Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Room With A View!!

For those of you who have known me for awhile you all know how much I love the Ocean. I especially love the beach in Carmel, California. What's not to like?! I actually think I could live anywhere where there was an ocean view. I know I am not alone in this love of ocean views, so I thought it would be fun to look at some lovely rooms with a view................

What is not to love in this room? Be still my heart. I also love the little pop of turqouise on the chair to bring in the ocean colors. Good styling here!

White and lovely with a pop of turqouse.

Take me away. I think the console at the foot of the bed is a pop-up TV. Notice the panel on the top. I don't think I would need a TV to watch with that lovely beach view.

This room has it all. I love the black table and chairs with the washed cotton slipcovers. All the green glass bottles casually displayed are a nice touch. What about the chandelier? Love,love this room.

This is so amazing. Look at how rustic this table is. They added formal white roses to a very casual setting-genius.! The shell encrusted chandelier is a work of art. Can you imagine having breakfast sitting here?

The colors used here are so fresh and crisp. I think I might like to change the wooden chair fabric to something that did not match the parson chairs. Love this but a little smatchy for me. Since I am living in these rooms virtually I can afford to be picky.

I am almost speechless!

Look at the interesting little table they used as an island. Lots of interesting pieces in this small kitchen. I like the use of baskets and the  touch of lemons for a pop of color. Love the little banner of shells and starfish hanging in the window.

Here we have a more formal setting with a water view outside the window. I really love all the pieces in this room. The only element I am not sure about is the art above the bed. I don't think the room needs it with all the woodwork and the busy fabric of the headboard. Fun use of color mixing turqousie with red.

Absolutely lovely and peaceful. Perfection!!

With each picture I get more and more relaxed. That is what the ocean does to me. As soon as I see it, I take a deep sigh. Does the ocean do that to you also?

I really need a trip to the ocean.

What a fun use of color here. It almost looks as if the ocean came in on the floorboards. This looks like a really fun place to visit.

Simply Wonderful!!

What a great table . Love this look.

Oh, so comfy.
I hope you have enjoyed visiting the ocean with me today.

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Looking at the view



  1. I'm Pisces! Of course I love the ocean but we are 5 hours away from the nearest so I make do with two rivers that join almost at our back door

  2. One of my very favorite TV chef's kitchens is Giada DeLaurentis'. The view of the ocean at Malibu behind her is stunning. Love the blue floorboards!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Kathysue, those are stunning pics. I am overwhelmed at the beauty of those rooms and their views. Linda

  4. Kathysue, I love looking at the ocean, too. I always get excited to see it again. I love many of these rooms, but especially the dining room with the slipcovered chairs and the green bottles on the shelf around the room. I could stay in any of these rooms and take in that view all day. There would probably be a nap in there somewhere though. The sound of the ocean puts me to sleep.

  5. I grew up by the ocean and I can appreciate these gorgeous pictures! Oh there is something magic in the air, the breeze, the energy, the feel of salted water! The "voice" of the ocean is captivating! Thank you for these beautiful pics.

  6. Just when I thought I was rested up from Spring Break vaca you have to taunt me with these gorgeous beach inspired images, now I need a proper beach getaway!
    I can almost smell the ocean air...ah. A view of the ocean from any room in the home is what dreams are made of.

  7. We were just in Carmel a few weeks ago! Thanks for the views from inside! I know I loved the views from outside!

  8. These images are gorgeous and inspirational, Kathysue! Thanks so much for sharing them.

  9. This post makes me so happy!!!
    I never told you but I took that Sproost test and I was 100% Nantucket! So you see how these images really speak to me!!!

  10. I so feel like painting my floors blue now...Love love this post today...pure inspiration. I so want to be sitting in that kitchen with the sweet little table as an island...how clever. Have a wonderful sweet day. xoxo

  11. OMG, everyone of these pictures are amazing! Makes me want to go down to the beach and kick my feet up with a good book! Thanks for stopping by today! Enjoy your day!

  12. These pictures are wonderful, makes me want to be on vacation now! I, too, love Carmel. My husband and I did a trip a few years ago and did San Fran, Calistoga, Carmel and Santa Barbara.....brings back great memories.

  13. this post! oh this post! the pictures in all their amazingness are total bliss to me. that view....takes my breath away. wow.
    i need to go take that sproost test. going now...
    hope you have having a great tues my love!

  14. Fabulous views! How wonderful would it be to wake up to the ocean view or to cook dinner with a waterfront view?!! Now I'm really ready for our annual beach vacation.

  15. I could definitely handle seeing ANY of these views every day! Thanks for the inspiration.

  16. Oh goodness, such lovely images! Would be happy to be in any one of these rooms :)

  17. Kathysue, After viewing all this loveliness, I can almost here the Ocean!

  18. YUM!!! Loving all of these. I could live in any of these. Great post...Kathy

  19. To look at or to be on the beach is to feel instantly calm. I love the ocean and the bay. It's magical.

  20. I would love to live like that , at least part-time. I don't know that I could just up and leave my mountains forever, even for the beach. I so agree with you on that bedroom, lose the art. Great post!

  21. Oh so pretty, cosy, sunny and inviting! Love them all. Also I'm happy I came across your blog!
    TC, Anna @ Around My Table

  22. You think of the best subjects for your posts! Seriously! another great one!

  23. I think my bloodpressure just went down! Wish I lived closer to the Pacific....must be nice!

  24. After a brutal Michigan winter these pictures of the ocean were calming and relaxing. Beautiful rooms!! Thanks for sharing, I love all your posts!

  25. What gorgeous pictures - so peaceful and lovely!! Thanks for dropping by my blog - always so nice to make a new blogger friend!

    xo Terri


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue