Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Style Has Been Confirmed!!

Phoebe Howard for Mrs. Howard

I was browsing through one of my favorite blogs the other day and went to Zhush a really fun blog that I love to visit. She had a great post on a fun style quiz at Sproost.  I thought my readers might be interested in taking it also. I asked her if she would mind if I did a post on it and she was so kind to let me. I love my generous blogging buddies. We sure have a great community of people in blogland, don't we?

Since I did yesterdays post on the "Like and Dislike," list I thought this quiz would be a nice addition to the list we made . I like having it all documented like this so I thought it might be helpful to all of you also.

I always love to take style or design quizzes of any kind. What I like about this particular one is that it gives you more than one style which I think is more accurate in most of our lives. I think most of us are eclectic. I was surprised at how accurate it was for me. The other thing I love is that they provide you with pictures to look back at what they say about your style. You can also see furniture that will fit your style and even purchase it if you wish. They have a place for room layouts also. All in all,it's a really fun site. The only drawback is it is a very slow site so be patient and allow a little bit of time to take full advantage of all the site has to offer.

I took the style test  and here are my results:

Your specific style combines three more general styles:
36% Nantucket Style
36% Cottage Chic
28% French Eclectic

In this room I love all the light coming in the beautiful paned windows.  The wall color and trim is perfection to me. I like the use of the green plants. Notice the casual and rough texture of the table. I love the touch of formality in the little french bench in front of the window. This is just a very comfortable room to me.

This room has great light! The black glass topped coffee table is so interesting to me. Having 4 chairs in a room facing eachother seems so inviting and cozy.  This is the exact configuration I would love to have in my living room someday. I love the white woodwork and wainscotting. Notice the texture brought in by the shells and basket. This is one way I like to bring texture in a room.

I love everything about this room. The only thing I would change is add a bit of color on the wall in a nice vanilla paint. The two blue pillows are a bit contrived . I would probably only have a pillow in one chair and it would be something a little more interesting in design.

I find this room quite interesting. It has a bit too many accessories for me. I tend to like a little more editing in a room. I absolutely love the oversized lamps and the end tables are so interesting. This room just has a lot of character and a bit of whimsy. Notice the parrasol, too cute!!

I love the woodwork and the comfortable feel of this room.

I really like this room a lot!! The interesting use of the architectural pieces is done so well in this room. Each piece in this room looks as if it could tell a story.

Another great room with lots of light and plenty of comforable seating. I would probably add some color on the wall in the yellow family something nice and buttery.
This room has so many interesting pieces. I love the use of black and white here. I would do a little editing but not too much. I think it would lose it's interest.

I think I would reverse the paint treatment and put the color on the upper portion of the wall. Notice how many interesting tables are in this room. I always love a room with live plants. I have a bit of painted furniture and wood funiture. Some with straight legs and some with curved. Very nice!

This room is almost perfect. Again, I would add a nice vanilla color on the walls.

What is not to like. This is a gorgeous room to me.

I really love the interesting furniture pieces here. I would have a darker coffee table and the windows would be less covered. Those blinds would have to be pulled up to let the view be seen and to have the maximum amount of light.

This was actually one of my favorite rooms pictured.

I think by looking at the pictures you can tell that this little quiz was pretty accurate for my style preferences.
From looking at yesterdays post on my Like/Dislike list you can see that all of these rooms have the elements that I would require in my home to make it my own personal taste.

"Enjoy the Process" OF: Finding your own personal Style Preference.



  1. ... I'll have what you're having ... one of each!


  2. I love your style. I think my alter ego would love to live in any of those rooms. My problem is that my style has been evolving for the past 20 years, it just doesn't know when to stop !

  3. I'm constantly revising my personal style preferences.
    These rooms are beautiful. I love all of the muted color palettes. Thank you for the inspiration Kathysue!


  4. Kathysue, what a terrific post. I had done the sproost test a couple of years ago or so and didn't think it got me right, but it sure did this time. 33% traditional country, 33% nantuckett style, 34% wine country style. All the things I like. I loved all your pics and thought how I am the same and then took the test and different except for the Nantuckett style. I have always wanted to go to Nantuckett, too. One of these days we will, I hope after hubby retires and we rent or buy a motor home.

  5. You and I tagged the same room as our favorites!

  6. I love looking at photos ,but do you truly have to have a style. I enjoy what I have even if it doesn't fit in a category of right or wrong . It is like a painting, not everyone is going to like it,some will see a deeper meaning to it than just liking the colors. Most people have items that may not fit into a style but the memories of where the item came from weighs more than the style. You can have a decorator come in and produce a certain style, and put the old broken vase into the attic or garbage. Then the memories of how it got broken ,by a brother and you playing,and gluing it back, who is no longer there ,makes me want to bring that vase back out. Style is a word that may say who you are ,but not why you are.

  7. Well we agreed on quite a few of the rooms but the site hated me! After a half hour wait, (twice!) I decided perhaps I really, really don't have a style. I think it is a feel for me, it just feels right or it doesn't be it a room, an object,, an animal a feel right to me Kathysue

  8. Kathysue, This post is like reading the best design magazines! I love the top picture! I actually said, Oh, my outloud! I am going back to take the quiz. Thanks for this WONDERFUL post.

  9. that first pic of the bedroom knocked my socks off.

  10. Kathysue, I can see elements in all of these rooms that seem like you. You do have such wonderful taste and you notice every detail. Great post. Now I have to go read yesterdays. I am way behind. Love you. Hugs, Marty

  11. Happy Wednesday to you too! Blog looks great girl, Jenn

  12. I'm with you and A Perfect Gray about which room was my favorite!!

  13. Thanks for the mention, Kathysue! Aren't all the images on the Sproost site amazing? I could spend a whole evening just staring at each and every one...I know I could...cause I already have! We overlap on the Nantucket style, now if I could only own a home on Nantucket...I wouldn't care what style it was!

  14. This was definitely a fun quiz - I'm actually mostly Hollywood Glamour, and then evenly split between Nantucket style and Cottage style. Which makes sense, I like to tone down/cozy up high style with some beachiness.

  15. Thanks for the lovely lovely comments on my blog. I'm liking things here too! will be following. xo

  16. Great post, Kathysue. I'm off to try my hand at the site. I love the styles you love, but can't live with so little color, and besides, Henry, my 144lb black lab, is not good with white furniture! It will be fun to see what niche the survey puts me in.
    Thanks for stopping by for the ruffles today. I didn't search out ruffles...just ran across them on Country Living. They seemed perfect for my whimsy day! I'm going to see if I can't find some more for you.

  17. Kathysue I think I meant friend not fiend! thats what happens when you do these things in the early early hours of the morning!

  18. Love all your beautiful pictures...What great inspirations....I need to get back to blogland more often. Thanks for Sharing. Athella


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue