Friday, February 26, 2010


Yesterday's post was on fences and I mentioned wanting to add a mirror to the Great Wall so with that in mind I thought I would do a post on using mirrors outdoors.
I love mirrors!  Not so much for viewing my own reflection, but for what they can view in a room; or, even outside. I put mirrors outside. I have two, soon to be three, in my back yard and one on my front porch. I was first inspired by O Magazine's cover. It showed Oprah in her yard in front of a brightly colored yellow table with a large mirror hanging among the greenery with a wreath around it covered in lemons. I thought to myself, "I love mirrors and I have a whole wall of ivy on my back fence. I am going to go and buy a cheap, inexpensive round mirror and put a grapevine wreath around it, minus the lemons." I not only have one, but I put two on that fence covered in ivy. It is so fun watching the blue jays squawk at themselves and peck at the mirror because they think it is another bird. So far no breakage and it has been up there for I believe about 8 yrs. Here is my back yard and my mirrors.....

You can see the mirrors are nestled into the ivy and they are covered with a grapevine wreath to keep it looking more of a natural element. Seriously, I just bought the cheapest framed round mirrors I could find and wired the grapevine wreath onto it and then wired the whole thing onto the ivy. I found some other images to share with you. I hope this inspires you to add some reflective mirrors to your outdoors......

I really like this idea. I have several old iron gates sitting in my garden that I could add a mirror too.

For the more contemporary home, these steel mirrors are wonderful.

Check out the garden topiaries, amazing.

As you can see the ideas are abundant. Start looking around your yard and think of some places you can put a mirror.  As in your home you want it to reflect something pretty. I hope this gave you something to reflect on. ( sorry I just could not resist.)

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Using mirrors in unexpected ways.



  1. Kathysue, your backyard is gorgeous and I am jealous you have a pool. We had one on our first house for the kids, but can't have one here because our back yard is full of granite that is only three feet down. We would have to do extensive blasting and that isn't going to happen. It is funny when birds see their reflections and peck at it. Sometimes we will have a cardinal peck on one of our windows over and over at his reflection. Have a great day.

  2. I love the idea, but we have a couple of dopey birds that keep flying into my office window- I'm thinking they'd hurt themselves!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Those mirrors in ivy in your yard are gorgeous. I have always loved this look. I wish I had room to do it, i've always walked around looking for a good place, i'll find one b/c now i want to do it even more!

  4. Love your mirrors in your yard and the pics you show are wonderful. I love the blue window one. Great idea. Hugs, Marty

  5. I too love the idea of mirrors in the backyard... after all it is another room so to speak!
    I have a chinoiserie trumeau mirror that I put protective polyurethane on and I hang it on the back of our chimney over a concrete faux bois console table from Crate & Barrel. I surround it with pink hydangeas in green glazed chinese pots and pile barnacles on top of the table. It creates an amazing focal point for our black and white pavillion tent we put up each Spring. Now our backyard is much more inviting and more like an outdoor room!! And it all started with the mirror!!! You are right... mirrors are great outdoors!!
    ~xo always
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  6. Oh, love that blue window mirror! Fabulous. Where do you live? Do you use the pool all year: really nice area you have. Right now I have two feet of snow to shovel and free my poor bushes and plants in the backyard....!

  7. Oh, and I meant to tell you: I LOVE that cute butter dish! I will most definitely order it; thanks for the link!

  8. You find the most incredible images Kathysue. Your mirrors are gorgeous and what a great idea, especially when you have such pretty surroundings to reflect! My little Max would go crazy with mirrors in our yard as he would think there were a thousand squirrels to chase off instead of just hundreds. :)
    Happy Friday to you and I snapped a pic of my boots for you...last pic on my post today.

  9. Hi An eye for detail, We live in Calif and we can use the pool from usually April until Oct.It gets very hot here in the summer can go over 100degrees so the pool is a welcomed site. Glad you got the butter dish. I let my other reader that suggested it know. Isn't it fun how this can all work for people, I love blogging.

  10. It is very interesting how you placed your mirrors in your yard, KathySue. I have always seen them against walls and not against an ivy. So neat! I love the mirror behind the iron gate. OMG, how I would love to hang that on the brick wall in the backyard. It will go so well with our iron gazebo and trellis....Christine

  11. I've never thought of doing this, but I do like the idea. Your yard is so pretty...wish I had that pool!

  12. I love the look of the use of mirrors outside too! I don't have any... yet, but, maybe someday I will, once I get my back yard done the way I'd like it! Your yard and pool areas are gorgous!


  13. Hi Kathysue,
    I love the ideas you've shared here! Makes one pause for reflection (ouch ... sorry, bad pun!).
    I'm definitely going to start including mirrors here and there in the garden. I especially like the way you've nestled yours in the ivy.

    Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving the thoughtful comment. Hope our paths cross again soon.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Great Post - In small urban gardens mirrors are just the ticket for a great way of adding not only more light into a dark space, but also to create a trick of making the garden look bigger.

  15. Those cathedral mirrors are AMAZING. I love how all those mirrors look against ivy. So secret garden. mmm. lovely.

  16. This is a great idea and you have truly inspired me. How great your mirrors look!! Thanks! :-)


  17. What a creative idea Kathysue! I absolutely adore the one nestled in your ivy. ~Fabulous!

  18. I'm having so much fun seeing design through your eyes.
    Thank you for sharing your ideas and your home!
    I just love outdoor mirrors and how they reflect the beauty of these gardens.


  19. Hi Kathysue! I love the idea of outdoor mirrors! Do you have to clean yours often? We have some cardinals that I know would enjoy a mirror! They love to look at themselves in the rear view mirrors of the neighbor's car! lol Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  20. Hi, Kathysue. I just wanted to say thanks for the sweet comment you left made my day. :)

  21. I love this idea, I don't know how practical it would be here. We tend to get alot of high winds and I'm constantly picking the wind chimes up off the ground! I love the weathered arched mirrors, they look like cathedral windows. And that beautiful bright blue! And your yard is gorgeous, it has me dreaming of summer. Hugs, Kat

  22. I love this post! And I love outdoor mirrors, especially with ivy surrounding them. The way you put the grapevine wreath around the mirror is genius. I may have to try that.

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I would love to hear from you, Kathysue