Monday, October 4, 2010

Clever Pumpkin Displays

We all know how to make a Jack-O-Lantern in the traditional manner and we have seen many ways to display our pumpkins. I ran across a few fun and different ways to display and decorate your pumpkins this year.
LV (471x634)
This is for all of you chic Halloween darlings.
GLITTER (320x240)
Every girl needs her sparkle!
BLACK (600x800)
For the studs in your life!
BLACKBOARD (400x300)
You can write what ever you want on your chalk board pumpkin.
KEYS (530x400)
Hinges made to look like butterflies. Another use for antique keys.
Simple and sweet.
STUDS (443x291)
How about putting your address on one that sits by your doorstep?!
SWEET (450x360)
What a sweet message. What message would your pumpkins say?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Being Clever With Your Pumpkins This Year!


  1. That 'will you marry me' set up is so sweet! I wonder if many people propose this way?!

  2. How cute are these!! Allie will love these!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Love the one with the hinges and the keys. You know I collect pumpkin pics, and you've got a few new ones for me. Love them!
    Hope you're having a great time on your trip!

  4. love all the photos of things with pumpkins. Great ideas. Thanks for posting. Kathy

  5. That little spider jack-o-lantern is so cute!

  6. Oh, I love the cute little mini pumpkins with the ribbons. So fun!

  7. I can't decide which are my faves but am leaning to the SPARKLY ones:)

  8. Fun! My hometown (Palo Alto, CA) has an annual event called The Glass Pumpkin Patch which features thousands of multi-colored glass-blown pumpkins displayed nestled in a grass field. They sell the pumpkins as a fundraiser and every Palo Altan has at least one in his or her home. My favorites this year were the ones created with glass pumpkin "seeds" inside that made a delightful sound when you shook them. Pics here:

  9. What fun things are being done with pumpkins! Makes our old carved ones truly obsolete! Fun images. Thanks, Kathysue.

  10. Awesome round up! So very creative! Love all the inspiration. I used upholstery tacks on some white pumpkins a couple of years ago and they turned out so cute!!

  11. My gf always paints her pumpkins black and I love them, so creative. Great post.

  12. Hee hee, that LV pumpkin is hilarious! There's even a pumpkin perfect for a fashionista :)

  13. Thanks for all the great decorating ideas. I've stolen more than just a couple. I have a dilemma today though. I have recently viewed a blog post, made a mental note to go back to it, then forgot which blog I was on. So, my question is have you recently posted a blog about a new rug in your kitchen? Thanks.

  14. Dont you just love those glitter pumpkins? fun post..thanks

  15. My message:
    Time to get out
    the carving knives....!
    Love them all : )!
    xx Suzanne


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue