Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I am not trying to rush the month of January away, however  Valentine's Day is right around the corner.  I think it is a good time to at least start thinking about your special someone.   Even if that special someone is YOU or your home.   I know that heart shaped items can look a bit cutesy at times.   I don't usually choose a heart motif for my own personal home but I do know many people that love hearts.  If you love country decor you probably have a heart accessory or two in your home.   I went browsing for some fun gifts  in cyber land and came up with a few that I would like to have so I thought I would share them with you .   I already showed the darling heart shaped ink well from Wisteria the other day so don't forget that one. Here are a few more that I have found:

I think these would look great as they are shown or even in a shadow box on the wall. Think about attaching a little love note that says,"You have the key to my heart."  You can find these at Pottery Barn.  There is no shipping on this item right now.

How about a bowlful of these little beauties.  The texture and the color in these are wonderful.  They would also look great placed on top of your napkin on your Valentine table setting.  Think about using all natural elements on your table.   Linen ,moss, twigs and these wonderful rocks.  I love putting beautiful ,formal looking flowers, like roses with the rough and natural textures of a natural table setting.

These are just fun to look at.  I would scatter these on my table that would be set with crystal, silver and all white dishes on a crisp white linen tablecloth.  Red roses in a silver pitcher and red rose petals scattered on the table.  Simple and Elegant from Red Envelope

I had to post this!  The name is just too perfect to pass up.  I have not smelled this fragrance myself but  I have been told that it is clean and fresh .  I think it is worth a try for Valentine's Day.  It is made by Philosophy and all of their fragrances are light and not over powering at all.  My favorite is Amazing Grace.

We have two items to set a lovely, romantic, Valentines table so how about some food?  I discovered this company a few years ago when I purchased this as a Christmas gift with an entertaining theme.  I purchased some all white serving pieces in crisp geometric shapes from Crate and Barrel.  I ordered two of these dinners from a company called, Destination Dinners.  They have a wide varitey of meals from all over the world. They come in a beautiful presentation box .  Inside you will find all the exotic spices and ingredients other than fresh produce or meat to fix a wonderful and tasty meal for two.  It even comes with the recipe.  You could set a table up in front of the fireplace and stay at home and enjoy a meal from an exotic country.  This company also offers kits with the dishes and serving pieces.  Those cost more and my criteria for these gifts was $25 or less but please feel free to splurge, afterall it is Valentine's Day! and you are worth it.

Last but not least are golf balls.  Sorry to all the golf widows but your golfing man would  love these.  These balls can have a message printed on them.  Since we are talking about Valentine's Day it should probably be a message of LOVE.  I know it is tempting to write something about being home instead of being on the golf course but resist that thought.  Remember this is all about LOVE.   You need to allow three weeks to get these so that is one of the reasons I am posting this a little early.

I hope some of these ideas have spurred your creative juices.  Maybe this year you can have a Valentines Day with an extra added bonus of, a gift for you, a gift for the house and a gift for the one you LOVE.

"Enjoy the Process" of: Showing someone you LOVE  them by getting  a specail gift for Valentine's Day



  1. I love your gift ideas, Kathysue! Thanks for the heads-up on those PB keys! I have been eyeing them for ages! Have a great day!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Great ideas. I love the heart shaped rocks, I can see so many uses for these.

  3. Great ideas Kathysue. I love that you always find the most interesting things. Love the keys. I keep thinking I will find some at the junk store, but not so far. Hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  4. Mornin' dear friend...

    Was just thinking about you and thought I'd stop in with my morning cup of coffee for a visit! I hope that my little note finds you doing well! I'm just elated that you have started this delightful blog! My friend, you are such a gifted and talented lady...I for one, think it's such a blessing to see all of your great ideas!!! I just love all of your Valentine's Day ideas! Where or where does all the time go...it's spinning by much to fast! I love the pretty ornate keys from PB...I will check those out! Thanks for the "heads up" about them! I also really like the heart shaped rocks! You're absolutely right about them being a beautiful additon to a Valentine's Day table!!! Last year for Valentine's Day, I made my honey a book! Selected a pretty paper and bound it with gold satin ribbon! I titled it, "How Do I Love Thee...Let Me Count the Ways". Then I listed 100 things that I loved about my honey! He loved it and I really enjoyed watching his expressions as he read through the many ways that I love him! We're still newlyweds at heart! hehe!

    Well Darlin'...just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your last post! Those were some really beautiful "blues"!!! However, I think you should have included your beautiful bedroom and bath...it's still one of my most favorite bedroom/baths of all time!!!

    Love ya, my sweet friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  5. Great ideas, Kathysue. Thanks!..Christine

  6. You are so right--Valentine's isn't far away. I 'specially love those keys. The dishes and food look tempting!

  7. These are all great ideas!! I LOVE the keys and may have to investigate that further!

    The blue rooms are FAB!! Love the dining room!! I could live in that room forever!!

    Thank you for your comment and visit to my blog...it led me to yours and it is wonderful! I am a follower and I will be back!

    Lou Cinda

  8. Wonderful ideas Kathy! I should let you do all my shopping for me! I love Valentines Day. It is one of my favorite holidays--but then any day is a good day to let our loved ones know how much we care and how much they are loved! --You are a dear friend and I love you! As always your blog is a nice way to start the day!


  9. I just adore hearts and the warmth they convey Kathysue! I have been searching for some old keys as well and no luck yet. Bummer...:)

    Your blog is wonderful! I'm so happy you joined Blogland.

    Have a blessed day. ~Melissa :)

  10. Kathy, thank you for visiting my blog. Definately copy the scrabble letters! I love the picture of the keys....

  11. My husband's birthday is 3 days after Valentine's Day. I'm always looking for ideas!

  12. Kathysue, I am so glad you are blogging now...I just found your site and am now a follower! I'll enjoy checking in to see what you are doing! Linda

  13. I "adore" the keys. Thanks for sharing..
    hugs ~lynne~

  14. Great ideas for Valentines! I like to plan ahead for special events and not wait, so these tips are most welcomed! Love the "key" idea! My husband doesn't like candy...how wrong is that??? LOL! I {unfortunately} like it enough to make up for his part, though! LOL! But the "key" idea would be great, and he loves vintage looking items like the ones you have pictured!

    The blue rooms below were gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them, for great inspiration!

    And Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the kind comment! Hope you'll come again! ~Rhonda :)

  15. What great ideas Kathysue. I love the idea of shadow boxing those keys - and I know just the guy to do it lol! And I love the rocks, what a neat idea. BTW, I've tried that new scent - it's divine. But try it and wear it for a bit, it started to smell almost like cotton candy on me after a while! Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Hugs, Kat

  16. I just received the new Pottery Barn catalog this past weekend - many nice items in it!
    Amazing Grace is also my all time favorite...
    Thanks for all the tips!!

  17. I have a wonderful collection of old keys. Now I am inspired!!



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue