Saturday, February 6, 2010

For Your Valentine Viewing Pleasure

When I think of Valentines Day I can not help but think of the color red.  Red is a color I do not use in my everyday decor in my own home.  I do enjoy visiting homes that use red .  In fact one of my favorite homes to visit is done in all red,white and blue.  It makes me smile as soon as I walk in.  Red is a very strong and vibrant color and it is not for the faint of heart. Speaking of hearts, back to Valentine Viewing. I hope you see some rooms that will make you smile.

I love this chair and would really like one in white!

Do you think a love letter is being typed?

Just a touch of red in this handsome room makes it feel romantic.

What a fun office and organized beautifully in red.

Bold and Beautiful from Lonny Magazine. If you have not looked at this on-line magazine you should take a peek. It is on its second on-line issue.

A striking room done by one of my favorite TV designers Sarah Richardson

I like the use of the Tynant water bottles in red. The red bottles hold still water but they have a wonderful colbalt blue glass bottle for their sparkling spring water for you blue lovers.

Room pictured in House Beautiful

This picture is more on the pink side of red but I had to post this beautiful bouquet.

Another pinky red in just two blooms, but just enough color to add interest to this bathroom.

Notice the subtle color of blue on the walls with the great sayings, and the the huge pop of color in the chandelier. That is what I call a Wow! factor.

They chose to use lots of different patterned fabrics all in red, very charming.

The chandelier in ths home is an amazing piece of jewelry for this room.

A nice relaxed room.

Another room with several different patterns in red this room is done by Peter Estersohn for Southern Accents Magazine

Another room from Southern Accents, oh how I miss that magazine.

This is for all of you toile lovers out there.

I hope you have enjoyed your Valentine Viewing. I must leave you with one last picture, I could not resist. This is actually a chair named Lesuire Lux Chair.  Now that is very interesting to say the least.
"Enjoy the Process" Of:  Thinking about using a touch of red for Valentines Day!


  1. Kathysue I am passionate about red! Would probably have used more in this house except that I inherited the worst color red silk taffeta curtains in our bedroom and I hate them so much I haven't put it anywhere else (next house?) We have not replaced the curtains because the quote 12 years ago was around $7000.00. We have a lot of window space!!!! Love the phots. Have pinched a few for the next house

  2. Love some of these rooms!Thanks for sharing
    xoxo Pattie

  3. What beautiful rooms. I am crazy over toile, so those are my favorites. Thanks for showing us such wonderful decor.


  4. You always find the best pictures and the best examples of rooms. I don't know how in the world you find them all. Just gorgeous. Hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  5. Great pictures using red. Of course I have red in almost every room of my house. I love me some red!!

  6. I love red, it makes me feel good. I don't really decorate with it. I have wondered about painting one room red just for fun, but I haven't been brave enough. I do love to bring in red flowers for a "pop" of color. Right now, I'm leaving up my Valentine tablescape so there is a burst of red in my house. It is fun for a change.


  7. Good Morning Kathysue...girl where do you find all these pictures...Red is a very bold color and is my favorite color...but I don't use it ha ha!! We use to have a race car and it was painted red because it made it look faster and meaner...Hope you have a GREAT weekend in your part of Ca. it's raining up on my mountain top..hey it beats snow for a change...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  8. Oh Kathysue, you know how much I love red! I prefer the rooms with the subtle pops of red, that black and white living room is divine! But I think my favorite is the dining room, but what drew my eye was the fantastic painting above the mantel. Genius! Kathy

  9. I always enjoy your posts so much!
    I must admit I have trouble with true reds. I seem to lean more towards corals and pinks in small doses as accents, but red should be celebrated and embraced on Valentine's Day!
    Have a lovely weekend!xo

  10. I love room with pops of red, But I don't care for red walls. They are very hard to paint over as well.

    Thanks for so many beautiful pictures!


  11. I'm a lover of red! Once we get our basement/family room renovation done (it's the never-ending project!!) I plan on purchasing a red sofa... with brown and tan. I just know it'll be warm and inviting!
    Hope you have some great plans for Valentine's Day!
    Victoria @ DesignTies

  12. Never been a big fan of red, but I did enjoy your photos. thanks

  13. Hi Kathysue :)

    I'm a big fan of red, so I love a lot of these rooms. Thank you for these beautiful pictures!


  14. Definately a love letter is being typed...and if I ever find a vintage typewriter...I think I will do that too!

  15. I wish I had the high ceilings and room for all those beautiful chandeliers!!! How fabulous!
    Margaret B

  16. Hi Kathysue, thank you for your words of support. They mean the world, we can use all the prayers we can get. Mr. P has certainly been through the mill. I adore red and have quite a bit of it in my home. I love it in my kitchen, but would be hard pressed to paint a master bedroom red unless it was "full" of windows. I think it would be too over powering for me in that room. So, naturally, I just add touches of red.. lol.. hope you're doing well your way with none of the heavy rains. With snow falling outside our windows we're hoping for sunshine soon... hugs ~lynne~

  17. Hi Kathysue.

    I like red when it's just used as an accent color.
    Love the image of the neutral bathroom with the red flowers.
    It needed that little pop!



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue