Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Fabric has been Chosen!

I actually brought home three samples of fabric. One was a green and white damask, one was a stripe with greens and pinks with an overlay damask print in cream, and the last one was a soft off white with varying sizes of green stripes. I lived with the samples for a few days and made my decison. The pink and green was actually the perfect colors and pattern, however, it just said too much. It kept saying, "Look at me,look at me." I was tired of looking at it within the first hour. I wanted it to be a quiet soft look.  The damask had too much yellow base in the green. The soft green stripe won!  Stripes afterall are  a consistent pattern in my life. The color was perfection and it went well with some damask green and white pillows that I already in my wicker chairs in the living room. I also have some silk green and cream curtains in the room. So here is the winner………
my projects 003 (800x600)
I fell in love with this trim. It is not the conventional gimp that might be on a chair like this but I like a little whimsy in my life and this just called out to me. They only had enough to do the chair and  it was discontinued, so I felt it was just meant to be for me to buy it.
The chair has been gutted, fluffed and puffed, stapled and tacked. This is what it looks like now…………………………….
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my projects 002 (800x600)
Here is the fabric draped on the chair. I really like the way it looks, so soft so pretty. It is like a diamond matelasse’ on the background with the stripe overlay. Simple, soft and lovely.

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This is a picture of the damask pillow and the silk drapes that are already in the room. It is an unfinished room but it does have a garden room look to it because of the great light that comes through the bay window. Rememer this room has vanilla icecream walls with white molding and a green ceiling. Here is a picture of the ceiling so you can see how it all ties in together……….

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This mirror is reflecting the ceiling. Now it is onto the part I have been waiting for, putting on the fabric. Wish me luck!! To be continued……
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Seeing a project unfold.


  1. Oh, that couldn't be more perfect- fabulous choice! You are doing an amazing job on that chair!
    xoxo pattie

  2. omg. you are so talented i love watching everything you do. so exciting to follow. i cant wait to see it finished.
    hope you are having a blissful weekend, good luck! xoxo

  3. Kathysue, love that fabric (and the mirror!). I am redoing my porch have am putting a green and white on some pillows that reminds me of your print - only mine is that sunbrella fabric - not elegant. I showed a couple of the pillows at the end of today's post - come take a look. Linda

  4. p.s. After seeing your green and white, I hope I am not making a mistake with the black I have added. Your pics are so restful! Linda

  5. Kathysue, I love your fabric and your chair. Your room is going to be even prettier when the chair is all done. Your home is just gorgeous in every spot. Love you and hope you are having a super weekend. Hugs, Marty

  6. Lovely fabric Kathysue, can't wait to see it.


  7. I love the fabric and the trim. It is going to be absolutely beautiful. Are you working on it right now? if not -- get going, girl!!! I want to see the finished product!

  8. Loving "the process" Kathysue! Can't wait to see the end result! Love that fabric!

  9. Good luck Kathysue! I am in love with your fabric. It is absolutely perfect for that chair and for your room. I can hardly wait to see the final result!

  10. Well it's just perfect Kathysue, just as I knew it would be. Can't wait to see it finished...I might even go and drag our lounge out of the garage and re look at the whole project!!!!!!

  11. The chair is looking great -- and I LOVE the fabric and trim you've chosen. It's going to be perfect in your room. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  12. The fabric is so gorgeous, I like it. You are one talented Lady. I so enjoy watching your work unfold. Look forward to the finished product.
    Happy Sunday;-)

  13. Hi! Thanks so much for your wonderful comment today! I lived in San Francisco for about 8 years and miss it so much still! However, New England has a special charm that you cannot get in CA. I am really enjoying going up and down the coast to visit the coastal towns. Maine is my favorite place to go. We would love to have a summer home up there.
    I love the fabric you chose. White and green stripes have always been my favorite. I love what you are doing with that sweet chair. Cannot wait to see what it looks like when you are done.


  14. Ta Da! The hard part is complete! I know you're glad that the "recreation" of the chair is finished and you can go on to making it pretty. Love the stripe matelasse'. It will be sturdy enough to hold up well, and I think the stripe is a great choice for the the trim too! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  15. Kathysue, I love the fabric. The green and white is so fresh. Can't wait to see the finished chair. Love that trim. Good luck.

  16. oh it's going to be so pretty ! so fresh! I can't wait to see the results!

  17. Can't wait to see it all finished. I like the fabric that you've selected.

  18. That fabric is so soft and pretty! Can't wait to see it all done!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue