Friday, January 8, 2010

Its Friday and I Feel Foot-loose and Fancy Free!!

I know most of us have heard the term,"Foot-loose and Fancy Free",well according to the the oxford dictionary this phrase means: Free from emotional involvement or commitment to anyone. On Fridays that is how I feel. It is the day before the weekend starts when there will be activities with family and friends ,a day I can do as little or as much as I want (I call this Puttzing), no commitment but to myself (trust me I know this is a luxury).Since today is a Foot-loose Fancy Free kind of day,I thought it would be fun to look at some Fancy things. I can not use the word Fancy without thinking of a wonderful character in a childrens book,"Fancy Nancy" by author Jane O'Connor. If you have any little girls in your life this is a must read. To be perfectly honest I would read these books even if there wasn't a little girl in my life."Fancy Nancy" tries to make everything in her life, Fancy. Granted it is way over the top but none the less Fancy.

You can see that Nancy really likes FANCY!!!

I like touches of Fancy but nothing as elaborate as Nancy so I thought I would do some virtual shopping for some Fancy things. I have two rules: It has to be very economical cheap and On Sale Are you ready to go shopping? Here we gooooooo!

I know Christmas is over but this is on SALE and I think it would make a great touch of Fancy for any party

Wouldn't you love to wrap up in one of these wonderful throws?
I think anything monogrammed  pumps up the Fancy factor and these are a great deal at West Elm
I have an obsession for anything monogrammed ,more on that later

Now I know this bowl has simple lines, but that is what I love about it and don't you think the silver band makes it look fancy? This set comes in a set of  six bowls. These would be great for entertaining or how about your morning cereal, even oatmeal would taste fancy in one of these bowls and the price is great, I told you it has to be economical or on sale on this shopping trip.

If I am having my oatmeal in a silver rimmed bowl I want my milk in these lovely simply elegant glasses from William Sonoma Home, wait until you see the discount on these little lovelies.

How about this mini chandelier from Zgallerie with led lights to sit on your table instead of candles.Now I know my oatmeal and milk will taste realllllly fancy with this on my table

I told you I was going to shop economically, do you think any of these items could add some FANCY to your day? I know I had fun looking around for all these cheap economical little pretties. So try to look around your home and in your life and Enjoy The Process of being, Foot-loose and Fancy Free by adding some FANCY in your life 


  1. How fun, Kathysue! I love the chandeliers! And those throws are sooooo pretty! I am enjoying your blog and looking forward to your next post! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  2. Oh, Kathysue! I am so excited that you're going public! Prepare to have an avalanche of fans!...hugs...Debbie

  3. oh ks,i am so glad you've joined the rest of us.and may i say it is beautifully have talent my dear....quite alot of ya....anniepoo

  4. I love the concept of Foot Loose & Fancy Free Fridays!

  5. Kathysue, I am just so excited that you have decided to go public with your blog. It is just so great to have you here. How neat of Debbie to announce you. I am going to also just in case there are a couple of people that follow me that don't also follow Debbie. I think we need to shout to the world. Great job on this post and the others too. Hugs, Marty

  6. Hi Kathysue,
    ~Welcome to Blogging!~
    I just found your beautiful blog over at Debbie's and I am so excited to see it.
    It's just full of design inspiration!
    I look forward to many more visits.

    Have a wonderfully blessed weekend.
    ~Warmly, ~Melissa

  7. Great post.
    I have a little boy, but I always flip through Fancy Nancy books at the bookstore. :)
    We all want a little fancy in our lives!

  8. Hi Kathysue...welcome to the land of blog! I just clicked to follow Good Life of Design.

  9. I've read thru your posts and now I must sign in as a Follower

  10. Oh KathySue sweetie...
    I so love your blog home. Marty sent me by. I read through your back posts. I love the write up on dead space, actually gave me a couple of ideas. Love it.

    I love the post today and am going over to the Zgallerie to check out the little chandelier. I have a spot all picked out for it. I thank you for sharing today. I have signed up to follow your blog. I love it when folks share, and I just can't wait to see what you share next.

    Please stop by and say hi. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well. Have a beautiful Friday sweetie. Country hugs, Sherry

  11. I follow Marty and she was talking about your blog. I knew it would be wonderful and am not disappointed. Beautiful and informative. I will be back.

  12. Thank you for following along on my lil' ole blog Kathysue! I am truly honored that you would join me. You are truly an amazing decorator. I wish I had half your talent and I hope to learn from you. *Smiles*

    Enjoy your lovely new blog venture!

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  13. Hi Kathysue, welcome to the ever addicting blog land. It's been a while since our visits through Rate My Space.. I love the chandeliers, would love to find some for a couple places in my home. Definetly on the list of things "to find". What a delight to have you on board, would love to have you stop by when you get a chance..hugs ~lynne~

  14. You always find the greatest things Kathysue! Love the bowls and that stemware, I'm going to check them out right now! Hugs, Kat

  15. I love the little chandelier! I almost ordered it and then I had to remind myself that I'm trying not to spend any more money this month on things I don't really need. It is so cute though and it would look adorable in my big decorative birdcage!

  16. Cyndi, you are so right it would look perfect in your house,keep your eye on it, maybe it will even go on final clearance and cost less,I thought 3 of them down the center of a table would be an amazing centerpiece. Thanks for the visit here,it is so fun to see you. Kathysue

  17. Kathysue, you are really tempting me to spend some money! So many fancy pretties in this post! I did click over to see about the stemware, and it was sold out (you probably caused a flood of people buying them). Love that tiny chandelier, and I'm really considering ordering that. Of course, with 3 granddaughters, I read F.N. books a lot! Fun post. laurie

  18. Laurie, I know I went to order some for myself and they were all gone, I guess I should have ordered them when I linked to their site.Good to always check back you never know what else they will add. Sorry you missed out on the glasses. I think you NEED the chandelier for all the wonderful parties and tablescapes you do. Not trying to push,I am a true enabler.

  19. Kathysue I "am" fancy Nancy!! Lol! OK not really...but REALLY! Kwim? I love that foot loose and fancy free feeling! I hope you'll post lots of shopping trips with you! I just love this stuff!! Vanna


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue