Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Story Of How It All Began!

I am back in blog land ready to start blogging again after my brief one week intermission. As many of you read I took my intermission because I was going to be entertaining two blogging friends here at my home  in California.

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What only a few of you know is the story of how we all became friends. This post is going to tell you of my wonderful journey of a destiny that would attach me to a wonderful group of ladies.....

Three years ago HGTV had a show called Rate My Space. I am sure many of you will remember the days of RMS. With the introduction of the show on television there was also an online site for HGTV where homeowners would post images of rooms in their homes hoping to be chosen for a makeover, or as the inspiration room for a makeover.

I loved to see the makeovers and also the beautiful rooms that were chosen as inspiration for the homeowners that were in need of help in designing a beautiful room. The show was hosted by Angelo Surmelis. He was a delightful host that set the mood for the whole show with his enthusiasm, and ease of design.

summer kitchen 005 (600x800)

After watching the show for quite awhile, I decided to post my kitchen. I felt I did a fairly good job using inexpensive, and good ideas to redo a 1970’s kitchen. In fact my title for my kitchen was, “ A 1970’s Redo!”
This is the interesting part, I had never even turned on a computer at that time.

fall dining 2
Luckily I have a very supportive hubby, and he helped me along the way.
After just a few hours of posting my rooms I had received very positive comments, and wound up on  the front page, which I found out later was a really exciting thing to happen. Remember I have no idea what I am doing here.

As time went along I posted more rooms in my home and truly was, “Enjoying the Process.”

In my comments I received a comment from a lady who invited me to visit her blog. I did not pay much attention, since I was such a newbie, and had no idea what a blog was.

I then received another invitation from another lady. Well, if two ladies with homes I had admired invited me to the blog thingy, I guess I should check it out.
The first invitation came from Susan from, “Between Naps on the Porch.” The second invitation came from Cindy from “My Romantic Home,blog.

I had NO idea this world even existed!! For a design enthusiast this was like a kid in a candy store. I don’t have to tell any of you out there how exciting my new journey was, because I know you all have had somewhat the same experience when you made your own discoveries about blog land.

As time went by I was beginning to realize that there were a lot of nice, like-minded people on-line.

I am not sure how or why, but I received an invitation to join another online site called Micasa. It was much smaller than RMS, which by this time had become a whole different place due to some not so nice people.

I was lucky in that I had never been attacked with unkind comments, but I had seen others that became a target of these not so nice people (they were called trolls by some.)
I posted rooms on the Micasa website, much like I did on the RMS site.  Comments were left by some very nice ladies on my rooms, as well as  other member’s rooms.

As time passed we seemed to be developing a kinship with one another. I would look forward to my morning cup of coffee as I would log onto Micasa. It actually became somewhat of a chat room. We would laugh about having our morning coffee in each others, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc. Not physically, but mentally as we would post our comments under the pictures of each others rooms.

Over the months we became closer, and closer. One dreaded day we all received the announcement that Micasa would be closing their site, due to lack of interest.

OH NO!!! what would we do? None of us had each other's email addresses. You don’t post your email address in a public online forum. We were all afraid we would lose touch. This just could not happen, what  a sad thing it would be to not correspond with these wonderful ladies.

As luck would  have it, there was one very smart lady that took it upon herself to open a private chat room that we all could continue to meet up with our morning cups of coffee.

She posted an email address where we could all contact her and give her our email addresses. She would close the email address after we were all notified. It was all settled we were about to start a new journey in our very own private chat room.

We had to have a name to call our group, and also we needed an avatar. Throughout our many months of corresponding on Micasa I would refer to my plans for the day as Puttzing. The definition of puttzing around the house is a day full of, wearing sweats, a ponytail, no make-up and just doing as little, or as much of the household chores as I wanted to do. Puttzing days are actually my favorite days of the week.

The other ladies came to  refer to their own days around their homes as a puttzing kind of day also. Soooooo…. We will be called the Puttzer’s!! Since our day always started with our first cup of coffee, and a good conversation among the ladies, our brilliant founder thought a coffee cup would make for a perfect avatar.

The Puttzer’s now had a place to continue cultivating our ever growing friendship. That was three years ago………..

Since that time I have had the privilege of meeting in person four ladies in our group. The first time was when hubby and I planned a trip to meet up with two of the Puttzer’s in North Carolina. I will never forget seeing them for the very first time.

We made plans to meet at a B&B in the town we were visiting, Asheville North Carolina.
As we pulled our car up the graveled driveway, there they were!!! Two beautiful ladies glowing with amazing smiles and jumping up and down like school girls.
I told my Hubby to STOP the car, I had to get out. We looked at each other, squealed with delight, cried, looked at each other hugged and squealed some more.

It is so hard to articulate this type of experience, but if you have had the pleasure of writing someone, and having a long distance relationship, and then meeting, you know exactly what I am talking about.

I finally got to meet two of my Puttzer ladies!!! We started talking and did not stop for 3 days, or since, for that matter.

The following year we were invited by one of our ladies who owned a beach house  for another Puttzer meeting. I flew out to North Carolina, this time by myself, and met her for the first time, plus the other two ladies that I had met the year before. We were together for five wonderful days in a beautiful little beach town. It was as if we had never been apart, we picked up where we left off just  like we had been sorority sisters.

I had never been on an East coast beach, so it was a first for me, and one experience I will never forget. I also got to see my very first  firefly. As my southern hostess explained to her husband, my reaction, “She is just giddy!!” (in the cutest Southern accent!) She was right, I was giddy and full of delight with my whole experience.

This brings us to my recent intermission………..

Two of our Puttzer’s flew to California to stay with me for five fun filled days. One lady I have had the pleasure of spending time with on the previous visits. The other lady I had never met in person so this was her first experience of meeting any of the Puttzers. Again……… we hugged, cried, laughed and jumped up and down at the airport.

We started talking and never quit except for sleeping, which we got very little of for 5 fun filled days in California.
(I will post more about their visit in up-coming post.)

That brings us to today…..Since starting the chat room we now have five ladies that are actively blogging. It is because of the encouragement of these wonderful ladies that I started blogging. I am forever grateful to them for all their support and encouragement. Half of us have met each other, and we are planning future visits so that someday ALL The Puttzer’s will have met each other.

Just think if I had never taken that first leap into cyber space at RMS? I would have never had this amazing journey, or would have never met these amazing ladies.

We are beyond friends we are,  The Puttzer Family and I for one can say I am very proud,happy, and honored to be a member!!!

Kathysue is still: 
“ Enjoying the Process!”

BTW: Come back for my next post where I will introduce you to the Puttzers that are bloggers!!


  1. I read every word of this and LOVED this story!!! Fantastic and a testament to the perks of blogging and connecting with like minded people. How amazing that such a wonderful friendship has evolved because ot it! I love the name "puttzers" that is so cute and I use it all the time too, to say I am "just puttzing around the house" .....really enjoyed this story and sooo happy for you that you all got to meet up, sounds like it was a match made in friendship heaven!

  2. I came to blogging thru a private forum of decorating ladies. Rhoda from Southern Hospitality and Kim from Daisy Cottage were also on the board and many others who are now blogging. We also stay in touch through Facebook, these days.

    With the encouragement of Rhoda and Kim, I began Back Porch Musings, in March 2007.

    I too posted a few of my rooms on Rate My Space. This was after I began the blog.

    I've met some of the folks in real life, I first got to know at the forum and/or the blog. We still keep in touch, even though most of us live far from each other.

    Amazing how small the world really is.

    Enjoyed this post, Kathsue

  3. KathySue-
    What a fantastic story this this---Love how design brought you and your new friends together and how it also set you all on a new path. I have always believed that design is more than just making things beautiful, it's about changing people's lives. It looks like you have been able to do both! BTW, your home is gorgeous.
    All the best to you and the "Puttzers!"
    Stay Creative,

  4. What a great story. Can you give us the names of the blogs so I can visit them?

  5. This is such a precious story Kathysue! What a unique and special way to meet kindred spirits. XOXO

  6. Kathy Sue,
    Such a wonderful story of friendship, and what a treat it must be to spend that special time together.
    I have a few regular contact friends I've met on-line that I would so love to meet in person some day.
    Glad to have you back in Blog Land!
    ~ Wendi ~

  7. What a wonderful story. I had always been afraid to post over at RMS, because I had heard that it could get mean and snarky, but I'm so glad that wasn't your experience.

    I love being able to meet up with cyber friends in real life. It's such a thrill to be able to really share a cup of coffee with someone you've been sharing virtual cups with. Thanks for sharing.

  8. What a great story and rather an amazing one. So nice that you were able to nourish and develope these friendships.(-:

  9. I love this story Kathysue! Can't wait to hear about your five days with the Puttzer ladies!

  10. *** I REMEMBER your UBER DELIGHTFUL kitchen from RMS, & I just now put 2+2 together, and I get YOU. sweet KathySue!!! Remember "Mom of a German Shorthair"? That's me!

    Those earlier days there WERE sooooo fun!!! Soooo glad to her your story!!!

    Biggest hugs,

    Linda in AZ *

  11. Kathysue- I read every single word and it is an amazing journey. What a blessing to find like-minded souls in this world. I am just a bit envious that you have been able to actually meet some of these ladies- a bit envious but oh-so-glad for you!

    There is an old saying..You can't pick your relatives but you CAN pick your friends- and it looks like you picked some great ones! xo Diana

  12. Just came in to shut the computer down and head for the airport, and here is our story. I am so honored to be a Puttzer and I love you all so much. The Lord definitely brought us all together to be "family". Hugs, Marty

  13. This is such a fun story - i enjoyed reading about your journey together and how you've remained friends. It's really cool to see how blogging has had an influence on so many people and such a positive, fun experience.

  14. Kathysue.....only you could tell this story with the enthusiasm of finding a long lost relative!!!! This is what I love about blogging....honestly it is life changing. I am so glad they came out to see you and I can not wait for the run down of all you did :)

  15. I first met you on rms, too and then found micasa. I never became part of the putzer's. Didn't know y'all formed that. So glad you had fun with two of them last week. Can't wait to hear about it.

  16. One never knows where our path is going but ...Continue to Enjoy the Process.

  17. This is such a wonderful story!! Thank you for sharing and I cant wait to read more about you gals.

  18. KathySue, I so remember the day I found my first blog. I was so stunned and delighted. I don't know how I found RMS but I remember so many late nights sitting on the porch with my laptop visiting all the dearhearts I met there, including you. What a fun journey this has been! So glad we met! :)

  19. That was a wonderful story, Kathysue, and a wonderful journey. Have a great day.

  20. Welcome back - we missed you! Lovely to hear how you got starting in blogging and your history with your blogging pals. Great to hear such heartwarming stories about friendships made via this forum.

  21. Kathysue, this is such a wonderful post. You've chronicled our journey and our friendship so beautifully. To anyone who is considering starting a blog, all I can say is jump in. You will be amazed at the friendships you develop with people you've never met. Hugs, Kat

  22. Such a lovely story, Kathysue. I remember the chat room days, and this was a great idea.
    Also, kudos on the kitchen! Beautiful. Love that tone of green.
    Have a wonderful evening.
    missed you,

  23. Absolutely love this Kathysue! I can't explain to my nonblogger friends how special my relationship is with my blogger friends. And to meet them in person, what a great experience.

    I'm so happy that you have found these women. What a wonderful and special relationship. I'm also glad to have met you in this fabulous blog world!

  24. I remember your beautiful home on RMS! I love your blog and can't wait to hear more about your special week...thanks for sharing...Pat 9405018 RMS

  25. Kathysue... your excitement and joy just radiated out of this post! What an amazing thing this crazy world of technology is! I remember you on RMS and I was one of the fortunate ones who was never attacked. I was also encouraged to start a blog by Debbie and have not regretted it or the friendships that I have made! I am so glad you have created such a wonderful circle of friends! I hope to meet a few of my blog buddies in the future!

  26. KS, I so remember (and MISS) the GOOD days of RMS. It was so much fun and I "met" so many friends there. Now they are my bloggy friends! Susan was a BIG influence on me to start a blog when RMS went MEAN! I am so glad I did because I ahve "met" SO many wonderful friends through blogging. I also use the term "putzing". I PUTZ around almost every day:):) XO, Pinky

  27. This story brought happy tears to my eyes. It's so funny how life works out you get a career, how you meet true friends, how when one door closes another really does open. I loved this story and am so glad you shared it. And coincidentally my soul sister, I got started on RMS too....Angelo actually featured me on his webcast one week, and I think the kind words and encouragement from Angelo and the viewers are what gave me the courage to say I was never going back to boring work (practicing law....yuck), and instead opened my decorating business. I am forever grateful to RMS and the wonderful people who encouraged me, but that unlike you, I will never meet. I am so happy for you that you befriended those wonderful people, and I wish I had done the same!
    xo Stacy

  28. Wow! How awesome to read your story Kathysue, I read every word! I am so happy to have met you because of this crazy blog world :)
    Nancy xo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue