Saturday, November 27, 2010

Up-Cycling Can Be Fun!!!

I have to admit I am not much of an arts and crafts person, probably because I can never make it look as good as I would like! Every once-in-awhile I run across something that I think is so clever and easy, even I want to try to make one!!

I found something while blog hopping last week.  I ran across these clever winter vases just in time for Christmas. I can see these in so many different style of homes such as a room like this………

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I think the winter vase I found would look amazing on this console with some fresh pine greenery inside.

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A winter vase full of white roses next to this lovely blue bed would be so warm and inviting.

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In place of this cream vase a winter vase filled with branches with varying colors of purple and gold balls would be amazing as a Christmas vignette.

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All that is missing in this office would be a winter vase full of white poinsettias. Then this office would be all ready for Christmas!

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So many of us have fallen in love with this wonderful bright green paint that is on this campaign chest. Just picture a lovely winter vase (what in the world is a winter vase?) that you made yourselves sitting on top of this with gold painted twigs inside and one little white feathered bird sitting on a twig.

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In this modern room I think 3 varying heights of winter vases would look amazing sitting behind the sofa. You would not need to put anything inside as long as they were varying sizes and shapes. They would become sculptural.

I have tried to get you to use your imagination about adding a winter vase in each of these rooms. At the beginning of the post I told you that you can make one!! Here is what I am talking about!…….

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This vase cover was up-cycled from the sleeve of an old cable knit sweater sleeve. The use of the old sweater is clever and even I can cut off a sleeve of a sweater!!

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Can’t you just see all of the above images of rooms with one of these fun cable knit vases for Christmas?! This was done by the talented blogger Courtney at:

Thoughtful designs blog

I love the idea and think it can be applied in many styles of homes. That is why I gave you a visual reference of rooms before seeing the vases.

Now go back and visualize a cable knit vase in each room. I think you will have fun!!

What a great way to up-cycle or repurpose!! I also think these could make a fun gift for someone!!

See what happens when we blog hop! I just love blogland at Christmas time.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Up-cycling and repurposing for a fun Winter/Christmas accessory!



  1. I like the ideas of vases in those spots, but I don't know if I like the sweater bit or not---I have trouble visualizing!

  2. Well these are very interesting and I can see them fitting into a contempory design. I do like to knit, but I perfer crytal vases. Kind of a fun idea though.(-: Come see me sometime.

  3. Great post... I hopped over to see more and love the idea too!! Great collaboration!
    So... how was the big day. I wish I had napped yesterday as now I'm surrounded by a great big Christmas mess and feel overwhelmed. You should see my Mom's house. It's like Macy's Department Store. She decorated for a week non-stop again!
    Her house is going to be on the Christmas Tour. We should go!!!

  4. Dearest Kathysue,

    For the picture it looks like fun but I'd rather prefer a smooth crystal, silver or china vase as it is dust free. Pollen falls off and other parts of (real) flowers and the knitted outside is not nice looking then. Winter greens will stick to it... But it was nice to give it another LOOK!

    Have a great weekend!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  5. SO cute! Did this blogger knit this herself? I need to hop over and check this out, I am hopeless with needle crafts, but my sister in law is a whiz!

  6. Oh Kathysue, I've seen the cable knit vases and pillows all over blogland, and they look so warm and cozy. Great idea. Hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  7. Your "new" cable knit sweater vases are adorable. Love to "up-cycle" too when possible.

    Hope your turkey day was a good one.


  8. Fun post!! I love seeing the natural twigs and branches arranged in vases...even a small one can give you the height you want with some tall branches.

    Now I'm going to check out your link for the sweater vase cover!


  9. I think decorating with winter vases is so much fun. Putting anything in them to reflect one's own personality. I adore the dressed ones with the sweater sleeve, adds a bit of whimsy.
    hugs ~lynne~

  10. Blogland is definitely fun when Christmas takes hold! Beautiful vases..Have a lovely Sunday..Rachaelxx

  11. What a great idea!!! I love!


  12. GET OUT! This is adorable! And trust me Kathysue, I have less talent than you! And I can do this! I wonder if V would mind some of his sweaters turned into vests?? hahahhahahah!
    Have a pretty day!

  13. What a fun post! I love vases all over the house filled with branches or flowers. This winter vase idea is very unique and could be fun.
    Thanks, Kathysue. You always bring us new ideas
    to inspire our own creativity. You're the best!

  14. I LOVE this! I am so tempted to trot on over to Goodwill and get a cable-knit sweater so I can try it! Gorgeous! XX!

  15. This is a new idea. Very interesting!

  16. This is such a cute vase, and I love that all you would have to do is cut the sleeve off of an old sweater. Simple, unique, inexpensive and what great texture it adds! I always love to see how things can be repurposed in different ways.

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Kathysue!

  17. Love it Kathysue! I could totally envisioni a white cable knit vase in each of those rooms..what a difference the small touches make. So up-cycle is the new word, I've seen it in ads around here lately too. Lisa ;-)

  18. ok, that is precious! Great idea! It's amazing to me to see peoples creative minds always coming up with new things... and you are so good at finding these neat ideas and sharing them. xoxo

  19. Love the cable knit covers - so cute!

  20. I reallyyyyy love the new uses for that sweater!! How adorable is that?

  21. How clever, Kathysue! Now I need to head to GW for more sweaters to cut up! The vases would be perfect with my pillow! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue