Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How To Make Easy Ghost Doughnuts For Halloween


When my boys were in Kindergarten they would make Ghost Doughnuts in their classroom for a Halloween treat.

It was so easy to do with the kiddos that I started making them every year for Halloween along with the traditional Snickerdoodle cookies.

They are so easy, fun, and tasty I thought I would share with all of you how to do it, so you can do it with, or for your families.

My grown kids still love a good ghost doughnut.

This should always been done with adult supervision since we will be working with very hot cooking oil.

 To Start You Will Need:

  • Frying pan
  • Cooking oil
  • Canned biscuits
  • (buttermilk works well, just the small regular sized biscuit, not the Grands)
  • Paper towels
  • Waxed paper
  • Shaker of cinnamon and sugar mixture
Ghost Doughnuts 001 (800x662)

Set your fry pan for about 400-425 degrees.

Cut a piece of waxed paper for your work surface. ( I always wet my counter with a rag before putting down the wax paper, and it will stick to the counter)

Ghost Doughnuts 004 (800x484)


Find a willing helper, preferably younger than YOU!!

Ghost Doughnuts 005 (800x651)
Have your young helper poke two of their fingers through the biscuit to make the eyes. 

Then they need to stretch the holes to make them as big as they can without breaking the dough (if they break the dough apart, just put in a patch, no big deal)……

Ghost Doughnuts 006 (800x600)

Now for the mouth!!

Ghost Doughnuts 007 (800x600)

Time to stretch out that mouth!
Ghost Doughnuts 008 (800x600)

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REALLY Stretch it out!!!

Pinch off a little of the dough off of one of the biscuits that is not made into a ghost yet, and test your oil to make sure it is hot enough before placing the ghostly face in the pan….

Ghost Doughnuts 010 (800x600)
Perfect, it is bubbling, that means it is good to go!

Place your ghostly face in the pan……

Ghost Doughnuts 014 (800x600)

Ghost Doughnuts 016 (800x750)

Place on 2 layers of paper towels….
Ghost Doughnuts 011 (663x800)

 Now for a dusting of something to make it sweet. We like cinnamon, and sugar on our doughnuts, but you could also use powdered sugar for a white ghost if you like.

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Ghost Doughnuts 013 (800x684)
A ghost doughnut cinnamon stencil!!

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All lined up after their cinnamon sprinkle.
Ghost Doughnuts 019 (800x600)

Which one is your favorite?! I like the one with the pointy chin!

Make a bunch because they won’t stay on the plate very long! 

They are Boo-licious!!
(sorry I couldn't resist)

For more fun with food you can go HERE


  1. They are so cute. I would be afraid that I would eat them all.

  2. Very spooky, Kathy Sue! What a clever treat!

  3. They look fantastic. Although we don't really celebrate Halloween here in Australia although its slowly getting bigger I think I would make these just because they look so delicious. Wondering what would be the equivalent to cookies in a can. So cool my son will love them.

  4. Cute and very clever........Sarah

  5. Super cute! (well, scary cute :D)

  6. These look delicious and like lots of fun to make! I'm sure they smell delicious while they cook too :)


  7. haha, I love them! I bet I can eat all 7. (Not much there with all those holes!) They might be even spookier with a dusting of powdered / confectioner's suger. Very fun :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue