Friday, June 25, 2010

Garage Sale as an Event

Ever since I read the book by Carolyne Roehm, “A Passion For Blue” it made me want to find out a little bit more about this amazing woman. 

In researching, I ran across an article in Veranda magazine about a garage/tag sale that she had. Now you must understand this was not a typical sale. 

This sale has been elevated to a level like no other garage/tag sale that I have ever seen. I know the summer months are full of garage sales on every weekend. Somehow I doubt that I will ever see one like this:
Over-sized vases full of sunflowers were brought in, and also sold at the end of the sale.
I have seen these at Homegoods and Cost Plus. I think I need these for my patio.
inside house
Preparing items for pricing.

red white and blue
Everything you might need, or want for a 4th of July celebration!

I will take five of each please. Notice how all the picnic tables have been given a coat of white paint. Nothing but the best going on here.


Pretty amazing wouldn’t you say?!

I don’t know about you, but this puts my garage sales to shame. Oh to be able to attend such an event, now wouldn’t that be wonderful?

I know you can find amazing items at garage sales whether they are displayed this wonderfully or not. I just had to show you the way a professional does it. You can read the full article in Veranda here.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Finding a treasure at a Garage/ Tag sale this summer!


  1. Kathysue, I remember this article!!! Can you imagine!! I also wondered after all the work and cost of "staging" the sale what the prices were like. Oh, you and I would have had a blast there!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. I would have loved to go to this sale.

    Our recent sale was a jumble, but the one we had three years ago was set up very much like C.R.'s sale.
    Our neighbor owns a clothing store. we borrowed racks and tables from him. I had waterfall racks for children's clothing and that sort of thing. I merchandized like crazy. I once worked for a May Company store and haven't forgotten the wiley ways of merchandizing.LOL That was a very successful sale. As I said, our recent garage sale was more of a jumble, but an organized jumble. At the end of the sale, all I had left was one small bag for donation. It made me feel wonderful when I heard a customer say...Pat always has the best stuff. But that doesn't make me want to have very many sales!!;-)

    My most recent post is one where I showcased my recent neighborhood garage sale finds in an update of our lake condo. I love it when I find garage sales like the one held a couple weeks ago.

    I'll have a few of those blue and white bowls and a couple of other things from Carolye R.'s sale.

  3. I stopped having garage sales years ago. I just bag stuff up and take the to Goodwill now. Can't seem to find the energy to deal with a weekend of that much work! I love to go to them, though! Carolye's would be one I would stop at for sure! Aren't you leaving on vacation soon? Hope you have a wonderful time!

  4. i'm assuming she had a TON of the same stuff from a previous 4th party she had? - b/c who owns like 100 blue and white bowls?! .. VERY cool garage sale to go to tho!

    i'm haven' a party - come on by!!!
    *kiss kiss*
    Happy Weekend!!!
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  5. Now that's a garage sale! The ones I have been to are much less glamorous than this! Have a great weekend, Kathysue!

  6. Now that is one yard sale I wouldn't want to miss!

  7. Wow! I love this idea...all garage sales should be so lovely!


  8. I would call this an estate sale! I used to work for an estate sale company and they had such lovely things--I spent all my earnings! I would love to attend a Carolyne Roehm "garage sale!" Loved those wicker glasses. Found some at Tuesday Morning recently. I think you need them for your patio!

  9. I sure havn't seen a garage sale like this. Unreal. Hope you are having a wonderful time. Hugs, Marty

  10. That is the classiest garage sale I have ever seen! I bet people don't argue over 5 cents there.

  11. You put me in the mood to check out a garage sale or two this weekend!

  12. Wow! This doesn't look like a tag sale so much as a gorgeous outdoor store or market!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Kathysue!

  13. I have missed you Kathysue- I'm just now trying to get caught up with my favorite blogs. LOVE your profile pic (it's about time my friend) :)
    and this post is quite timely considering that me and some new Houston bloggy friends are hosting our Mini Design Flea tomorrow.

    Wish us luck and have a great weekend.

  14. Wow, that is a designer garage sale. I would love to have attended that!

  15. Looks more like a home trunk show and not a garage sale.

  16. Kathysue, You could spend a whole day there! WOW!

  17. Hi Kathysue, Oh my word...this IS the motherlode of sales! It looks so fun. I saw lots of things I'd love to have. Hmmm...maybe I should hit some sales today since I'm up so early, although I don't think I'd ever see one set up so nicely!

  18. This is truly amazing. I wonder if people haggle over prices, or if they are so in awe of the setting that they just pay the asking price? I would love to attend a sale like this, but the checkbook probably wouldn't lol. Hope you are having a wonderful time! Hugs, Kat

  19. Hey! What a fun yardsale that would be, I would love to get in on that. Back from a week in Seattle, hope you've had a good one.

  20. Love this! I bet Eddie + Jaithan's recent garage sale was almost this nice! These stylists really can't do anything ordinary :) I think most of the attendees wanted to see Carolyn and her historic home up close and personal. This was a real event!
    A garage sale above all others :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue