Friday, February 12, 2010


I have not done a Fancy Friday post for awhile and I was reminded by someone very special to me that they would really like to see another one.  I went to my Fancy File and found a few things to share, so here is a Fancy Friday post for my Fancy Friend.

This brings eating french fries to a whole new level.  I wonder if these would be non-fattening?

I am not a fast food eater; however, in this packaging I just might be tempted. If nothing else I would save the cute containers.

What can I say???

A  Fancy girl needs her ruffles and plumes (that is a fancy word for feathers)!

Sparkly always equals Fancy

One can never have enough Chanel, right? Chanel No.5 is my all-time favorite fragrance. If you would like to see a blog that is full of beautiful, fancy and lovely images, go here . You will see so much eye candy, it is truly a delightfully Fancy blog called, This is Galmorous. When I need a soothing glamorous fix this blog is where I go, her visions are so lovely.

How would you like to put this in........

........This! Yes, it is gold plated and only cost $10,000. So if you can afford this then you can afford Louis Vuittton garbage sacks. I told you this is a Fancy Friday!

Being Fancy can be Frivolously Fun!!

"Enjoy the Process" Of:  Adding some Fancy to your day!



  1. Oh my gosh, the Louis trash bag! I think that's my favorite fancy. Perfect for the gold plated trash cans!:-)

  2. Wow, fancy, smancy! Wish I had that round ruffle tablecloth with all the plumes!

    Lovely post.


  3. Oh my gosh! The Louie trash bag!! I would LOVE to send one to my daughter-in-law whose very first request on finding out she was expecting was a Louie diaper bag (1400 dollars!). My hubby looked at her and said "Ummm, do you KNOW what you're going to be putting in there??" I will be forwarding this to her-love it!
    xoxo Pattie

  4. OK, this is my very favorite post yet!
    I adore all the fancy images.
    In fact... I adore Fancy Fridays at Good Life of Design!!
    Happy Valentines Weekend!!

    ~xo always

  5. WOW! What a fun and fancy post! :-)
    LOVE the images.
    Thanks for the smiles!


  6. What a fun 'fancy Nancy-ish' post Kathsue. I love those first few images of the food in designer boxes!
    Happy weekend to you.

  7. That gold plated trash can is hilarious! Can you imagine the neighbor's faces? Maybe I'll paint one of ours and mimic this... not. LOL

    Loved your comfy bed post! I love white bedding :)


  8. Kathysue, that is too funny. Gold trashcans and Louis Vuitton garbage bags. Someone has way too much money! lol

  9. I'm not a junk food eater either but I wouldn't resist those Gucci fries!

    Great post!

  10. The Louis Vitton garbage bags and the gold trash cans just cracked me up. I love all of your fancies, they are just great, the the bag just takes the cake. Hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  11. I love a beautiful I would partake in this!

  12. oooh ooooh I'm a fancy girl too ! Love anything glamorous or shiny or sparkly. I've always adored Chanel No. 5 - sometimes I splurge on the scented lotion, have you tried that ? Yummy.
    Thanks for your lovely comments today.

  13. The Vuitton trash bags had me rolling, and then I saw the gold plated trash cans! You don't seriously think anyone would buy these - would they? Love all your fancies today Kathysue. Hugs, Kat

  14. so sweet! -- thanks so much for the kind words



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue