Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Merry Christmas To All Of YOU!

It is almost here only three more days! When you really think about it, it is actually two more days until Christmas eve!! 

So much anticipation, and expectations evolve around this wonderful time of year. In fact so many, that we sometimes forget why we are celebrating.

I am very blessed to be able to spend time with my family all year long, but during the Holidays there is so much emphasis on on being together. Sometimes is not always possible for us all to be together.

I know there are many that won’t have there families around for the Holidays. I think it helps to not lose sight of what we are celebrating. The birth of Jesus Christ, and the precious gift of LOVE that God gave us on this very special day.

So whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or just the Holidays in general I think we all  have one thing in common, the celebration of LOVE of family and friends.

I thought I would show you where my family will be celebrating our time together on Christmas eve.

My 2011 Christmas Family Room

Before we take a look I need you to use your imagination.  Hear the soft Christmas music in the background? Smell the ham cooking, and the sweet smell of cookies, cider and hot chocolate? Okay! Now we are ready………

Christmas tree 2011 025 (800x600)

This is the place where we all hang out, watch TV, take naps on the sofa and just visit. It is a very cozy room for my family. Would you believe that mantel is 17 ft. long?! Whew! I am reminded of its length every time I decorate it!

Christmas tree 2011 027 (800x524)

See the green chair in the corner? This is everyone’s favorite place to cozy in. It is the type of chair that you start out sitting UP,  then you slowly find yourself descending downward into a comfortable almost reclining position!!

Also notice the little drummer boy pillow? I had to get him. Here is a close-up of his little profile….

Christmas 2011 027 (600x800)

I love silhouettes, but the main reason I purchased him is that his little profile looks almost identical to my middle son’s profile when he was a little boy. It had to be in my home this Christmas!!
Our tree is full of sweet memories…….

My youngest son’s very first pair of glasses. A sweet satin ball with his picture placed front and center adorned with beads and sequins that were placed by his little hands.
Christmas tree 2011 035 (800x600)

Christmas tree 2011 033 (800x600)

My youngest son’s first pair of shoes,  first ornament(dated 1977), and  his very first pair of glasses. 

My oldest son’s soccer buttons, and an ornament that was made out of a juice can top with red painted macaroni and glitter. It is crumbling, but it is still placed proudly on my tree.

Christmas tree 2011 041 (800x465)

A family picture of years gone by.

Christmas tree 2011 007 (697x800)

Christmas tree 2011 037 (600x800)

A sterling soldier that was my oldest son’s. When I gave him and his new wife his box of ornaments for their first tree, he handed the soldier back to me, and said, “ No, Mama this one belongs on the family tree!”

Yes, I cried because this was always his favorite ornament while he was growing up. The sweet face in the silver snow flake is his daughter. Believe me she is sweet beyond words.

Christmas tree 2011 034 (800x600)
In the far right is a picture of her Mommy and Daddy giving me the thumbs up for the gift I gave them that year.

Christmas tree 2011 004 (800x600)

Christmas tree 2011 040 (800x600)

A Styrofoam sequin gilded ornament made by my middle son. The other side shows a fish representing the symbol for Christianity. He knew even as a little boy how important Christ was in our home. 

There are pictures of him his very first year of Little League, a soccer button, and the little cherub with the kissable cheeks his youngest son. I think God gave him such kissable cheeks because he is a total love-bug, he gives the best hugs! The beautiful couple is his Mommy and Daddy!

Christmas tree 2011 007 (600x800)

My middle son gets rocking horses for his ornaments so I have this one on the tree representing his ornament. The cutie in the star is his oldest, and he is definitely a star in his Grammy’s heart……

Christmas tree 2011 057 (800x600)

Packages under the tree just waiting to be opened!

Christmas tree 2011 011

Christmas tree 2011 004 

Christmas tree 2011 065 (646x800)

The packages will have been opened,
our tummies will be satisfied and our
hearts will be full.

I am wishing your :
Sarah Christmas and mantel 2011 036 (600x800)
Christmas tree 2011 055 (800x600)
Christmas tree 2011 049 (800x600)
Christmas tree 2011 053 (800x600)
Christmas tree 2011 052 (800x600)

Merry Christmas To YOU and yours!



  1. Merry Christmas Kathysue, you are a remarkably talented and sweet lady. Your home looks wonderful and I love the sentimental ornaments! We have many of the same things too, getting rather tattered as our kids are getting older but oh so precious.

  2. Kathysue-
    This is s beautiful post. You tree is beautiful, full of beautiful movies. You have outdone yourself decorating!
    Have a very Merry Christmas.

  3. Oh Kathysue I love that drummer boy pillow! Genius!! And your whole living room looks divine, with the fireplace roaring and all. I sure could curl up there!

    Merry Christmas!
    Nancy xo

  4. Your tree and the whole room in fact is downright magical and so festive, elegant and inviting!! What a wonderful place to spend both Christmas eve and Chrstmas day!! Wonderful job.....thanks for sharing!

  5. Very fun post. Looks like you are all ready. Enjoy your family and Merry Christmas!

  6. Hello Kathysue

    I love how you have decorated your family room. It is beautiful, warm and welcoming and perfect for that nap.
    Thanks for your blog, friendship, support and comments this past year

    Happy Christmas and may 2012 be the best ever
    Helen xx

  7. Merry Christmas Kathysue!

  8. Triple love!!! The tree is so gorgeous and of course the presents are color coordinated:). That room looks so cozy and I would fight you for that chair!

  9. It is simply gorgeous, Kathysue! I love every inch of wonderfully warm and inviting and so very Kathysue with your signature colors! Your tree is so special...filled with wonderful family memories! What a treasure! A very Merry Christmas to you and your family, my sweet friend!...hugs...Debbie

  10. Now THAT'S a HOME of a REAL family at Christmas time. Kathysue, I would feel so comfortable walking into your warm, welcoming home. I would have bawled like a baby when your boyo handed that solider back for the "family" tree. Is there anything more special than those small things that happen between Mother and child?

    Blessings to you and your family. I am gonna take one more peek at your beautiful tree before I go....xo Diana

  11. Absolutely gorgeous Kathy -- you do beautiful work. Merry Christmas to all -- John

  12. Oh my your tree is just the best Kathysue, chock full of beloved and cherished memories... No wonder everyone wants to gather together around it and just hang out in this beautiful room you have so lovingly decorated.
    It is by far the most beautiful tree I have ever seen.
    You are an amazing woman, wife, mother and friend.
    I adore you!!!!
    Merry Christmas beautiful one and may you have the best Christmas ever!!!!

  13. *** Kathysue~ When I looked at the FIRST of the pics, the very first thing that came to my mind was "ENCHANTING"!!! It truly is... and the love, care and honoring of all members of your family is sooo evident, it really touched me. Deeply! We think that's what life is ALL ABOUT!

    Kathysue, you are so blessed... beautiful, happy n' healthy children, a hubby you love and a warm, wonderful, happy and oh-so-loving home... What else could anyone ever want?!?!

    You know I'm sending the warmest of hugs to all~~~ we appreciate your sharing your loves here, my dear friend!!!

    Holiday hugs,
    Linda in AZ *

  14. Merry Christmas to you and your family too!


  15. Merry Christmas, Kathysue. I hope it is wonderful.

  16. I can just picture you all having a wonderful holiday in this warm, cozy and charming room. Merry Christmas!

  17. Kathysue,
    You are one talented lady. Every picture was so beautiful. Merry Christmas to you...

  18. BEAUTIFUL Kathysue!!! I especially LOVE the B&W stripe ribbons, bows, tree skirt and mixed wrapping paper!

    xo Lynda

  19. What a sweet post today. I enjoyed getting a glimpse into your special ornaments and holiday memories...and your family room looks beautiful. I love the black and white touches on your tree.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Kathysue.

  20. Love this post about your family's special ornaments. I think the ones with special meaning, like the baby shoes, the sterling soldier and the ones the children made, are the best! Thank you for sharing your Christmas treasures.
    Wishing you and your family the best Christmas ever!

  21. Merry Christmas, Kathysue! It couldn't be more beautiful and cozy! Your family is very lucky to have you, I'm sure they appreciate all you do to make the holidays so special!

  22. What a beautiful post Kathysue! Your tree is so beautiful and full of so many precious memories of a life well lived. We are all so fortunate and this time of year reminds us so. Happy first day of December!

  23. I love your tree full of so many memories. And I am glad you like your drummer boy pillow! =)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue