Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And Then There Was PAINT!!!

The playroom bed has a few changes if you notice in the picture below. I am going through the process of picking the paint color.
 I am going to take you along with me on this process even if it takes me awhile, I hope you don't mind. I had already decided a green room would be a fun gender neutral color.   The first thing I do is get out my fan decks or color swatches from the paint store and lay them out and look at them for a couple of days.  As I pass the room the colors get moved around according to preference. I like to do this throughout the day because the light changes and so will the color.   I also decided I did not want to try and match any of the existing greens in the elements. I wanted something that would be kind of an in-between color. Therefore, making it become more of a neutral.  With that being said, I needed a citron colored green. More on the yellow side of green than the blue side. The green that is in the quilt is actually has a touch of blue in the green. I knew I did not want that green.   Before I show you  the picture below, I must explain. I normally will go for a more subdued color in a room, but this is a playroom that will be having all white furniture so I wanted it to be bright, cheerful and a clear color. Don't gasp when you see all the swatches. I am only looking at the very top color.  This is how the bed looks now.................

 Pretty bright aren't they? I am using the top two values nothing any lower on the swatches. I went from this too this..................

 Now I have five possiblilites but trust me I will be narrowing this down to the top three contenders.......

 There is one thing I would like to point out here. You can tell it is a process of elimination. You can also see I did not stand in the store under harsh flourescent lights and try to pick a color on the spot. That is virtually impossible to do. It is all about the details and it is important to make sure it is right in the enviroment in all lighting. There will be times when you will like a color better in the day than at night or vice versa. Think of when you will be in the room the most viewing that color,and it should be most appealing that time of day. I am lucky that the room has a good amount of light so the color did not change drastically throughout the day. Now we are down to the top two, the second and third swatches.  Time to go to the paint store and get some sample quarts.

Paint poster board with minimum of two coats and move around the room throughout the day.

And the winner is........????????  Let me know what you all think.
I will be showing you my big swatches in a later post.

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Choosing Paint Colors



  1. I like them both, but I think you may end up with the lighter one. Only thing is when you paint a large space it becomes even lighter than what is on that little swatch. So you may like the darker one better. Can't wait to see what you pick.

  2. I tend to like to use sample boards taped up to all the walls just because the little swatches seem too small. I think any of your contenders would work well. It'll be a great room!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. great choices.....
    and PS. in love with those pillows. especially the round one.

  4. The one on the left looks A LOT like my kitchen! Pear something....? Well, I love it on my walls! And, I have all white cabinets.
    I also agree, you have to do swatches on the wall and look at that for a few days (minimum!).

  5. Paint some on the walls and live with it in the day and night :) Loving the colors!!!
    Take care-

  6. I think 2 different colors might be nice, darker on the wall with the beds and the others the lighter color ??

  7. Hi Kathysue,
    I just know that your room is going to look wonderful. I like both of the colors and I can't wait to see which one you choose.


  8. I can't believe all those color swatches! I am not like this at all with paint color. I tend to go neutral and add color with things. So, back in the day every room was barely off white. Thankfully, I got over that and now I have a variety of medium to medium dark taupe on most walls. The basement is slightly sage green to keep it lighter. My daughter's room is still a color...but it will end up taupe eventually I'm sure. Boring.

  9. I love the third one, LOVE it! And the bedding is just perfect. You are so right about the color changing with the light. When we painted Cait's room, I made the mistake of using a fluorescent bulb in one of the lamps. And it turned that gorgeous blue that I had stressed over - you guessed it - PURPLE! Quick light bulb change, breathing and blood pressure back to normal, and I love it again, especially in the daylight. Have fun, can't wait to see which one you choose. Hugs, Kat

  10. Kathysue, thanks for being happy with me. Well, let me tell you about The Pioneer Woman, since you don't know her. She's one of the biggest blogging phenomenons out there with a HUGE following for her blog. She's a homeschooling, mom of 4 who lives on a ranch with her cowboy hubby & writes amazing stories & take fantastic photos & cooks up a storm. You need to go check her out (link on my blog). Anyway, she is a bloggy hero of mine & just published a cookbook & went on a whirlwind book signing tour & her book is on the NY Times best sellers. So, she is BIG in blogging.

    I love your playroom color, of course, since I love green so much. Can't wait to see what you choose. You know I have a yummy lime green in my laundryroom, Behr's Grasscloth. Can't go wrong with these colors, that is going to be a gorgeous room.

    Thanks for doing the happy dance with me!

  11. Oooh, I love picking out paint! I'd go for the first, because it's the boldest, but I do like the brightness of the second.

    Oh and I love the Fancy Nancy books! I bought several for my niece (who is a redhead) over Christmas.

  12. I love your pillows, Kathy Sue. What a hard choice. Actually, I think any of the 3 will work out. Ic an't wait to see the finished room...Christine


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue