Friday, August 31, 2018

Something NEW For Fall For Me!!!

Do you feel it? There is just a touch of crispness in the air in the mornings and the evenings here in California.

I know it is probably a bit different where you live, but it is that time of year when we all start thinking about Fall and cooler weather.

With the changing of the seasons we also start thinking about changing things up a bit in our homes and wardrobes as well.

This past week I have to admit I did a little thinking about my wardrobe when I got my new Boden catalog and this picture popped up!

Hello darling, come to Mama!! Omgosh stripes and leopard together in one shirt!! Okay I did get a little excited, I have to admit so of course I had to push the BUY button!!

Leopard is a pattern I love for the Fall weather. I find it to be a classic for me since I do wear camel for the Fall/Winter season. Camel goes with my coloring and it just works well in my wardrobe.

Oh don't worry I didn't stop there!! Even though I am trying reallllly hard to not buy too many new things. I actually kind of needed, okay wanted a new pair of sneakers.

Check out the striped detail on the back!! AGAIN perfect for my Fall wardrobe!!
20% OFF
I think I will be going through my Fall pieces this week to see what fits, what doesn't and what I should keep or purge. How about you are in the mood for a little Fall update?



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue