decorated. It has a couple of wicker chairs and some odds and ends to make it look presentable, but it is not done exactly how I would like it,
“Someday.” I seem to be using that term a lot these days!!

Someday those sconces would look absolutely perfect in what I have planned for that room.

For those of you who know my hubby, you know he is a man among men in so many ways!! I was finishing my post up when he came in to say goodnight and he saw the sconces. He said, “ Those are really pretty!”  I agreed and told him how much I loved them, but the timing was just not right to get them now.

He left the room and came back in and put the credit card down on the desk and told me to get them if I really wanted them. I could not believe his sweet gesture. I almost ordered them, but still a bit hesitant thought I should sleep on it.

I slept on it and the first thing this morning I ordered them and they are now on there way to my house!!(Inserting Very-Happy Dance)
Winchester Mirrored Sconce
I will let you all know when they get here, I am sooooo excited I can hardly stand it!!
I did mention I am married to a Prince didn’t I? What a sweetie!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Getting Something You realllly wanted!!


  1. Somehow, I just KNEW they'd find their way to you! Yay! The start of another project is always exciting
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Can you give hubby training tips and pointers?

  3. Very cool, very cool hubby.


  4. He sounds adorable! I hope you post photos of these babies in your room...regardless of what you think the rest looks like, they are lovely!

  5. Why is it that we women are always doing for others and postponing things that would make us so much happier to live with!! Doug is a brilliant man to recognize that a happy wife makes a happy home! They are very beautiful and the jump-start piece to getting that room complete. They will need beautiful friends, you know! Tell Doug I appreciate him too!

  6. Oh Kathysue, they are just gorgeous. I can't wait to see them up in the room. So pretty. Yes, he does sound like a prince. Hugs, Marty

  7. You gotta love a hubby that would do such a sweet thing! I am so happy that you are getting them they are sooooo you;)!

    Can't wait to see them in your home!


  8. Kathysue the sconces are unique and elegant. I can picture them right at home in your lovely room. Your hubby is wonderful! :)

  9. What a guy! So glad you are getting those sconces. Who cares if your room isn't ready for them yet, you will love them anyway! Can't wait to see them installed. xo Delores

  10. Hi Kathysue! Oooh...I am so happy for you! You do have the world's sweetest hubby! They will be beautiufl in your home! I scrolled down to catch up...too much babysitting...and I am in love with what you and your DIL have done in their bedroom...gorgeous! Those panels look fabulous beside the bed! What a wonderfully sophisticated look! Love it! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  11. I am so happy for you. Not only are you finding happiness in beautiful things but you already understand the true meaning of happiness in that sweet and thoughtful husband of yours. (I have one of those, too, and consider myself very lucky) Cant wait to see them hung.

  12. How sweet, my hubby would do the same thing! Aren't we the lucky ones!? Can't wait to see them in your room!!! XO, Pinky

  13. OK, I might just be in love with your husband! The sconces too. They are so pretty. It's going to be fun watching your room come together. I'm going to try subscribing to your blog again. I have not been getting E-mail updates. Mona

  14. Gorgeous sconce, Kathysue. I'm looking forward to seeing them in your home!

    I've finished the bedroom redo, using the inspiration photo, I borrowed from you. It turned out wonderfully,
    if I do say so myself.:-)

  15. What a wonderful man!!! I am so very excited for you!!!! whoooooo hooooooo!

  16. Kathysue: I've been meaning to write you for days now! This is a very sweet story indeed. Yes, our husbands are truly wonderful..and yes, we all look forward to seeing these ( rush!).

  17. Good. I was worried they would be gone when you were ready...and you'd always be trying to find something just like them.

  18. Oh, he sounds sweet and incredibly generous. Can't wait to see your treasures!

  19. They look so cool! Can't wait to see them hung in your house!!!


  20. Now that is a good man!!! Can't wait to see them! They are going to be gorgeous in your house!

  21. Gorgeous! A stunning choice, can't wait for the final photos!

  22. They are beautiful! doing a happy dance with you!

  23. Happy dance is right- these are so pretty!! What a great choice!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue