Monday, May 17, 2010

Do You Sit On Your Sofa?

Do you sit on your sofa? I know that sounds like a strange question with an obvious answer, YES!! Well I sit on my sofa, but to be honest we lay on it more than we sit on it. My sofa is in our family room where the TV is located and we lay on it to watch TV. Sooooo, I got to thinking my family room is 17ft wide by 20ft deep. Not terribly large, but large enough to float the sofa in the middle of the room. What do you think about putting a daybed floating in the middle of the room and having two chairs adjacent to it instead of a regular sofa? I have a few pictures of daybeds in living rooms to give you better  idea of what I am talking about.
Can’t you just see yourself laying here and watching TV? Or snuggling with your honey?
This room has plenty of seating or laying areas for everyone.
I love this arrangement. My room is not deep enough to do two separate conversation areas but I love the concept.
This is a gorgeous daybed, rug , pillows- I love it all!!
I guess I am not too far off with my thought process. It looks as if others have had daybeds in their living areas. What do you think do you like the idea of a daybed in your living area. I would like to hear the pro’s and con’s you might come up with. Inquiring minds want to know??????
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Thinking of alternative seating in your living areas.


  1. Love the idea but it would only mean that Maggie and Souk have another piece to take over! They are the current sitters on our sofas!

  2. What a great collection! I know what you mean, we lie all over our sofas too. It looks like it would work best in a larger room where you can fit it plenty of alternative seating, I don't know if it would work so well in our little space, it might make it feel like a bedroom. My favourites are #3 and #6. I like the way #2 is set up too - you can still see through to the windows.

  3. Love the idea but I'm thinking I'd like it in addition to a sofa rather than in place of. For those times when you might have company that actually sits (though our friends would probably love to lay down and veg out), a daybed may not be as comfortable
    xoxo Pattie

  4. Beautiful pics, but in reality, a sofa works better for us because you always have the option of sitting, and you really need a back for that...especially the older we get! Linda

  5. Oh yes i too love to lay around on our soft! Definitely not for sitting ! xx

  6. We recently acquired a day bed in our living room, its so favorite piece in the house! Great post Kathysue!

  7. Kathysue, I do sit on my sofa when I am in the sunroom, but we never use the sofa in the great room except when company comes over. My husband sits in his leather recliner, of course. I usually don't watch t.v. in there. We like different programs. Of course now I am on this computer all the time. Got to get a lap top soon. I love a pretty daybed though. I love that big tan linen looking one with the blue rug. That is nice. Have a great day.


  8. Would you believe I have a sofa and a daybed in my living room? Gotta have a sofa for sitting - need that back support! Daybed is for laying & watching tv or napping or reading!

  9. ooh, that last one is divine. I like daybeds only if it is not the primary "sofa". I think to relax you need a back, but if you already have a sofa with a back and have room to add a daybed, I say go for it! Your living room sounds quite large! We need to see what you do with it if you are changing it up, it's so fun to see your projects! hope you have a great day kathysue. You're the best!

  10. I think this is such a great idea! we are sofa layers too. I would have never thought of this , now it is going in my inspiration/dream book. as always , your ideas are fabulous!

  11. Just found you trough sweet Koralee. Your blog is lovely. A sofa is a wanna-have. Must be fantastic laying and dreaming on it, esp. by a window with view on a gorgeous garden... xx

  12. Kathysue, I love the idea of a daybed. Such a great look. I sure don't have room in this house, but what a great idea if you have room. Hope your day is a super one. Hugs, Marty

  13. Looks like it's unanimous, we all love the idea of a daybed in our living/family rooms. If I only had the space...
    We usually sit on our sofa unless we're watching a movie, then our legs are all piled on top of each other and we lay on the sofa.

    Fun post as usual.
    Happy Monday my friend!

  14. I love the idea Kathysue! Wouldn't work in my family room though. You should see my family room sofa. It has down cushions so it is always a mess after we all lay on it and watch tv! All your images of daybeds are beautiful, especially the third from the last with the nailheads. That is simply wonderful!

  15. I love daybeds! In addition though, I tihnk you still have to have some pieces with a back for more formal seating and for people that need that back support. Daybeds are so fun, comfortable and really tie in a large space together where you can sit on both sides and congreagate :)

    Great Post!

  16. Hmmm, the wheels are TURNING and I'm thinking....WHERE could I put one??? I do love the idea as a secondary lounging area, but need the couch for visitors, otherwise it seems like you are all visiting in a bedroom {hee hee}! I think daybeds are very dreamy and dramatic and will love seeing YOURS if you decide to add one!
    Happy Monday..... xx P&H

  17. I think that it looks great in huge rooms. But I think I'd like one in my office - lounging on it with my laptop.

  18. Hmm, interesting. I have to say I am loving it. We lay on our sofa too so that makes me wonder if you would want a back? There are so many possibilities with a day bed, so much fun!

  19. Kathysue,
    I love a daybed in a living room! A room should function for how you would like to use it most often. I think it is how the room is set-up as well as the style of the daybed, as to what effect you will create with the arrangement. Go for it and enjoy!

  20. I definitely like the look but I can just see my kids trying to jump hurdles over it! It is a great piece to float in the middle of the room, though.

  21. I love it! Something to think about in my new home. xoxoxoxo

  22. Love this idea! I had a lot of these images saved, but my husband wasn't a huge fan and somehow when we set the room up like that it felt a little too divided for me. We have a sofa, a daybed, and two slipper chairs in our living room. I must admit I think the daybed is everyones favorite piece. All our guests love it to sit on while they're chatting or lay back on while watching tv.

  23. I love it in principle but am not sure if it's for me. I lay on my couch all the time!!!!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue