Friday, April 2, 2010

Frames Without Art!

I love art on the walls but I also love a beautiful frame! I have noticed some  homeowners who have used just picture frames without art and made wonderful collages of frames on their walls. I thought I would share a few of the images I have saved in my files............

I have had this picture saved with clippings from magazines and off of the web. I love the soft use of color here and I love the way the frames over-lap giving the composition deminsion.


Very simply done with all dark black or blackish frames.

I really like the use of a frame within a frame. Very clever!

Love the variety in size and shape. They keep it flowing  by using similar colored frames ranging from greens to yellows.


This is just cute! Love the old ornate frames painted in bright fresh colors. Do any of you remember the old Syrocco frames they use to sale at home shows. They were always so over the top and painted a not very pretty gold color. I am sure you could find many of those at Garage Sales or Flea Markets and paint them up and make them look new and fresh!

We just went from a lot of color to this very pale and white compostion. These frames actually look as if they were painted in the same finish as the walls. Flat to give them an almost plaster-look.

I like a little more color in my life. I am sure to get it in this room. Notice the frames are painted in similar colors as the pillows used on the settee.

Nice composition going down the staircase. They unified the compositon by painting the frames all the same color of paint.

If art is not in your budget right now, why don't you try some Empty Framed Art!!

I have to leave you with one last picture using frames without pictures in the most unusual way.........

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Thinking about wall groupings without Art.



  1. In our former house I had an area with antique hand painted tiles hung within a much larger empty frame. The tiles were small, but it gave them some "importance". great post!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Thank for sharing good and useful information. This information is very valuable.


  3. I like when there is a mixture of framed art and empty frames. Good post.

  4. I love this look and want to collect a few to copy what Kasey from LolaB blog has done on her stairway. All white and chippy for me of course!
    Happy Easter weekend to you my sweet friend Kathysue!!

  5. What a great roundup, really enjoyed this!

  6. fabulous post. i actually have one in the works.....the same stuff
    we are so like minded. and thats what i love about you

    have a wonderful easter you beautiful person you! xoxooxoxo

  7. This is wonderful, even if there was art inside I loved how they grouped it! Gives me some great ideas, thank you! Enjoy your weekend too!

  8. Great post! Have a great weekend!

  9. Wow! This is an amazing round up of images! I especially like the last one with the aqua frames in the stairwell.

    Happy Easter to you!!!

  10. Love Martha's collection of greens and yellows. Of course. It's Martha! And Nester's pretty awesome too. Love her stairwell. I've always wanted to try this, just not sure where.
    Thanks for your comment today, Kathysue. Always nice to hear from you!

  11. Kathysue, this is a post after my own heart! I know that most people will use bargain finds for this idea, but hopefully there are some out there that would like custom frames (made by DH of course!) I'm going to share this with him to put in his sample case! Hugs, Kat

  12. This is one of my favorite posts of yours, Kathysue! I just love all of these images. I have to admit there is something very relaxing about the empty frames and the freedom to NOT select art and accessories. Can you tell I'm overwhelmed these days?! Great post! Marija


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue