Saturday, May 8, 2010

My MOM!!

Mother And Child Silhouette Clip Art

My Mom, Wow! Where do I even begin. As soon as I start to write about her I get big tears in my eyes. Not sad tears but overwhelming loving tears.

 I was a fifties child and Mom was the quintessential  fifties Mom. We were the typical family of that era. Dad worked Mom stayed home with us kids. We had a house a car and a dog. Life was pretty good!! Little did I know that it was more than pretty good.

 Since I have grown up and have become a Mother I can look back and realize it was great! You see we had everything we materially needed but more importantly we had a love from my Mom that I can hardly describe into words.

 Mom had the ability to show me the kind of love we all hope to have in our lives. You know the kind of love someone gives you freely without any strings attached. The kind of love that is unconditional. I knew without a doubt that I was loved. I also was made to feel that I could do anything I set my mind to do, and I would always have my Mom by my side as my most faithful fan.

Above all the things she gave me, the greatest gift was that I knew she loved me no matter what. Her love is still that way today. I am so blessed to still have my Mom in my life and you know what? She is still my biggest fan!

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! I love you big bunches,


  1. My eyes are pricking and my nose is twitching as I run for the Kleenex box. You have perfectly described how I feel about my own mother. Not everyone has been as lucky as you or I to have that implacable cheerleader there for us since....forever. The hardest thing for me is that we are 1400 miles away from each other and that I can't pop over and see her whenever I'd like to. But, with all of the new technologies {and the telephone!} we do stay well connected.
    I always felt that those who grew up in the 50's were the very luckiest. Guess I'm an old soul, but I am so drawn to the 50's and earlier eras.
    Have a very happy Mother's Day, Kathysue!
    xx P&H

  2. Oh Kathysue, what a beautiful and loving tribute to your mom. I know you are spending the day with her today and I hope you both have the greatest Mother's Day ever. Love you. Hugs, Marty

  3. You are the sweetest Kathysue! Wonderful! I wish you a wonderful day!

  4. That was so sweet. Hope you have a wonderful day spent with your loved ones.

  5. So lovely! And happy mother's day to you, sweet Kathysue!

    Eddie + Jaithan

  6. So lovely. I, too, have been blessed by an incredible mother... Now that I have my own child, I realize more and more each day how lucky I am. We live two miles from each other and later this year I'll be moving over 1000 miles away....I get teary just thinking about it. Enjoy your day.

  7. Kathysue,
    What a beautiful post my darling friend. I can only hope that as I mother I do the kind of job your mother have either of children write what you just wrote would be success as a mother.

  8. Kathysue, what a sweet letter to your mom. I was that fifties child, too. Hope you are having a wonderful day, my friend.

  9. A beautiful tribute to your mom! Sadly, I cannot say the same...there were always "conditions" and I never measured up. It's wonderful to see or hear about a relationship like this.

    Brightest blessings,

  10. Beautiful tribute to your Mom.

  11. What a beautiful, honest tribute, Kathysue! I hope you had an amazing weekend. Happy Mother's Day!


  12. My heart is filled to overflowing! What a wonderful thing to reas on this special day! You and your mother are both so priveledged to have such a wonderful relationship!

    Thanks so much for sharing youy sweet words!

    I hope your day was filled with love and laughter!


  13. What a great tribute to your mom, KathySue. I don't doubt at all that she is a wonderful mom cause look at who she raised!...Christine

  14. This sounds wonderfully familiar - lucky us!!! Happy, happy mother's day memories.
    -Sanity Fair

  15. Lovely tribute!
    Your mom sounds so lovely~

  16. I thought of you all day yesterday wondering how your family was treating the best Mom and Grandma in the world! I loved this tribute to your Mom and hope one day soon I'll get to meet her :)
    I bet you had a banner weekend.
    So much love to you Kathysue


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue