Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ann Spiro's Friday's flowers

I know most of the nation is experiencing very cold and gloomy weather. I also know from some of my East coast friends that they are getting a bit tired of it.  Yesterday in California we had amazing Spring-like weather.  We actually had lunch out on the patio. I started thinking about how we bring Spring into our homes. One of the quickest ways is with plants and flowers. You may be thinking, "I can't arrange flowers!" You don't have to have an elaborate arrangement.  Just something simple. I love all of one kind of flower in a simple vase. I think all of one kind makes a bigger statement, or at least all of one color. They don't have to be expensive flowers from a florist either. You can pick up a couple of grocery store bouquets. My local grocer has 3 bundles for $12. They aren't large bundles, but they can make up to two arrangements. Look at your rooms and decide where you think an arrangement would look nice. Now, go and pick out a vase and set it in that location. Now visualize what color or type of flower you might like. Next go buy them! Enjoy!

In the above picture from Martha Stewart they have taken a simple Japanese lantern and covered a cylinder shaped vase ( a jar would be perfect) and filled it with brightly colored flowers. I am so going to try this.  Can't you just see this at your next party?  A long table lined up with these in different shapes and sizes. Love this simple and inexpensive idea.

How simple but what a statement!

Martha does it again. You can't get any more simple than this.  Are you starting to think you might be able to  do this?

Here we have just branches from the yard.  I love this look. Another Chinese lantern in a bright Springy pink.

My friend Eddie Ross does amazing floral designs. Some are elaborate and others are very simple. He is a hands on kind of guy and loves to teach others to have the  "I can do it" attitude. He has a great tutorial here on how to arrange flowers.  Below are pictures of two of his arrangements that he made from flowers right out of his own garden. You can read about it here and here

This is amazing and to think it has been arranged with simple zinnia's and phlox from the garden.  Keep in mind simple flowers can be elevated to a high end look with the right container.  Eddie used an antique French basket.( I am on the hunt for one of these for myself, Love it!!)

Back to simplicity in the container and the flowers.  Notice the warm glo of the pewter pitcher with the brightness of the sunflowers and then the wonderful texture of burlap. These are all affordable and easy to find items and just look what a statement it makes.

These two images are actually an arrangement that I made for Chinese New Year's.  I did it on a budget! The containers were $5 each from Big Lots. I found the votives at the Dollar store for $.99 each. The chop sticks were purchased at an Asian grocery story for $10 for a doz. They are lacquered black and the tips are a mosaic mother of pearl, really quite lovely. The flowers were $8.99 a bunch at Costco. I also was able to make two other arrangements out of these same flowers.  If I can do this, so can you!

Designer Ann Spiro has a blog called Absolutely Beautiful Things. This is one of the first blogs that went in my favorites list.  She is from Australia and the Australians seem to do an amazing job with the colors I love.  All sunshine and Spring colors.  Ann does a Friday Flower's post where she shows just a simple arrangement of the most gorgeous and colorful flowers.  When you visit her blog you come away feeling happy and with that, "I can do it" attitude I was talking about earlier.  I love it when someone can inspire me to think like that, don't you?  Here are just a few of Ann's wonderfully simple, pretty arrangements.

One simple head of a snapdragon in your favorite tea cup or even a coffee cup (no you can not use the Starbucks cups, that would look a bit tacky,sorry!)

Now that you have seen all of these images are you ready to go to the grocery store, out in your yard, or on a walk out in nature?  I am leaving you with one last picture. If this doesn't give you the "I can do it", attitude nothing will.

Even Ann Spiro's dog Ned is arranging flowers.

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Having the "I can do it" attitude and making your home feel like Spring with flowers.


BTW: If you need more inspiration be sure and visit Melissa at The Inspired Room


  1. Kathysue, such pretty and colorful flower arrangements. I don't buy real flowers too often, but maybe I should. I can arrange fake ones so I guess I can do real ones, too.
    I finally figured out how to copy photos from other sites to my blog if needed. I was so excited. Now I need to learn how to do the linking with the highlighted here that you do like you just did and it links you to Eddie's blog. I still haven't learned that trick. So much to learn and I still haven't blown the thing up.

  2. I think I should prune my roses in the backyard before I reward myself with some beautiful flowers!
    This is the absolute latest I've ever pruned them... although I recently heard that it's not a bad idea to wait a bit.
    Love all the arrangements, especially yours!
    So creative Kathysue!!

  3. I've bookmaked Eddie's site! One thing I have always done in flower arrangements is place thin strips of tape across the top of the vase to help align the helps amazingly.

    Love the simplicity of the flowers you have shown - great containers also!

    Glad Ann's dog wasn't lifting his leg !!

  4. Hi, KathySue! Thanks for the visit to my blog and your sweet comment. :) I like the Martha Stewart images, but your arrangements are just as pretty!

  5. Your Chinese New Year arrangements are my favorite!!
    PS- This blogging journey wouldn't be the same without you~ you're fabulous. :-)

  6. Kathysue--
    AH, the lovely fresh sight and fragrance of life--
    we won't be experiencing thet here for quite some time yet...
    Thank you for stopping by.
    Pat was wonderful-delightfully personable!

  7. Beautiful pics you just shared, KathySue. I love flowers. They really bring life to the home...Christine

  8. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!Thank you for your nice blog, your flowers are so inspiring and heart blooming!

  9. ooh! I love the flowers in the enamel buckets, I have a thing for enamel buckets! and the flowers in the tea cup are the prettiest! Have a sweet day!

  10. So many beautiful flower arrangements!! Eddie's pink dahlias and phlox arrangement is awesome -- love both the colours and the shape.

    I fall into the "don't think I can do it" category. But your post has inspired me to give it a shot :-)


  11. I love arranging flowers.. I especially love when I bring over an arrangement I made and people thing they were professionally arranged.

    My next life i plan to arrange flowers all day long.

  12. Oh this is just what we need on another cold gray day in the midwest! Sigh....I was going to stop for flowers on the way home from work last night but got side tracked. Tonight I'm stopping for sure. Of all the photos I can honestly say that I like your flowers the best. I remember seeing them before and I thought then that you had such a clever idea - and I love that green!

  13. I love fresh flowers, and I can do it! I have done many showers, engagements, Communions, etc. I find it very relaxing..
    I was able to save a friend a lot of money on a recent engagement party..Each centerpiece was under 5 dollars...I have several of them in posts on my blog..

  14. These are all gorgeous Kathysue. I love the arrangement you did for Chinese New Year, that green just screams fresh and summery! Fresh flowers are my one indulgence, and for me the simpler the better. Loved this post. Hugs, Kat

  15. Hi Kathysue:
    I love your Chinese New Year's arrangements...very creative! And like Kat, from above, fresh flowers are one indulgence that I'll never cut out! Also, English rose bowls are great for arranging flowers. Great post. I'm off to the market to get some flowers.

  16. oh, i so needed to see your post today. i am stuck in the snow and gloom of the midwest and your flowers just made my day. love, love, love the white buckets with ferns on the red table. and the arrangement you made for chinese new year, fabulous. i now feel like spring isn't so far away.

  17. Those glass vases with the blue Canton china(Ann Spiro) are just beautiful. Yes, this winter grayness is going on just a bit too long....
    I am getting a post together on garden ornaments! Had to DO something spring-like...

  18. Kathysue, you always make it seem so simple. I just love your arrangements and the pictures are wonderful. I do love flowers. Guess I really do need to buy some real ones. Thanks for the inspiration. Hugs, Marty

  19. Beautiful inspiration, Kathysue.

    Zinnia's are wonderful cutting flowers. I used to grow them and others, at one end of our vegetable garden, at the farm, just for cutting.

    Our grocer has that same deal for three bundles. I take advantage of that, quite often.

  20. The flowers are beautiful - great images! You're right. I think I need to just go buy some flowers because spring definitely is not coming here for a while. :-) Thanks for the inspiration.

  21. What lovely floral arrangements! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment. I was so fortunate to be at the birth of my granddaughter yesterday. My daughter is a doula, so she had all natural childbirth. I was also at my first granddaughter's birth 19 months ago. I'm thankful they live close, so I can visit!

  22. I am getting so tired of seeing winter everywhere here and all these flower pictures gave me a great color fix today.Yours and Eddie's were my favorites,don't tell Martha. (((hugs)))) Cyndi

  23. What a darling Chinese New Year arrangement! Love it!

  24. How beautiful and inspiring me to think of Spring!

  25. The flowers are beautiful and I love the red cafe table!

  26. Stunning picture of the flowers, will definitely make my day. Keep posting. Love the floral centerpeice.

  27. You are speaking my language here. I spent several years helping a friend who was a florist on her busy holidays. I love what fresh flowers bring to a home. They don't have to be expensive or arranged perfectly. I love to play with unusual color combinations. Your Chinese New Year arrangements are so fun!


  28. You are so sweet!!!! I love flowers so much!!! this was such a happy post! much love!!!! xoxoxoxoxooxox
    Eddie + Jaithan


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue