Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It is that time of year where we are all wanting to clean out some of the debris in our homes.  You saw my frigescaping so I thought I would show you my Pantry Re-Do. I get into my pantry quite often throughout the day.  It has been a less than pleasant experience for quite awhile. I decided it was time to do a little scaping in the pantry so this is what my hubby I did last year.

 You can see from the first picture it was part of a romantic (OK romance is different for everyone) weekend. I started by emptying the pantry out and decided to paint it in a color I would enjoy looking at every day.  I proceeded to go out in the garage with mixing bowl and measuring cups ( my official paint mixing tools). I mixed some paint that was left over from some other projects until I got the palest, most pleasant blue I could get. I started the painting, which I normally am not allowed to do. I seem to have a problem with spilling paint and stepping in the paint tray. My sweet hubby took over and finished it in no time.

I was doing this on  a budget so I had gone to GW's and other thrift stores to buy containers for my new look. I bought some containers at Lowe's that are actually for the closet by Febreze to put snacks for the kiddo's and to corral larger items. I bought some great shelf paper in a linen and white check, a clean, fresh look. I also got some iron-on laminate tape to finish off the edges of the shelves. Here are the results..........

On my someday list is to have pretty baskets and all the containers matching but for now I am quite happy.

With it organized and all the proper containers it has been much easier to keep it this way for the last year. What they say about compartmentalizing is true when it comes to organizing.

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Organization


BTW: Lauren at Pure Style Home blog is doing a series on organizing different parts of your home . She keeps it real and interesting and has some fun and fresh ideas. Go here to see what Lauren has to say.


  1. Kathysue this is very beautifully done! It's so neat and well organized. The labels and see through bins are a fantastic idea. Love it!

    You have inspired me again! I already have a dark green ceramic bowl full of red grapes thanks to you. It really does make me smile when I open the fridge.

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  2. O.k. Kathysue, you need to come organize my pantry. Mine is so small. Just a tiny closet with four shelves. I told Mr. Savvy I need shelves in the closet across from it. Same exact closet except it just has one high shelf and a rod to hang coats on, but we don't use it for that. I love all your glasses.

  3. MY DREAM PANTRY!! First, I am a label-maker LOVER....But the way yours is so organized with the clear bins is fantastic. Wanna laugh? i'll send you a pic of mine, it'll be like the Do's & Don'ts of Pantry's.

  4. This looks gorgeous (can a pantry be gorgeous??) I love the pale blue and how you have everything labeled! You have inspired me to clean out my cabinets (would LOVE a pantry!!).

    Fabulous job, Kathysue. And I would love a husband who would take over the painting. Maybe I should play more inept!! ;-)


  5. I think you have the most organized pantry I've ever seen!! Wow!! I won't even tell you what a mess mine is.... but as long as I can always find the cereal and the soup, I'm good!! ;-)


  6. Kathysue~ this is even better than your fridge-WOW! You would absolutely die if you saw my tiny pantry....it's actually dangerous to open it as something typically falls out and if it doesn't hit you on the head it will land on your toe. :)
    OK- I'm printing these pics as inspiration. Guess it's time to stop making slipcovers and organize my pantry and fridge!!
    Looks fabulous.

  7. I am in LOVE.....with that pantry !!!

    Kathy :)

  8. Too funny- my husband thinks I'm the only nut that "decorates" closets and pantries! LOL
    xoxo Pattie

  9. Great ideas...your pantry is amazing. I need to whip mine into shape..though it is not nearly the size of yours. Thank you for visiting me the other day...your blog is lovely. xoxox

  10. Hey, Kathysue, thanks for the sweet comments on my tile project!

    I just cleaned out my fridge last week, took everything out & wiped it down.Amazing how that can get SO dirty. Love your pantry redo & the little bit of blue on the background is great. I love when people do that. I would kill for a pantry as big as yours! :)

  11. Oh this is gorgeous! I have a very small pantry in this house, so I am very jealous!!

  12. That is the most organized pantry I have ever layed eyes on, I love it. That is great!

  13. This is waaaay organized ! ! !
    Beautiful blue, too.


  14. Ir looks wonderful Kathysue.

    I'm determined to organize our pantry. I have most of my dishes stored there, these days. I should say, stored haphazardly, at best!

  15. I am so inspired! Your pantry is amazing. If I had that space, I would then be organized too! Right!

  16. I love a well appointed pantry... I love food and like mine to be well kept. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Oh My Kathysue, I could leave my pantry doors open if it looked like this! As a matter of fact, if mine looked like this, I would invite guests to open the doors and take a look! You've inspired me. I just hope I can stay inspired until the weekend, so I can make myself get in and organize my pantry! laurie

  18. Wow! How lucky to have the space and it looks great!

  19. I have always loved your pantry, KathySue! It is so clean and so organized....Christine

  20. Wow, Kathy! My new stainless steel canisters would look great in that kind of pantry! Unfortunately my husband is a "stick it where ever it fits" kind of guy when it comes to the pantry, so I'm not sure I could keep such a nicely organized pantry. Hopefully your husband is more committed to the cause!

  21. omgosh! I just did some "Fridgescaping" and love it. Now you have me inspired to do my "pantryscaping" - I don't have time this week, but next week I'm going to attack it! Seriously - you have really inspired me! Thanks Kathy!

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  23. Alright, Kathysue, your pantry puts mine to shame :) Looks great.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue