Friday, March 26, 2010

Hints of Easter

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail hopping down the bunny trail, Hippity-Hoppity Easter is on it's way!
My  Inspiration Pictures! 

You know that Easter is just around the corner. It is one week from this Sunday. I have a very busy week ahead of me, so I have been trying to do a few things ahead of time. I have been shopping for Easter Basket goodies. I also am trying to do a trial run on some of the elements for my Easter table. Here is a picture just to give you a little hint on what I am thinking about using........

As you can see I have been dyeing eggs a bright yellow to go with some of my plates I plan on using. You will also notice the cute egg holder from Anthropologie that I bought last month.
Here are a few things that I have learned in the process of dyeing egg shells.
  1. Do not tell uninterested party how you plan on dyeing egg shells. He might just say something encouraging like, "Seems like an awful lot of trouble to me."
  2. Wear latex gloves if you have them
  3. Get a manicure AFTER you dye eggs if you did not wear latex gloves
  4. Cleanser is the only thing to get the dye off of your finger tips that now look like nicotine stained fingers after you have dyed 2 doz. eggs; therefore needing a manicure desperately.
  5. Make sure all egg residue is cleaned out before dipping in boiling colored water. Did you know that egg residue will cook? I do now! There is nothing like chunky yellow pieces of egg floating around to leave spots on your yellow eggs.
  6. Do not walk away from dyeing eggs to check emails or you will have a two-toned egg and then you will have to figure out how much time the other side needs to sit to get to the same value of color as the other side.
  7. Have a recipe on hand for egg quiche or a nice fritata because now you have a bowl full of opened eggs.
  8. If your bowl of opened eggs looks full do NOT under any circumstances add "Just One More."
  9. Last but not least, make sure you are alone, trust me on this. You will not want help or well-meaning advice from an on-looker or even the older children who are convinced they are professional egg dyers from years of experience.
I just thought you might want a heads-up in case you were going to crack your eggs, empty them out and then dye them.

Quick Question: Does anyone know if I need to keep these, now empty yellow eggshells in the refridgerator?

"Enjoy the Process" of: Getting ready for Easter!



  1. Looks like fabulous preparation!! x

  2. They should be fine unrefrigerated if you washed them out well. Did you ever get the message I was trying to send you about these ceramic egg holders?? I was all set to order these from Anthro after your post when I walked into HG and what should I see??! I got a pink and a purple, both with little yellow polka dots. I wanted to send you the pics! 7.99!! By the way, as the mom of 6 and wife of a not-always-understanding-of-my-projects husband, I totally get your tips! Can't wait to see what you've done
    xoxo Pattie

  3. I didn't - just let them dry and was certain no membranes remained. Love all the pics - especially the top 2...Jennifer

  4. Can you believe I have never colored a egg... I love your images, can't wait to see more.

  5. i love your list of hints. hilarious!! are you making Castañuelas with the cracked ones??

  6. I bet your hands are a lovely site. Thanks for the warning! Love the yellow on those eggs though.

  7. I want to be at your house for Easter!!!!!!!!
    You put so much love into everything you do :)

  8. Kathysue, you are so funny. I would love to be a little mouse in your pocket and just follow you around. lol Your eggs are gorgeous. I love the bright yellow color. I know your table will be stunning. Hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  9. Kathysue,
    This was hysterical. I love your yellow eggs, and I'm sure they will go with your tablesetting perfectly! Last year I died my easter eggs with onion skins. They were a gorgeous deep red. It's the traditional way the Greeks and Armenians died their eggs. The red is supposed to symbolize the blood of Christ. Well, needless to say, the red eggs clashed with my dishes on the table! Still...they were beautiful. Can't wait to see your table with the yellow eggs.

  10. Oh what fun. I haven't dyed easter eggs in years. I've been itching to do it again. Thanks for reminding me about it!

  11. You are just too cute, fun post!

    I just put out a few Easter decorations this week and bought our egg coloring kit yesterday. I love dying easter eggs. The funny thing about kids is they like to do about 4 or 5 eggs (same with Christmas cookies, Halloween pumpkins) then mom and/or dad are stuck finishing the rest. I love it!
    Your yellow eggs are too pretty and yes, I would leave them in the fridge just to be safe.
    Happy weekend Kathysue!

  12. just PS. this is exactly why i love easter...GREAT POST....
    hope you have a fabulous weekend my love.

    and yes. that wallpaper in averill's client bathroom is out of control huh? wish i had the guts for that. ;)

  13. I love that plate in the final shot! where oh where??
    Vignette Design: would love to have seen that red; sounds wonderful.

  14. Obviously, experience is the best teacher! You've succeeded in getting me into the Easter spirit, so it's off to find goodies for the grandbaby and grand niece and nephew. Thanks for the reminder. Have a great Easter with your family. I know it will certainly be colorful!!

  15. The yellow is fresh and beautiful! I so look forward to seeing how you decorate the table. I am sure it will be lovely.

    By the way, my mother had hollow eggs (they were picked with pins and actually blown to empty the white and yolk). She kept them for YEARS. They were never refrigerated. Yours should be perfectly fine for quite some time. Best of luck.

  16. You crack me up Kathysue. Do not add "just one more" I'm laughing out loud because I can picture exactly what happened. I love that yellow, so fresh and pretty. Can't wait to see your table I know it's going to be gorgeous. If the eggs were cleaned well, I see no reason to keep the shells in the frig. I'm afraid the condensation might make the dye weep? Have fun! Hugs, Kat

  17. Kathysue, you made me laugh! ha ha! I love the beautiful yellow color!

  18. Where did you get that wonderful crazy blue egg dish?


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue