Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Little Christmas White for Your Weekend!

White!!! Just the word reminds me of peaceful, clean, snow!!! It must be the time of year.

An all white Christmas decor can be so beautiful. The lack of the traditional bright colors truly has a peaceful feel to it.

When using white just mixing up the textures can make it interesting.

1 (360x460) 

2 (360x460) 

3 (450x693) 

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5 (300x389)
Notice how just a sprig of greenery makes it so festive for the holidays.

9 (300x399) 

I love the great planter that the tree is placed in. I think the icicles make this tree perfect!!!

Notice the texture in the throw and the shiny almost pearl-like balls in a clear cylinder vase.

All of this is so simple yet it comes off as understated elegance. That is perfect styling to me.

I hope you have enjoyed this lovely white,soothing and peaceful looking post for your viewing pleasure. Happy weekend!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Having an all white decor for the holidays!


Holiday Hint:

Whenever you choose to use a monochromatic color scheme make sure you always vary your textures to keep the room interesting.

Repeat elements throughout the room.

Keep it simple in order to give a more peaceful look.


  1. I am so behind in my blog reading! I LOVE all the white Christmas images. So soothing and clean! Beautiful.

  2. I haven't been doing much blog reading either for the past couple of weeks with opening the new online store. Just catching up and sooo glad I stopped by to see you Kathysue. These images are beautiful. I saved almost every one. Great post. Have a wonderful weekend. Mona

  3. I enjoyed all your Christmas Post. I had some of the same images in my file as well. I will start decorating my home right after everyone leaves on Thanksgiving Day. I have always enjoyed do all the decorating by myself, I guess I am a bit of a controll freak.

  4. Red and green is pretty but nothing is quite as glam as all white.

  5. I think most of us dream of starting over with all white!! Christmas is a good time as any! Love these images, Kathysue.


  6. A white Christmas is truly gorgeous! I just became a follower...have a lovely weekend. Try to stay dry!

  7. Beauiful! I love the greenery and the sparkles with the white. Perfect solution when traditional colors just won't do!

  8. Dearest Kathysue,

    Indeed, this is plain elegant!

    Have a great weekend and a happy Thanksgiving!!!


  9. Oh, Kathysue! I am drooling over every picture! I love the idea of white with pops of silver and green! I found myself staring at the same color combo in your previouos post! If only I could pull that off without a hearty helping of Ozzie's hair to add to the decor! lol Miss you! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  10. I love the white,very soothing,relaxing and dreamy.I find the season so hectic,demanding and stressful that this would be very nice to come home to.My bf decorated her dining room in white for Christmas and I can't wait to see it.Unfortunatley my grandchildren would not be impressed and for me that matters alot but maybe next year just one little, teensy room here just for me.

  11. You have the best taste! Classy rooms... love them! xo

  12. There is just something so warm and inviting and dreamy about an all white room. I love them all.


  13. Love these winter whites! This is the best Christmas post I have seen yet, Kathysue! XX!

  14. Love the bed and the tree, beautiful. G

  15. Just found your blog Kathysue and I'm now a follower, I'm new to the white scene so this post has helped alot!


  16. Exquisite images! I think the Christmas White idea adds a very calming influence to what can be a hectic time of year. When I see the whites of winter I often think of the beautiful ice scene from Dr. Zhivago!
    I love the small wreaths on the back of the white chairs. Beautiful.

  17. Hi, I never thought white Christmas would look good inside :) but thank you for convincing me! It's just so beautiful!

  18. Hi Kathysue
    These picutres are just gorgeous, all of them, great selection!
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue