Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Dad

My Dad! I can hardly think of him without getting big tears in my eyes. He is no longer with us and he died at a very young age (47). The tears I shed are sometimes for sadness but other times for joy.

He was a man among men as far as I was concerned. We were raised to pretty much think he could walk on water. I actually thought I was going to marry him until I turned 10yrs old and I found out that was not done. On my actual wedding day after he walked me down the aisle he sat down and took out his hanky and boo-hooed, my Mom had to console him.

Here we go!! 001 (509x800) 
I wish the pictures were in color, he had the most amazing sparkly blue eyes.

I remember how hard my Dad worked and what a wonderful provider he was for his family. What I remember above all was how much he loved his family. Daddy spoke with his eyes, they could laugh without making a sound. I would love to watch my Dad look at my Mom and her looking at him. Not a word was spoken but you knew without a doubt how much they loved each other that gives a child so much security to see how their parents love each other and boy did mine love each other.

My Dad made me feel loved and protected. I knew Daddy would fix it if anything would go wrong. I knew I was beautiful in his eyes.

Daddy @ wedding 001 (682x800) 
He put a penny in my shoe and helped me with my garter.

I remember when my oldest son had his daughter (who is the most precious little girl alive) I watched as he leaned over the isolette and he bowed his head. I asked him later was he praying and he told me , “I am a blessed man, I was thanking God!" I knew that he was going to love his little girl just like my Dad loved me.

I told my son that day, You know you will be her first mirror. She will see herself through your eyes. Now how did I know that? Because I saw myself through my Dads eyes. I knew I was worth loving because he showed me. So when it came time to choose a husband I knew without a doubt that I had I met the right one. We have been married over forty years now. I fell in love with him when I was only sixteen yrs old so I have loved him for 43 years.

So you see because my Dad loved me like no one else could and took such wonderful care of me. I have learned to expect the best and in my opinion I got the best in the man that I have been married to for 40 years.

I guess in my heart I will always be Daddy’s little girl, I kind of like that even though he is no longer here to give me hugs he is with me in spirit and his love will be with me forever. That is what I call a wonderful example of a Dad!!

 "Enjoy the Process" Of:
Telling the Dad's in your life know how special they are to YOU!!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's in My Life!!



  1. Kathysue, what a wonderful tribute. Have a lovely weekend
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Kathysue, what a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. I feel very much the same about my Dad. I am lucky to be able to spend today with both my wonderful husband and my Dad. I feel blessed. Enjoy your day!

  3. I love your new profile photo, you are so pretty and so lucky too to have had a father like that. I came from a broken home and my dad went on his way... he lives in the same town and I see him once or twice a year. I gave him a picture of his grandchild once and he could not tell me their names, he gave the wrong daughter a wedding gift... I could go on and on, but I won't.

  4. I forgot to say, thanks for your sweet note, you always make me smile.

  5. A truly beautiful post , I could only wish everyone had that experience with their dads.
    Karyn x

  6. Kathysue, you made me cry. Such a sweet tribute to your dad. That was awfully young for him to be taken away. My dad lives in Florida and I certainly don't see him enough. Sounds like you and I got married at the same age and it has lasted. Many thought that was too young, but I knew it was right. Have a wonderful day filled with fond memories.

  7. Had to go get a tissue before I could comment...I had a great man for a dad, just like you. I was always a "Daddy's girl"...played baseball with him, walked into church with him, worked in the yard with him. He was my idol, and he lived to show my son and daughter how to be a great husband and father. He taught me so much, and I miss him everyday. Thanks for the tribute to your dad. We were lucky girls.

  8. Good Morning my Claif neighbor...girl this was just a PRICELESS tribute you did my friend...It's great after knowing you for over 2 years from RMS and the chat room to finally see your face ha ha!! Have a GREAT day my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  9. A lovely tribute to your dad! And, seeing both the old photos and the new one :) was so fun!

  10. This is so so lovely Kathysue! The photos are just as gorgeous as the words here. And, is it my imagination..or is that photo of you new here? You are so pretty, and so youthful!!!

  11. Kathysue, your wedding pictures are so beautiful and such a loving and precious tribute to your dad. Hugs, Marty

  12. Kathysue,
    This is such a sweet post. Love the photos of you and your dad. So sad that he died so young. I'm thinking of my dad too today. He died 9 years ago at the age of 69. Also too young. He worked hard all his life as a logger outdoors to provide for us. He was a man of few words, but he too had the bluest eyes ever. They sparkled! I miss him. Today will be spent with some of our grown children (they will cook), grandchildren and hubby (if he ever gets home from fishing!) Enjoy your day Kathysue. xoxo Delores

  13. Wow Kathysue this post was incredibly moving! He really was an amazing man and through his example you were able to find your own amazing husband. You are truly blessed with incredible men in your life including your three boys!!
    You are gorgeously stunning in your wedding photos:)
    All my love,

  14. Kathysue, what a remarkable and heartfelt post. I love the photographs of you and your precious dad, I know you'll cherish them forever. My dad was like yours, oh so special, I lost him a year ago, and I ache to see him, I miss him so.


  15. Beautifully said. How very blessed you were to have him in your life. xo

  16. My precious Dad died when he was only 57. I miss him every day. I'm at work, with tears in my eyes, reading your eloquent words about the sweet relationship you had with your Father. I can see now why you are so beautiful inside. You are truly blessed to have him for your Dad. Oh, and I think you are and were very beautiful on the outside too!

  17. Kathysue, you are so right about dads being their daughter's first mirrors. Your dad died much too young!!! And look how sweet the two of you looked on your wedding day. I'm sure he was {and is} so very proud of his beautiful girl. My dad also has very blue eyes and I just wish I lived closer so that I could see them more often. I know that you are celebrating all the wonderful dads in your life, today and hope it has been a memorable day for you! xx Suzanne

  18. Oh Katyhsue...are you trying to kill me here? Thank you for writing this...I hadn't thought about my wedding day in a long least as it relates to my dad! I remember thinking that he looked like he might be sick...I really think he would have been thrilled if I backed out and just stayed as his little girl forever...I was 19 when I got married and I know he wanted me to wait...he loved my husband but he still looked at me as though I was his baby! Your story sounds very similar!

    I miss him desperately and would give anything for even just one more day!

    We both have been blessed to know such incredible men...and having them as our dads is icing on the cake!

    Thanks for your precious visit feels better to know I am not alone and your kindness was just what the doctor ordered! You are an angel and I treasure our growing friendship!

    God bless!

  19. What a wonderful story..your Dad sounds like an amazing man. You're right that Dad's are a little girl's mirror. My girls adore their father and he adores them. You can see how much self esteem it gives them..Rachaelxx

  20. You were a beautiful bride, KathySue and your post is beautiful! Your dad is smiling down from heaven...Christine

  21. I always try not to read other commenters so that it I won't be influenced...I'll have to say that this is a beautiful tribute and one that is so true...I loved it...Wishing you a wonderful week!!!

  22. Wonderful post . Your post made me cry , your words are so right

  23. What a heartfelt tribute to your Papa.
    And so profoundly written, too. X

  24. Thank you for such a lovely post. It sounds like your father was a wonderful man. I have tears running down my cheeks. It is so true about parents showing you that you are loved and should be loved, it makes all the difference in a child's life.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue