Thursday, July 29, 2010

They Arrived and They are Fantastic!!!

They arrived and my DIL says they are amazing and loves,loves them!! I am so glad that these X benches worked out. To think they only were $149 and no tax or shipping it is truly amazing. It is hard to believe that WS Home charges $1500 for the same type of bench. I have not done a side by side comparison. I do not feel the need to do that since my DIL is more than happy with her purchase. She has impeccable taste so that is enough for me. To refresh everyone’s memory here is the X bench from WS Home……………
william sonoma home
This is in brown leather and we were looking for white. At one time WS Home had the white leather. This bench is priced at $1550.
Here is the bench that came today from this company. It took all of ten minutes to put together with a screw driver and an allen wrench, and that was for both of them!!


This is just a sneak peek of the room. We are still waiting for the furniture to arrive but I will post what they have done so far. It really is turning out just like they wanted it too and all for a friendly budget. We like that!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Planning a design and seeing it all come to fruition!!!


  1. Oh my goodness, they are so nice!! And they look so great in the space...which I am dying to see the rest of, by the way! I love those drapes!

  2. Thos are absolutely wonderful, Kathysue. Can't wait to see the rest of the room.

  3. Kathysue I love love this X bench. I have been wanting one. Does it come in other colors?

    Art by Karena

  4. Kathysue, that is so nice that you could find those at a great price. I love the fabric I see so far. Looking forward to more peeks.

  5. I can't tell the difference! What a find Kathysue. Glad your DIL loves them too. They look perfect at the end of the bed.

  6. ok i LOVE them! - they look fantastic! - i want a pair now!!!!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  7. I've never seen an X bench and now you have me wanting one {or two}! I'd love to see the finished room!


  8. A 90 percent savings?? WOO HOO!! Gorgeous!!
    xoxo Pattie

  9. Ooooh! Love those benches. Adding to my favorites... more pictures soon!!!

  10. Ooh la la Kathysue~ looking good!!

  11. I've seen these around on the blogesphere and they look really good. We're checking out the site for other pieces RIGHT NOW! This could be a great source for the client with a timid budget. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the rest of the room....looking good!

  12. The room looks gorgeous -- and I love, love, love those benches!!

  13. I wish I had known about these nine months ago. My client and I searched and searched for a more affordable version of the WS one but ultimately had to settle for a different design. The sneak peek at the room looks gorgeous.

  14. Wow, what a great find! They look terrific! I love a BRAGAIN!!! Can't wait to see the whole room! The drapes are beautiful!

  15. What a gorgeous find!!! I love these X benches, and what a great price too. The sneak peek of your bedroom is stunning, I love the drapes and the little bit I can see of the mirror. Your taste is fab!

  16. They're absolutely gorgeous, I can't believe the price! I get so much inspiration and information from your blog, thank you..I'm enjoying all the family room posts. Still trying to figure out how to decorate around a flat screen tv here..quite the design challenge! Have a lovely weekend..Rachaelxx

  17. LOVE those! They are too cool! Can't wait to see more. Love that fabric, I'm assuming window panels!!

  18. Oh Kathysue, they look beautiful. I know she must be thrilled that everything is coming together so beautifully. How neat to have you help her. Love those drapes too. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  19. Fantastic, Kathysue! Love the white leather with the chrome. Very sleek.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  20. What an incredible find--thanks for the update.....and cannot wait to see the rest of the room. Those drapes are a serious teaser! Have a great weekend.

  21. I'm so glad they were as great as you hoped. I love it when something like happens!

  22. Don't you just love bargains like that? I need to go check out the link of where you bought those. Good job. Can't wait to see finished product?

  23. How lucky is your daughter in law? She has a mother in law with style! Great job!

  24. Wow...I do love them too!

    Thank you for visiting me the other day and leaving a comment..your words of wisdom where so inspirational overload wass gone after sometime spent away enjoying the sunshine.

    Happy weekend xox

  25. Wow! They are gorgeous! Those are such fab I just can not wait to see the rest of this room!

  26. Love them and the price! Do you like the quality?


  27. Those are gorgeous! Just from the sneak peek, the room, the room is pretty as well.



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue