Friday, September 11, 2015

I Have Something For You To Read!


Happy Friday !
Are you ready to do a little blog hopping?

Today I am over at Design Chic doing a guest post!

Can you guess what it might be about?

Be sure to go and find out and let them know Kathysue sent you!!


While you are there take a look around on their blog, I promise you will be so inspired by the beautiful images and information presented. They also have a shop of elegant and classic pieces.

beth kristy photo
Kristy and her Mom, Beth are co-authors of their blog, and they are true Southern ladies, warm, welcoming and elegant in their style and design.

kristy 3

One last thing Kristy wrote a book  too! Yes, she is beautiful, has impeccable taste, is a designer, and an author…..

You can purchase it HERE!

Now go over there, and see what I wrote about!!

Color, Color, Color



  1. We are so happy to have you on Design Chic today, Kathysue!! Love your black and blue - happy weekend ~

  2. Great job Kathysue! Design Chic is one of my favorites of all blogs.....Loved reading your post on their blog this morning.

  3. Hi Kathysue,
    It was so great to see you with our ladies over at Design Chic! Brava!

    The Arts by Karena
    Featuring India Hicks


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue