Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fun, Festive and Inexpensive!!!

In the economy that we are experiencing I think we all need some fun, festive and inexpensive ideas to spruce-up our yards. I think that Chinese lanterns are a great answer to all three criteria. They are fun, festive and inexpensive.

I absolutely love Chinese lanterns. I find them fascinating. The colors, the shapes and even some of the patterns. I love to use Chinese lanterns in my backyard. I have a shade tree over a small patio that I like to hang all white lanterns in different shapes. They look so ethereal to me. When they gently blow in the wind they are hypnotizing. I think they can make a wonderfully festive atmosphere for a backyard patio area. I know they are not a new product by any means, but I wonder how many people actually remember to use them in their outdoor decorating in the Spring and Summer months after the rain has stopped. I found a great source for inexpensive lanterns that can be ordered on line. They have a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. I will show just a few of what you can see on their website...

E55-Eyelet-Paper-Lanterns[1 ] 7.95LS201-white-designer-paper-lantern[1]19.95
The first lantern is white eyelet  and I love the unusual shape. You can get it here for only $7.95. The round lantern has been embellished with crystals for a little sparkle for only $19.95.
L125F-Party-Lantern-String-Lights[1]   SH13-teal-outdoor-nylon-lantern[1] 6.95
I love these brightly patterned lanterns. The beautiful teal of this lantern would look so fun around a pool area. Both lanterns can be purchased at Luna Bazaar. If you have not gone to this website take time to do so. It is a real treat. You can get so many fun things to add color and make it look festive for very little monies.
CL001-Wire-Linen-Candle-Lanterns[1]19.95 CL010RE-Woven-Wire-Hanging-Metal-Candle-Lanterns[1] 35.00
These two lanterns are made of linen and wire. I love their shape and the wire almost looks like a lace pattern. You can get these at Luna Bazaar also.
Take a look at some of the ways that Chinese lanterns can be used.
146001_1[1]This is probably my favorite way to use Chinese lanterns. I love all white and when they blow in the wind they are even more beautiful to me.
If you like color here is a nice mix of colors for you. Chinese lanterns come in so many colors. The combinations can almost be endless.
DreamSuitePatio2_Disney[1] gimon_lanterns[1]
Whenever one color is done in mass it becomes more of a statement.
How fun is this wedding done in all lime green? Can you imagine making a wire tree in the middle of your yard to hang lanterns on?  I really like this idea. I am going to think about where I could do something like this. Shepherd hooks going down a path are also a fun way to use Chinese lanterns. They don’t have to be lit to be beautiful. White lanterns glow in the dark even without lighting them.
Simple, beautiful, ethereal!
Martha Stewart uses Chinese lanterns in a variety of ways.
Remember these great little vase covers that I posted on here.

Mixing patterns with solid lanterns can look fun and festive!

How about a little embellishment with some paper butterflies.  Notice the butterflies are added to the drinking straws.  I think this would make a wonderful decoration for a Mother's Day luncheon.
Can you think of places in your yard that you could add a fun display of Chinese lanterns?
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Adding some fun and festive Chinese lanterns to your yard.


  1. Not ever a great fan of Chinese lanterns until..that is...I saw this photo with the butterflies!!!! Kathysue I just love them can I borrow?!!

  2. In my excitement I forgot to say I'm glad you liked the kitchen...I do too now I can actually see it!! I have always enjoyed that you use such large images because I have been able to enjoy the detail without my face pressed to the screen!!!!!!

  3. I LOVE using Chinese lanterns for parties! You got some fabulous inspiration pics
    xoxo Pattie

  4. Great source....this one is going to my file!

  5. loved, loved, loved this post, Kathysue! I am such a paper lantern gal. I have a small stash but now I gotta have some more....those lime green ones are my absolute favs.

    great way to start my day...thanks so much!

  6. I just had some of these in my hand yesterday, and they where from the Dollar Store, cute as can be too...I thought where can I put them...well you just gave me the idea:) Very cute pictures, I love the butterfly ones!

  7. I love the live green ones, what a fabulous idea, and the butterflies are so pretty. Great ideas. Hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  8. I would love to hang lanterns outside on the patio for a festive party. Great images and ideas. Thanks Kathysue!

  9. I am gla dyou reminded me about these. I alwas think of picking some up each summer and then the selection is low. So I will be ahead of the game this year. Thanks Kathysue!

  10. Things always look fabulous en masse. The lanterns are available at such reasonable prices that you can purchase dozens for a really dramatic effect. Love the idea of using them around a flower arrangement.

  11. Oh, I love the look. We don't get much of a break from wind/rain in Illinois. I could use them for special occasions, but I don't think I could have them up all summer. I think I'll try to find a few to put up and have a cookout when I get home.

  12. How cool. A blogger recently mentioned Lunar Bazaar for Chinese lanterns. They look very festive!


  13. you know I have some still in a containter that I need to whip out and use. I am just to lazy on how to figure out the plugs and how to hang. But that one picture of the patio w/ the colored ones have given me the inspiration to do it this summer. that's absolutely gorgeous!

  14. I would love to have the party light versions on my porch..., but we have so much wind here all the time, I don't think they would last.

  15. I would love to hang those outside if I had the place for them. We hung some in our garage one Christmas when we had my husband's huge family over. I had 85 people here at once!

  16. you are so clever. i love those lanterns and i just completely forget about them. i must get some for my patio pronto! thanks for the inspiration my lovely friend. xoxoxo

  17. I LOVE chinese lanterns! Thanks for all the beautiful pictures. The eyelit one is so unusual and I love the shape too.
    -Sanity Fair

  18. Hi Kathysue! LOVE Chinese lanterns, I was actually just looking at some this weekend, I think they had them at Homegoods of all places. Also, wonderful blog you've got here, I'm a new follower, and I'm really glad you stopped by so I could find you!! Cheers!

  19. Hi Kathysue! What a wonderful post! I have never thought about Chinese lanterns, but you really inspired me. I'm thinking about them under my tent in the backyard. I'm assuming you would use electric light, not candles.... duh. I loved the photo of the tent, and the butterflies in the last photo. Perfect for a shower too.

  20. Ohhh Martha Stewart always has these wonderful ideas! With your post you have nudged me in the right direction start planning a night party outside. Thanks Kathysue!
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  21. Loving all these lanterns but especially loving the butterfly adorned ones!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue