Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Pumpkin for A Princess!!

Every Little Princess or big Princess for that matter needs a pumpkin like these……….
pumpkin carriage[1]

I found these last year and had them in my Fall Inspiration file. I think these are adorable and totally doable. So fun and unusual.
I hope this inspires your own imagination to run wild!
“ Enjoy the Process” Of:
Decorating your pumpkins in fun an unusual ways!


  1. How cute are these! Thanks for sharing them, Kathysue, and thank you for your lovely comment today. xo

  2. What a great idea! Would be perfect for a centerpiece for a Homecoming Dance dinner, don't you think? When I get back, let's talk! Can't wait to hear about Rome! xo Delores

  3. These are so cute, Kathysue. I think I have everything right here at home, including the punkins, to put the first one together.

  4. Welcome back, lovely to hear from you again. These are amazing wish I had the patience!

  5. How adorable. Thanks for comments on my blog, KS. You have been missed!

  6. So cute. What a great idea for a special Princess. Hope you are feeling better. Hugs, Marty

  7. How cute are those?

    Thanks for your sweet comment about Collins! xx- Brooke

  8. I have only seen the first one, love them both!!! Really wants to make me scour my house and yard sales to try and creat one of these...maybe next year!

  9. Dearest Kathysue,

    This is a more romantic version of showing a pumpkin! Love this Cinderella dream version.

    Enjoy your week and sending you sunshine from Georgia,


  10. So adorable Kathy!!! Thank you for sharing & for your sweet posts. They always make me smile. :)

  11. These pumkins are fantastic! I have never seen these images before, thanks for sharing.

    Amy R.

  12. Clever, clever! It's going in my file this year! I can't have enough pumpkins!

  13. Hey sweet friend, welcome
    back!!! Love these darling
    coaches and also enjoyed the
    HOPE and PPL posts! Your trip
    sounds amazing. I had the
    chance to go to Rome a few
    years ago....what a dream trip.
    My folks raved about their cruise
    on the Med and it's on my
    someday list....Happy belated
    birthday, Kathysue : ) !!
    xx Suzanne

  14. HI, Kathysue, what an awesome trip! I absolutely love Italy. Haven't been there in 20 years, but would dearly love to go back. Hubby wants to go to Israel, so maybe we can do both. Your trip sounds wonderful. I was just thinking about you, wondering where you had been & now I know.


  15. Kathysue, those are just too cute. Of course we should make Cinderella pumpkins for our little princesses.

  16. Oh these are too cute! My babe would LOVE these!


  17. Sooo cute :) It's so fun to see how creative people can get with pumpkins!! I love it. Thanks for popping by today Kathysue :)
    Nancy xo

  18. Very whimsical. Takes pumpkin design to a new level. Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. These are amazing!!!
    I really want to try and make one of my own.
    Thanks for the wonderful inspiration :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue