Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Brightly Painted Furniture

I am sure you have been noticing a lot of brightly painted furniture in shelter magazines and in blogland. I think it can be such a fun way to give new life to an older or vintage piece of furniture. I have some images that I have gathered to show you all some good examples of fun colors that can be put on furniture.
I think this looks amazing! Notice how all of the artwork has a touch of the purple color family. It is all tied together beautifully with the purple chest.
This looks like it could be in a cabin somewhere and this rough hand-me-down piece has been given a new lease on life with bright colored paint. This is just fun, isn’t it?
With this bright pop of lime green the whole setting is full of life.
This room has a lot of color going on but it is all working together nicely.
dresser0608[2] Chinese-Chippendale-2[1]
Fun fabric and a very fun paint color!
I love this color of green , it has the perfect name to describe it, don’t you think?
Ruthie Summers
I think this is a great idea to choose a fabric and then pull one of the colors out of the fabric and paint the legs. Just think if these legs were stained wood, there would not be the impact that they now have.
Variety is the spice of life.
I must leave you with one last picture just for fun!
Take your pick!!
Think about it. Do you have a piece in your home that you could add a bright color of paint to give it a fresh new look?  I have a reproduction wall clock that I think would look more updated if it were a crisp shiny white paint. I will have to give that some thought.
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Giving new life to an older piece of furniture.


  1. I'm loving lots of white with pops of color lately- I think I have Spring fever!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. love love love the teal cabin tablem in the woods ...
    I could sit there all day ...
    don't have any of the bright stuff here ...BUT I love looking

  3. I'm working on the back porch for the 2010 season. White wicker, with splases of bright color, here and there.
    I like color and have colorful ladderbacks around our rustic 9 ft pine farmhouse table in the breakfast room.

    Lots of inspiration in these images, Kathysue.

  4. I love the green chests and the yellow secretary and the red dresser. The same colors used in my house my eye automatically is drawn, too.

  5. Oh Kathysue, these are all soooooo pretty ! I still have a piece I need to paint and I'm thinking bright yellow.

  6. So pretty to look at but you know I can't do it. I'd have to sand it all down and make it look chippy and peely...

  7. Hi Kathysue,
    Hurray for painted furntiure! Our shop is notorious for finding and painting the most unexpected pieces of furniture and these pieces fly out the door!

    I love the element of surprise in these rooms and it makes it much more interesting.


  8. Great post! And yes indeedy...I have a few that could use some color!

  9. Oh how I drool over pops of color like these! I'd tell you which is my favorite piece but girl, I'm LOVIN everything! Especially that purple little chest... Ok, ok, that one is my fave ;-)

  10. Every one of these pieces looks better because of the bright paint colours. Think I should look around and see what I can convert to a 'happy" piece. Xo

  11. Having already painted four pieces of furniture, its safe to say, I can not get enough of this trend! Love all your picks, and meadow green=tdf!

  12. I love painted furniture! I have several in my house and am thinking of painting my dining room table!

  13. Thanks for the comment! You are right, my credenza would have fit right in!!! I also have a vintage chair that I bought on ebay and repainted and reupholstered that you would have loved!

    In my first apartment, I was inspired by photos like the ones above and painted an old chinese console lime green! It was so cool, but I sold it with the apt!

  14. I love painted furniture, just not the really bright colors in my home, although I can appreciate them in others. I think I am more of a wood person. Nice way to revive an old piece though. Hope you had a super Easter. Hugs, Marty

  15. Hi Kathysue! Each photograph is just brilliant! I love the pop of lime green! Thanks for stopping by, hope you come back to see me! I love your blog, will continue to follow you!


  16. I love color, but I'm not sure I'd be happy with those choices long term.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. Ah...painted furniture...my love! I guess it's a throwback to my days as a mural artist, but I'll paint anything that doesn't move. I love the bright colors and the mix. I' painting a little french bergere chair bright pumpking (I know...you hate orange!) and upholstering it in black patent! Of course...I have about 30 projects in front of that!
    Fun post!

  18. I love that green dresser with the mirror above! I too love painted furniture, but not loving crazy colors. Love painted white, black, greens, etc. Great way to update old tired furniture.

  19. Love that you wrote about this! I tend to be safe. I did step out of the box in my laundry room and painted it tiffany blue and black. I figured I do the laundry, it should make me happy! Right :) Thanks for all your kind comments on the photo shoot, we for sure did some celebrating with a bottle of wine and some dear friends :) Thank you for all your support!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue