Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Double Duty Christmas Wrapping

I love it when a Christmas gift has a double duty wrapping you know the kind of wrapping that serves a purpose other than to hide the gift inside. The actual wrapping is part of the gift also!!!

I found some great examples while traveling around in cyber space.
Here are some that I have found!!

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This is one of my favorites. A good way to recycle and make the outside a gift in of itself!!!

1 dish towel (300x357)
Everyone always needs new dishtowels, why not use them as a wrapping!!!

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How about a thriftying trip for sugar bowls and put candles inside! I would love one of these little lovelies wrapped in a pretty napkin!!!

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Double duty gift tags. Very clever! Using key rings or even luggage tags would make a great gift tag.

If you put on your Christmas thinking cap I bet you can come up with some of your own double-duty wrappings.

Holiday Hints

  • How about a pretty scarf and use the matching gloves as the bow!?

  • A sock hat full of Christmas candy would be fun for the little ones at home.
  • Instead of a pretty ribbon, why not a fun belt!!!

The ideas are only limited by our own imagination!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Double-duty wrapping!!



  1. I love the shirt, haven't thought of that one. I have used tea towels before. This year I am recycling drawings or paintings my daughter as done to wrap family presents. G

  2. we have done some of that before...only makes sense, eh?

    Wonderfu Christmas to you!

  3. I love the idea of using something useful as wrapping paper...otherwise it seems like such a waste. The shirt idea is so cool!

  4. Those tea cup candles are so cute! I love simple ideas like that!

  5. Very smart...I have never thought of doing this, what a great idea!

  6. I always have the best intentions of wrapping my gifts in a special way but I usually end up wrapping them at the last minute. Great inspiration!

  7. These are great ideas! I love the shirt in the first pic, I'm not a very good gift wrapper, but I think I'd like to try some of these ideas..thanks so much for always sharing your wonderful finds! Lisa ;-)

  8. Dearest Kathysue,

    The Eco-friendly way of wrapping makes so much sense. Bet that the landfill is getting its highest volume right after Christmas.
    Therefore this blog is very valuable!
    For me, the use of lingerie or laundry bags as a wrapping and putting some special gift inside is great.

    Enjoy your pre-Christmas days!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  9. I used a belt once on the outside of a box I liked the look but the receiver was a bit puzzled by it.

  10. Such great ideas. Love the shirt as wrapping, and the dish towel idea is great too. Very "green!"

  11. You are on a roll, Kathysue, with all this holiday inspiration! I think wrapping a great home decor book in wallpaper would be fun...

  12. Great ideas, Kathysue! I must say though that I adore wrapping paper (okay, paper generally), but these are definitely more ecofriendly and I love having tags play double duty (this year I'm doing monogrammed Xmas ornaments so they can be hung on the tree next year!).

  13. Gorgeous! Here's an idea for a gift to a baby: wrap it in a lightweight fleece baby blanket and secure it with real diaper pins (they still sell them at drugstores).

  14. It is always fun
    to receive a gift
    within a gift!!
    Now I'm going to
    put on my thinking
    cap, as I've got
    to wrap a gift for
    a luncheon tomorrow
    and I have no box...
    hmmmm.....Thanks for
    the inspiration!!
    xx Suzanne

  15. How about using reusable (cloth) grocery bags as wrap? Just thought of that! XO, Pinky


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue