Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fall is Definitely In the Air and On the Ground

I know many of you are holding onto the last days of summer and I don’t blame you. I think some are wondering why I have been doing some Fall Inspiration post!!

Our weather in California has been so different this summer. We have had cooler days with a few verrry hot days interspersed.

Yesterday was one of those cool days with a lot of wind. I had to share a picture of my backyard and how falling leaves/needles from the cypress tree has added to the look of my backyard.
fall leaves 001 (800x600)
Notice how all the debris is at one end of the pool, that is because the wind was blowing it all down to one end.
fall leaves 003 (800x600)
fall leaves 005 (800x600)
Crazy isn’t it!! Oh what fun the clean-up will be today!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Fall Clean-Up!!


  1. Lol what a mess! You need a blower!!!!
    How cool is that pool though!!!!!

  2. Wow, those leaves have changed colors too! We are a cooler but a month away from the beautiful color we get here. The sun is in a different place, so that really makes it feel more like fall. That does look like fun cleaning!

  3. Oh my goodness, Kathysue, I sure am not looking forward to this yet. We have so many trees in
    the backyard and I know the pool guys will not be able to keep up cleaning the pool without helping out....Christine

  4. Oh my! That looks like our yard in Feb when the oaks blossom. What a pain. One good reason I'm happy we have a screen cage around our pool. We have around six oak trees and in the winter they shed a lot! We get our Fall starting around November.

  5. Weather has been odd across the country this year. Is anyone ready for it to be fall yet?

  6. I'd say fall indeed, Kathysue! It's still waaaay too hot here to think fall yet...although my cherry tree is losing leaves...maybe from the heat! lol Have a wonderful week!...hugs...Debbie

  7. it DOES look like fall! Love that pool!


  8. Texas is experiencing some cooler temps, but no sign of fall here. Your leaves remind me of how much work it is when the leaves drop in the fall and then again in the spring when they drop the pollen fronds. :-)
    I love my trees though! ~ Sarah

  9. Your post made us crave apple cider & crisp air!

  10. It's brown around here, but that's because it's been such a outrageously hot summer here. We won't see real fall for another month, but it will be glorious when it arrived (and none too soon, I might add). I'm thinking sitting by your pool with a margarita sounds pretty good to me!

  11. Most certainly fall! I can't believe there are so many leaves! Your pool is beautiful though!
    That looks like so much work!
    Have a pretty day!

  12. Just keep showing us fall pics Kathysue...I love them! We are so far from fall here in Texas...I think the only way to enjoy the season is through your photos;)! It is STILL so hot here...I fear fall will never arrive;)!

    Your pool is kids would love to have a slide!


  13. I'm glad to see summer going this year as it's been so hot. I think if we had a nice pool like that though, I would feel differently! I miss having one.
    Your yard and pool are gorgeous. And yes, I think Fall is just about here!


  14. Love the pool! It isn't anything like that here yet...we are still very much summer in Illinois!

  15. WE are back in the 90's here in Pa. but THAT is exactly what is coming here. WE are surrounded by leaves so Fall is a BIG clean up time for us too. Love your pool!!!! XO, Pinky


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue