Thursday, January 28, 2010


I know all of you out in blogland are very creative when it comes to making a vignette.  I have seen many lovely and fun vignettes in my travel throughout blogland.  I am not talking today about that decorative type of vignette. I am talking about an "Informative Vignette" which is something that I have had my clients do as part of their design consult. This is a tool that has helped me and my clients really get in touch with what they will truly love in their homes.

Are you ready to make an "Informative Vignette"
  • First, clear your mind of your home and what you think you want it to eventually look like. Ready?
  •  Now, think of five items you have had for more than five years that you absolutely love.  It can be an accessory from your home, a dish from your cupboard, or even an old favorite sweater or a pair of shoes. 
  • Put all of these things in an open clear spot and step back. What do you see?  Colors, textures, styles, theme?  These are the elements that you need to have in your home to make your home, Truly YOUR'S.
I am going to show you some of the items that I would put in my "Informative Vignette"

This is my entry hall, it is actually is showing several of my favorite pieces.

1) The white and black marble flooring.
2) The French antique black marble top table.
3) The white wainscotting and moulding.
4) The green and white striped wall paper.
5) The blue and white ceramic pot.

Now what does this tell me?

1)  I need to have architecture in my home for interest.
2) The mouldings need to be painted white or cream
3) I will have to have some older pieces in the mix of my furniture
4) I like a simple elegant style
5) Touches of blue and white need to be in my rooms
6) Clean lines will be more pleasing to my eye
7) Sharp contrast in colors usually with the use of black and white
8) Fresh colors
9) I need a bit of shine with metals or mirrors

Now go back to the top of this post and you will see a room that meets most of the elements that I will love in a room.  See if you can pick out a few of them.

It is very important that you are really honest with yourself in the process of pulling your items together. Sometimes we talk ourselves into maybe the latest trend or something we have seen in a friend's home.  My goal for myself and for YOU is to have you really understand your own personal style. I hope this little exercise will help you in discovering the true YOU for your home.

"Enjoy the Process" of:  Discovering what your home needs to make it truly YOU!

BTW: Today is the last day to vote for Eddie Ross! Be sure and Vote!!


  1. I think the easiest way for me to make a new post would be just to copy this is great! I took a look around and came up with Old wood, texture, a painting, rustic bowls and a antique tea box. So find me a

  2. How interesting, Kathysue! I like your vignette! I looked around and came up with a blue and yellow provencal fabric, my mom's ironstone soup tureen, my Quimper plates, my great grandfather's plantation desk and my duaghter's art work. Sooo...I guess I need sunny colors accented with with white and dark woods plus family pieces. Interesting! Hope you are having a happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  3. I tend to be very consistent in my need for various degrees of taupe walls and white trim. I also mix in old with new (more because I want to use family pieces than because I like the look). The other thing that is all through my home are things relating to the sea. I have shells, the pictures have beach scenes, sea glass etc. Everything certainly doesn't "match" but most of it works for me!


  4. How fun. I like a clean look, not sparse, but clean. I like earth tones and soft colors all mixed with a little yellow. I love dark wood and I like my antiques. I am definitely on the traditional side. Great exercise. Thanks, Hugs, Marty

  5. Great advise. I love my majolica, my vintage oil paintings, my living room drapes, my welsh cupboard and my little deer trophies. I guess that says traditional European style?

  6. Thanks for visiting me at - this was the first time I participated in Tablescape Thursday and you were my first post! I wanted to return the favor and come see what you're up to. Love your idea of "Informative Vignette" and love your marble entry floor!


  7. You know how much I adore your entryway. And this post actually is helping me decide how I want mine to look. The living room picture is gorgeous, I love the mix of old and new, traditional and not so much! Thanks for stopping, no major injuries, just some crinkly bangs lol. Hugs, Kat

  8. Oh KS, I do love your entry. That black and white marble floor is all you need in there, but your additions to it are perfect! When I first started reading, I immediately began thinking of things I should put on my list, but I couldn't narrow it down. I'll have to work on that some more! laurie

  9. I love this post and I do think it's so important to examine a space or spaces you really love to decide what's "you" -- like you, I love blue and white, a bit of shine, high contrast, white moldings and a relatively uncluttered style.

    (And your marble floors are GORGEOUS!)

  10. Kathysue, this is an interesting exercise. I'm going try this tomorrow.
    You are the best! ~ Sarah


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue