Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DIY is NOT! My Middle Name

I have learned a lot of things through the process of blogging. One of the most recent lessons was…… Do not post on a project until it is at least near completion. Case in point-my porch. I am use to taking my time on projects.  You know me, I am the girl that is constantly saying, “ Enjoy the Process.” What I realized through my “ Enjoying the Process,”is that I made my readers wait to long for the final outcome.

With that being said, I did a post a week or so ago on Spring Fever. Well, during my feverish two weeks.(yes it only lasted 2 weeks and the illness has left me, depleted) I did do a few little projects. No, that is not true, I did two little projects and one that turned out to be waaaaay bigger than I originally thought.

The two little projects consisted of an original oil painting done by Dorothy Spangler and a rather ornate gold frame. This painting is full of bright Springy colors and was given to me as a gift from a very dear friend.
During my Spring Fever time I got a bee in my bonnet that this frame would look much better in white. I thought a soft white would look nice.  I read a lot of DIY blog post out in blog land and they do all kinds of wonderful projects. Surely I can spray paint a picture frame white.  If you read my Brocade post here, you know that their wonderful pieces done in white have always inspired me.
Well, I purchased the paint taped off the oil painting verrrrry carefully and began my project. I primed and began spraying. Everything was going along smoothly(including the finish) until all of the sudden I started seeing little tiny, tiny specks of paint that appeared to be dust caught in the spray paint. I stopped what I was doing and had to get Hubby to rescue me. After sanding between coats and putting a coat of gloss on top, thanks to him I now have a fresh looking ornate picture frame and a nice white frame for an antique mirror. I can show you the mirror and the picture frame but the other, bigger project is not quite done. Here is the before………….
BEFOREliving room and family room 029I love this original oil painting with its bright Spring colors but the frame looked a bit tired so after the spraying and painting it now looks like this………….
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I love how it now stands out in the room as a fresh bouquet of Spring flowers. The wall color is actually the color of vanilla ice-cream so the new color on the frame looks really nice.
Now for the little antique mirror that I bought at a garage sale. A couple was selling their grandmothers belongings. She had some beautiful pieces that I will share on another post. This is a small oval mirror. I like the way it turned out, but I needed to adjust some of the objects around it to make it work in the space better. More on that later! Notice how I do one thing and then it leads to another, Oh my!!
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Here it is sitting in my wicker chair. I just noticed this is a great picture to show my ceiling treatment. It is a soft celadon green with white moldings. The chandelier is a 1930’s crystal piece . I love to add a little architecture to my suburban California ranch. Okay back to the mirror. Here is a close-up of the top detailing……….
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This is all carved wood so it is pretty ornate.
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You can see that I need to put some white candles on the low boy underneath this piece. I am not sure what I will do exactly, but trust me when I make the change you all will be the first to know. For those of you who love antique clocks, this is a beauty. She is red marble with a bronze statue and has a wonderful porcelain face with numbers in the same color as the marble and in the center a lovely iris. This is one of my favorite pieces in my home.
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A closer look at the now painted detail.
I realize that spray painting a couple of frames is no great shakes for most people but unfortunately it is kind of a big deal to this not so DIYer.
I am very pleased with the results and I think they add a fresher look to my living room. Now on to the “Other” bigger project. Boy, have I opened a can of worms,Yikes!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Giving something old a fresh new look.


  1. Hi Kathysue,
    Nothing like painting something white to make it grand! I love the oil frame in white. I have a very expensive oil painting with a massive gold frame and I have been thinking of painting it white. I am so afraid of ruining the painting because I can't remove it! You have inspired me to go for it!
    Love that mirror. You have such excellent taste and everything in your home is exquisite.


  2. Love it!! The painting was calling out for a white frame! I like the idea of using very ornate old pieces in fresh new ways- great job!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. I love how the white paint brings out the detail in your frame and mirror.

  4. You did great girl...Love the painting the best it just POP's with the white I am drooling big time over that clock WOW!! you know how I love antiques...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  5. Kathysue, you can do it. Those look great white. I don't even spray paint mine. I brush paint on. I know blog land is giving us way too many ideas that my head is just swimming. Have a great day my friend.

  6. What a difference a paint job makes! That painting has taken on the most wonderful life in the white frame. Kathysue I have a very similar mirror so I am going to crawl through the garage tomorrow until I find it then paint it white.

  7. Wow Kathysue... I think your DIY's came out beautifully. It looks like your whole room has "lightened up"... it really is amazing how white paint can totally transform something!! Congrats, you must be thrilled. I'm curious about your bigger project. What did you get yourself into?

  8. Are you SURE its not your middle name? Could have fooled me!

  9. It definitely it is your middle name! Those items look amazing! It's pretty neat what a coat of paint can do. You inspired me to paint my gold frame!

  10. Both of these look great! The mirror is so pretty - I love the shape of it. Great job!!

  11. I'm a big fan of painting frames and old mirrors to update them. In fact, I repainted an old gilt mirror my mom's a silvery-gray and I love how it makes the intricate moldings look more modern and fresh.

    In any case, your DIY projects look great! And I'm all for small projects...not all of us have the time or patience to weave our own rugs (including me!).

  12. Bravo Kathysue~ you did a fabulous job on both pieces. That detail is just gorgeous!

  13. The white frame gave the painting another kind of passion. I would say it gave it another kind of emotion. White brings out the colourful florals in the painting.

  14. Kathysue...I saw your title and thought...this post is going to make me feel better. I am a terrible DIYer....I recenty glued ribbon on to a lamp shade and it sounds simple enough....except there is hot glue popping out and crooked it sits in the basement until I can "fix" it.

    But, no such luck here....your end products look great. It may have taken more time than you had hoped....but both are huge success stories if you ask me!

  15. I think it looks like you got the job done! Some DIY projects take longer and more frustrating than others, but isn't that when we've usually learned the most? I tend to tackle many projects myself too...I like learning and I enjoy the reward of having done something myself, well depends on the task at hand.

  16. Nice job Kathysue....

    Love your chandy in your bedroom :)

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  17. oh hunny. they look AMAZING. white is the perfect look for those beautiful items. i always get nervous about doing that...painting things white. however, looking at your items, i am turned. FABULOUS!
    i thought of you today when i went to Zgallerie. there was a black and white striped tent. i will have to post about it. totally is our style! :)

  18. White makes everything so lovely. I can't believe how bright and cheery that painting looks now with the white frame.

  19. Love what you have done Kathysue! Amazing pieces, both of them-
    The white looks so fresh, well done my friend :) xx

  20. Hey, Kathysue, you're so funny! I'm very proud of you for breaking out the spray paint. YAY for you, the frames look nice and fresh with the white paint. See, now you'll try some other stuff & you'll be surprised at what all you can DIY!

  21. I have done that many a times...our home is filled with white frames and mirrors it! Hugs my friend. xo

  22. Looks pretty darn good to me! And truly... isn't that why we adore our hubbys?

  23. Your painted frames look really good, KathySue. I love that mirror, what a great buy! And the clock, OMG, I am drooling over it!...Christine

  24. I'm loving them Kathysue! In love with the mirror!! Thanks for stopping by today, wishing you a wonderful Friday!

  25. Amazing! So fresh and updated! You have been busy lately!

  26. Looks fantastic. Amazing what a little paint can do!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue