Saturday, January 9, 2010


I don't know how many of you are familiar with the catalog Wisteria but they are a lovely catalog full of unusual finds. A lot of replicas of antiques they have found while traveling the world. They are having their annual sale and they have some mark downs  50%-70% off on some items so I thought I would make you aware of a few.

Can't you just see this on a romantic table set for you and someone special with candles and flowers?

How fun is this set of napkins with questions to help make conversations with your teenagers, brillant!

Some napkins for the younger children in your family, I love the bright and fun colors on these

Speaking of children I can just see this in a little boys bedroom ,How fun would that be?

I love,love this mirror,look at the wonderful soft colors and patina and the architectural shape this would add so  much interest to a room

How fun would these weathered clock hands be on a wall with hand painted numerals

Black and white drawings of silver serving pieces how lovely would these be in My,your dining room

Isn't she wonderful Lady Liberty, I love what she stands for and she would  add texture and interest to any mantle or bookshelf
These are just a few of the wonderful items carried by Wisteria when you go there browse around let me know if you find any other treasures
"Enjoy the Process" of finding treasures


  1. Oh Kathysue, I love Wisteria. Every time I get their catalog I just sit for hours and look at everything. They really do have such pretty things. Hope your day is special. Hugs, Marty

  2. All are beautiful items but the mirror.
    Be still my heart. ~Gorgeous! :)

  3. Wow, Kathysue! I will have to check them out! The napkins are so cute and I LOVE that mirror! You are posting so fast, my friend, that I can't keep up! I knew you would be a natural! Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie

  4. I love Wisteria!
    Can't wait to hang with you next week!

  5. My favorite is the mirror...sadly there is no place for it in my house!


  6. Not only are you going to persuade me to spend money, but I'm also going to have to look for places to put these treasures you are showing me. I love Wisteria, and would probably only buy from them in the event of a sale, and now you're going to tell me when they are having a sale! I already ordered and spent money when you notified us of other sales! At this rate, I'll never be able to retire. laurie

  7. Laurie, I told Vanna a long time ago I am an enabler.

  8. Kathysue you are the BEST enabler!! I love Wisteria! Sooo many charming things! That lady liberty really strikes my fancy. Have you purchased from them before? And if so what'd ya get? Enquiring minds ya know....*winks* And Laurie you know you can't retire! That boss of yours will never allow it! Lol! Vanna


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue